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Public Release Update: (2.10.2023)
Greetings fans of Experimental medicine and lovers of smutty writing.  Thanks for taking a peek at part 6 of this story.  The rest has been posted on reddit and while it is all over the place currently, I will eventually release it all as I described below in the message following this one.  I will admit that this installment isn't particularly expansion-focused, but is part of the build-up to what is to come.  Look forward to it in the not so distant future!

Have a nice weekend? (2.6.2023)

I am posting the current version of part 6 of Experimental Medicine for just my patrons for a few days before I release it on reddit so you fine folks can enjoy an early look at it.  Once I get it all out there for free, I am planning on running through the whole story again and giving it a nice thorough edit and adding even more detail and fun stuff.  That will most likely end up published on it's own or posted here or both.  We shall see how she goes.  Just a light rant before we get to the good stuff.  Our MC in this story is really hitting a climax in a number of ways...  Will it keep up?  Look forward to seeing how it plays out for the duration of day 6.  It is fairly light all things considered, but Part/Day 7 is going to be quite a doozy.  Thanks as always for reading and I sincerely hope that you enjoy it!  Take care.

--- Story Starts Here ---

DAY 6 

For the first time since the start of the experiment, he managed to sleep through the night without filling his sheets and covering himself with semen and the dreams, while not gone completely, were less vivid.  His body was raw, dick aching and red from being grinded, sucked, and titty fucked for hours yesterday.  The muscles between his legs were sore from pumping load after load, like he had ridden a bicycle on a bumpy road for miles.  And his large balls were already starting to feel full after the restful slumber and plentiful release the night before.  I was so tired after returning home that I forgot to put on a ‘safety condom’ as I have begun to call them and there was minimal to no staining despite signs of some precum leakage.

What to do today?  I feel like I came enough yesterday and last night to last me a lifetime… Looking down at his swollen nuts and thick, semi-hard cock draped over them he knew that he wouldn’t be able to go long without ejaculating or he would be a ticking time bomb regardless.  It was the start of my imposed vacation as well so what was a day of lazing around the house?
And so it went.  Taking the day to knock out chores and just get his life together, trying to remember what he did in his spare time before becoming this living semen factory.  The morning went smoothly enough, breakfast, laundry, cleaning, until around lunchtime when he reached a crossroads.  It had been warmer than usual and all the hustling around the house was getting him to work up a sweat so he had been hydrating particularly a lot in addition to his recovery efforts from the previous day’s physical exertion.  Needless to say, his sack was plump, heavy, and full to stretching, swinging around enough and hitting his thighs and ass enough to begin causing distress and difficulty in moving without lots of concentration.

 He had no underwear that fit him at this stage of the experiment so the waistband of any he tried to wear would end up sliding halfway down his ass as the weight of his full balls weighed the fabric down.  He was free-balling it in a pair of loose fitting pajama pants for most of the day, but even they were beginning to lose their comfortability when he couldn’t keep his mind off his predicament and his cock was getting hard more frequently to the point it was difficult to ignore.  But he was also hungry and needed to eat and there was nothing but junk in his place since shopping hadn’t been on the forefront of his mind the last week or so.  He kind of began to see how long he could go without ejaculating after avoiding jerking off the first hour or two and didn’t want to break his streak if he could help it.  The thought of holding out long enough so that when he finally did come it would be an absolute super soaking.  Pausing considering his situation he felt his dick get hard quickly tenting his swollen dark green pajama pants with a plaid pattern on them and glanced down.

Should I just give in and cum and get it over with so I can go out without having to worry about causing a riot or can I manage to get to the store and back without making a mess…. Hmmm…

 He took off his pajamas and shirt on the way to his room, laying down a pile of magazines he tidied up on the kitchen table and tossed more of his clothes into the laundry basket as he entered his bedroom.  His balls and cock swung and swayed erratically with each sudden movement he made and it excited him even more.  The weighty and meaty orbs slapping against his legs and the flex and bounce of his shaft as it attempted to right itself after each haphazard swing was erotic. He grabbed a pair of jeans and put them on up to his thighs, leaving the fly open since there was no way his cock and balls were going to get shoved in there without a fight anytime soon. Then he unwrapped and slipped the full length of a condom onto as much of his hard cock as he could pulling it tight. He threw on a clean shirt and a jacket and walked to the sink in his bathroom and hefted his package onto the counter, aiming his shaft into the basin hitting the back of it as he leaned forward, turning on the spigot letting cold water splash down onto it.

