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Greetings, Patron.

How are you?

I finally started cracking on with experimental business and realized my outline for the book is almost 5,000 words in its own right. Bullet points, yo. I amaze myself sometimes. I had an additional 5k words of something I wrote earlier for this sequel, but am not so sure if I can use that or not. Looking more like not after giving it a read through.

 Most of that was inspiration for the conclusion of the first book. That was all before I even started writing the ending where he was saved by the women in his life. Not sure if I ever mentioned this (Pretty sure I have once or twice) but the original ending of EM was his getting thrown into the dungeon and then a time skip after a fade to black of him walking out into a world which will begin to take shape in Experimental business.

  For anyone who played the first portal game to completion, kind of like that. But before the retcon where Chel(!!!) gets dragged back into Aperture Labs. But instead of wavy fields of grain, it's a world where Michelle's research and medicine have hit the market.

 Call that a teaser and not quite a spoiler. The title has its implications, doesn't it? I already have a name for the third book, too. But let's save that for 50 years from now after I finish the second book. Hah. It won't take 50 years. It honestly only took one year to finish the first one, not counting the first handful of chapters which took me two or three years on and off to write. But compared to the pace I can write at these days, that wasn't much more than two or three weeks-worth of work.

 We can start the proverbial clock from this article if you want. I wrote a little bit last week and the outline and stuff were written many many months ago. But when do you really start writing a story like this? From the moment you have the thought and idea and put that on paper? Or is it when you expand that idea into an outline? Or is it actually when you start writing paragraphs and fleshing out bullet points into scenes? Perhaps the editing process is actually when you start writing. Since the stuff you wrote until then will likely be cut or modified to the point its basically a new story. Right?

 For me, in the sense that the story comes to life? It is from that initial inception of the idea. Becuase then once you have that kernel of an idea it can be susceptible to further inspiration and expansion (ayy) into more ideas. The outline is the natural extension of that inspiration and expansion process. But actually writing a story starts (again, for me) when you stop hunting and pecking for bullet points and shift into high gear to spit out words per minute. Cutting off the outside world and making stenographers blush. That is one of my favorite times to write.

I can imagine the scenes moving and interactions taking place and it's just fast and loose. The editing is when I realize that halfway through the sex scene that someone's tits are around a cock, but they are kneeling on air or magically their torso is three feet long or something. I know it sounds silly, but when I bump into a scene where I have one or more players interacting with one another in my mind I like to let my mind's camera zoom out and see the whole scene besides just staying zoomed in how how big the breasts and penises are. Plenty of close ups on those of course, but I could go on. Giving away all the family secrets, now aren't I?

 Anyway. Hope you are looking forward to some Experimental business in the near future. It will be drip fed, and for that in advance I apologize. But it and one or two other stories and projects will be happening concurrently so it will be some EB here, maybe a chapter of something else there, something else perhaps. Forgive me. I also have a really tasty commission up my sleeve that I have been toying with sharing here. But if I share it you have to promise to comment on it a lot!

 We will see. It will take a few weeks to establish the next pattern if there is a pattern to be established at all.

 Until then, look forward to the final epilogue of RW dropping very shortly.

Ta ta~


P.S. Now just realizing that this should be posted next week as the 'opening to the week, I am still alive' rant. But I couldnt' help myself. Oh well.


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