Just like a cold shower to wake you up and snap you awake, this should work too I hope.  The water continued to run over his throbbing cock as he reached for a towel in preparation.  It’s working! Nice. He thought to himself watching the thick rigid lovespear before him slowly coil into a more docile python ensnared in a balloon.  Even soft, the large condom still didn’t envelop his entire length.  He reeled it in and wrapped a towel around his cock and balls, drying them off before unceremoniously stuffing them into his pants.  After organizing and resituating his balls around and carefully depositing his shaft along one leg towards his knee the bulge wasn’t offensively large and he felt confident he would be able to go get some shopping done and maybe even stop by a restaurant for some food before heading home and before the precum began to pool too deeply.  He grabbed his keys, wallet, phone, and headed out.

 The car ride and shopping went mostly smoothly.  Only a few glances and looks here and there and despite one minor incident where he was walking down the frozen food aisle when a woman dropped a load of groceries blocking his path.

 “I am so sorry sir! My Goodness!”  A woman with a darker complexion and mid-length brown hair said turning from the case of frozen goods looking at the disaster she just caused.  She was wearing a thin light creamy beige colored knit one piece sweater, the outline of her undershirt’s neckline visible as panic crossed her face flushing her upon seeing she implicated another person into the mess. As she tried to move her cart to make space all she ended up doing was prying the case door open letting more product spill out and she gave up leaving the cart where it was, propping the door open. “I am so clumsy.. I…”

 “It’s no trouble at all, really.” He said fairly cooly, smiling.  He slid his cart off to the side and squatted down carefully to begin picking up one of the bags of frozen vegetables and looked up to her.  Under her one piece, which hung down to her thighs at a slight angle, she was wearing some dark colored tight yoga pants and a pair of crocs.  She leaned down to grab the offered package of vegetables, the loose hem of the slightly plunging neckline drooping enough to afford him a view of her quite ample cleavage.  He gulped a little, stealing a glance and realized all too late that her breasts were larger than he thought at first glance.  She smiled at him, taking the vegetable packet and turning to face the case putting it in.  “So how did you manage this?  I don’t think I have ever seen so much frozen food spread out like this!” Laughing a little as he continued to gather goods and hand them to her.

 “Seriously! Right?  I was standing here and comparing prices between buying three bags of mixed veggies, or buying one each of corn, carrots, and peas, you know since I am going to be making this huge stew. And I reached out to pick up one of the bags to check how much was in each one like this and…” She reached out to the packet she had just placed back into the box which had been hastily torn open by whoever stocked the freezer from one of the upper shelves.  She pulled the plastic bag of mixed veggies and it snagged and she pulled harder until the whole box ripped open and it all came down on top of her toppling her over and covering her with frozen foods.  Luckily there was already a pile of bags of vegetables to break her fall as she landed on her back sliding between his legs as he looked down at her.

 “Are you alright? That was a pretty hard fall!” He said with a little bit of alarm reaching down to help clear the frozen packs off of her as she opened her eyes, face to face with his crotch filled with a bulging package visible through his jeans, she lay there a little dazed and blinking.  She brushed off the last few packets on her chest and continued to stare.  He asked again. “A..Are you alright?” He reached down to her shoulder to give her a little shake thinking she was in shock or something when he saw how hard her nipples were through her sweater, poking up like little tents after being barraged by the cold and ice.  He was already on the edge of a lot of things before coming out for this trip, and this whole scene was too much for him and he felt the blood begin to rush to his cock filling it up and pumping it to semi-hardness, straightening inside of his pantleg and beginning to form a more and more visible outline.

 “Holy… shit…” She whispered as what she thought might have been, was actually certainly a massive growing schlong in his pants.  She reached up, in somewhat of a daze assuming that she must have passed out or something, and placed a hand on the middle of the shaft and began to pet it gently, appreciating its warmth.  The precum began leaking around then into the condom, safely containing most of the potent creamy liquid and its dangerous aroma, but he also began to sweat nervously a little and she breathed in his musk and pulled her hand away apologizing.  She leaned up, a few stray frozen vegetable packs falling off as she began to get to her feet.

 “Let me help you.” He offered and she took his arm and they stood up.  She smelled good, if not for the smell of freezerburn and she clung to him tightly.  He held her around the back by the arms, but she pulled them in reflexively and both her breasts were covering his hands until she was steady enough to reach out for her cart.

“Thanks.  And um… I’m sorry about when I, touched your um…  penis, I guess.  If that is what they was.”  She said kind of sheepishly.  “I was in a bit of a daze back there and ..”  She kind of faltered on her feet a bit and he helped catch her.

“Let me help you back to your car, is that alright?  You still seem a bit woozy.  And about touching my, er, me… Don’t worry about it. It’s totally fine.”  He was still getting hard and her flowery perfume was filling his nose and being in contact with her large soft breasts, large nipples sticking out through the thin fabric, subtle impressions of the puffed up areola visible as well caused him to lose any semblance of controlling it.

“Yeah, Yeah, you know that would be nice. I appreciate that. Thank you.”  She glanced down at his thigh and saw the thickening pole straining against the fabric reaching nearly down to his knee.  She gulped and looked back up meeting his eyes smiling.  He was a bit nervous about the whole situation, but her smile made him feel a bit better about things as they got their carts and started off.

They left the disaster of frozen food on the ground behind them and headed towards the register, the two of them pushing their carts side by side walking slowly.  They checked out their stuff and walked out towards her car, parked quite a bit aways from the main cluster of cars and,  was quite close to his car.  He helped her put her things into her car and she sat down in the drivers seat.  He put his stuff away and came back over to her car leaning down in front of the lightly tinted window.

“Are you feeling a little better?  Can you drive?”  he asked with authentic concern in his voice.  She smiled up to him and shook her head a little.

“I don’t think so. Not yet.  Do you mind waiting with me a little bit?  I have the heat going on here.”  She licked her lips and glanced down at his package before meeting his eyes.  He licked his lips in respsonse unconsciously and looked her up and down and smiled back. “I think that might be a good idea.  Just a minute.” He replied as he locked his doors and hopped over to the passengers side of her car and got in.

“Nice car you have he-” She didn’t waste anytime and cut him off speaking reaching in for a deep passionate kiss and began to stroke him lovingly through his jeans.  He had a feeling this might happen and just rolled with it.  She was a great kisser and he reached up grabbing a handful of her large soft breasts kneading them through the fabric while he began to try and unclasp his belt and zipper on his jeans to give her what she wanted. What he needed.  Her stroking was speeding up and it wasn’t long before he felt the condom secured to his cock slowly slip towards the tip of his rod until it popped off sliding down his pantleg and laying limp, filled with more precum by volume than a ‘regular’ person’s ejaculate after saving up for a week.  It slowly spilled out onto the carpeted mat as the smell of his potent seed began to circulate through the vents and blow on both of them.

 Immediately her mouth began to water, completely oblivious to the fact she was now under chemical attack and just kissed him harder, now using both her hands to try and hastily unfasten his pants and yank them down.  It didn’t take long and soon his rod was standing at full attention, swaying after being released from its prison.  His fat balls were swollen and she took a moment to pause from the makeout session to marvel at it.

 “What the fuck is this thing man?  It’s like a foot long!  And look at those damn balls! Jeez!”  She shook her head in astonishment, reaching out and stroking it, playing with it, and testing its softness and hardness all over, squeezing the balls and rubbing them.

“I have a bit of a … condition.  I am completely healthy if that is what you are worried about.  I just have a, well, overactive, um… yeah I don’t know how to describe it, but I cum a lot.”  He said, perplexed trying to even put into words what has taken place to him over the past week.

“A lot?  Like… how much, a lot?  THat sounds so hot.  May I?”  She didn’t wait for an answer as he nodded OK and just jumped in licking and sucking the tip of his cock trying to get more of it into her mouth as she continued to be assailed by the vents in this literal pheramone chamber without any concern for what was going on around them outside of the vehicle.  His eyes closed as she licked his throbbing rod up and down, precum-laced saliva glistening and dribbling down over his balls onto the car seat and all over her face as she greedily did everything she could to coax more semen from it.  He started to moan when she squeezed and pulled on his balls while doing rings around the top of his cock head with her slippery tongue and she pulled back licking her lips, the reflection of his manhood in her eyes as she spoke mesmerized.

“It’s. So..  Good.” She worked both hands vertically on the long lubed up shaft simultaneously twisting back and forth trying to wring out more of the nectar. “I.  Need it.  More.  MORE.” Her stroking got more furious and she stuck her tongue out starting to take it into her mouth, pressing down hard with her soft wet lips, and keeping her tongue moving she slowly fed as much of his shaft into her throat as possible.  The feeling was incredible and her chest was pressed on his legs, sweatered breasts in his lap as she began to pump up and down with her head taking almost half of his length into her throat.  She used both hands to massage and squeeze his nuts like a pitcher trying to find the seam lines on a pair of baseballs and he held one of her breasts in one hand while pushing down on the back of her head with the other desperate to feel her hot wet mouth another inch further along his shaft.  

“Almost there baby, keep going, just a bit more” he said with quickened breath.  Her breathing through her nose also got more intense as she slowly put more and more of his length inside of her and her grip on his balls got rougher, treating them like a pair of handlebars to pull herself lower on.  Then she squeezed a bit too tightly and felt the first pulsation through his cock after the orgasm was triggered. Swelling in her mouth for one pump, and then two, three, and as the speed and tempo increased finally she was rewarded with the first of many hot streaming bursts of his cum directly into her throat.

“Ohhh gaaa….” was all he could get out while she latched on with her full lips refusing to let a single drop escape as he shuddered, balls and prostate flexing with each powerful gush of spunk as her eyes crossed and she focused on swallowing gulp after gulp for almost a minute.  When the orgasm finally subsided, the both of their breathing starting to settle, she began to slowly unsheathe the cock from her throat, licking along the whole time and wringing every last drop with her lips hoping for more.

“Bwahhh… hahhh. Ahhhh.” she panted when the last inch finally was let free from her lips after swallowing one final gulp. “That was amazing.  I want to suck this sock forever.” And somewhere in his mind he knew she wasn’t speaking facetiously. She scrambled over into her seat again and sat down flipping down the car mirror and checking herself out a bit wiping a glob of jizz off here and there and licking it off her finger like whipped cream. “I need your phone number. Please.”  She glanced at her stomach, full and round after chugging multiple mouthfuls of his thick hot seed, and patted it lovingly leaning back and smiling while holding out her phone to him opened up to her phone’s profile.

Numbers were exchanged and she reached over picking up his soft floppy cock from the middle and wiggled it around a bit. “This thing is a beast and I don’t know what it is, but your condition or whatever is amazing.  You think you could go one mor-”

“I am really sorry about this, but I really need to be going.  My frozen foods are going to thaw and I don’t want that mess in my car if you know what I-”

“The only mess I want in my car is your mess, big boy. But i’d prefer it in my mouth and on my body if you know what I mean.” She reached over and began to playfully probe his nethers hoping for another round with a drunken look on her face.

“I’ll call you!” They shared one more long passionate kiss, her breath stinking of his semen and then he hastily shoved as much of his cock and balls into his pants as he could, pulling his sweatshirt and jacket down over top of the parts sticking out and hopped over to his car. Semi-successfully.  He started up his car, waved goodbye and then hit the road as soon as he gave up trying to shove his meat back into his trousers and just let it flop out over the seat.
This is getting out of hand.  More out of hand than before.  But I can’t stop it, I just need to fucking come more and more. He glances down at his soft cock snaking along the seat between his legs and hanging over the edge of it slightly. I can’t believe that it is still soft, but she worked me raw.  What a way she had with that mouth… The internal dialogue continued as many worrisome thoughts, but also very sexy thoughts, flew through his head at a mile a minute.

Finally home, door locked behind him, he dropped his groceries on the kitchen table and kicked off his pants.  Any clothing felt too restrictive at this point and he just wanted to hang freely without buttons and zippers and clasps holding any part of him down.  He made dinner, drank water nearly non-stop, and sat back in the couch when he thought of the girl he exchanged phone numbers with. And then someone else he exchanged numbers with. Trish.

I have to call her. He didn’t waste time and she picked up after a few rings.

After some small talk, and various chat for a bit he broached the subject. “So are we on for lunch or dinner or something sometime soon?”

“Absolutely!  When is good for you? How about tomorrow?” She responded joyously.

“Well, I have a few things to do in the afternoon, but how about dinner then?” He offered.

“True, I have work anyway.  How is your time off going?” She asked.

“Oh it’s alright, mostly shopping and just taking it easy and stuff.  But dinner sounds great.  Do you know that place around the corner from the park there?”

“The restaurant bar? Sympatico’s or whatever it’s called?” She guessed at the name but seemed to know the place.

“Yeah I think that is it.  Their dinner lounge area is pretty cozy and I think they might be doing the fireplace by now since its been so chilly recently. Thought it might be kind of nice…”

“That sounds really nice.  It’s a great idea!  Let’s meet there around 8? How does that sound?  Should I make the reservation?” She was so genuinely excited for this.  Not just thirsty for his body.

“Ah, nah I got it.  Reservation for two, dinner lounge, table at 8:30 PM sound good?  Maybe we can grab a drink at the bar before we sit down and chat a bit.”

“Yeah that is a good call, I haven’t been on a date in forever and I- . She got flustered and self conscious after assuming it was a date and scrambled to explain it didn’t have to be a date if he didn’t mean it like that, etc.

“Nah, it’s a date. Let’s just have a nice night together. No need to make something huge out of it, we are both colleagues and are long overdue for getting to know each other.  I hear they have really good crab fries there. Are you into those?” A surprisingly smooth transition by him.  She was relieved and her voice instantly warmed up.

“Yeah I’m into them. I heard that too.  Alright, well it’s getting late, it is almost 10 and I need to get ready for bed.  I will see you tomorrow alright?  Thanks a lot for calling and looking forward to tomorrow.” She said with the phone mic very close to her mouth and lips, cradling it with both hands.

“You have a good night Trish. I will text you with my situation tomorrow. Take care.”

And they hung up.  After a few moments of blissful hopeful daydreaming about a dinner with his friend he opened his eyes and looked down and saw his cock standing straight up, hard as a rock begging for release. When the hell did this pop up? I didn’t even realize…  He slid out of the sofa and stood up heading to the shower to take care of his predicament, a couple times, and then headed to bed after drinking a liter or two of cold water after his hot shower.


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