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Already this far into the week, dear Patron!

Where have I been? Good question. Took a day or two off from work and next thing I know I have no concept of days anymore. As I slowly reacclimate myself to my precious collar and chains (Society metaphor, not a sexy one, sadly.) (?) I realize its late in the week and I haven't blathered on the internet yet. Unforgivable!

 The epilogue for RW is well on its way, but I still need to tap out a few more words. This will wrap it up. Debating if I can sneak in one more sexy bit or if I should keep it prim and proper. I think we know which way that will go.

 Then next week, if all things go well, I will either be writing about a long-tongued lassie or getting going on EB. The hope for Long Tongue (It has a super awesome name, but I am afraid to release it in case someone STEALS IT! Half kidding.) is a set of stories that fit into nice little bite-sized installments. I have been trying to cut down my writing length and verbosity in favor of quality over quantity. Robin Wood will be clocking in just shy of 65k which is less than half of experimental medicine. Does it have nearly as much punch as EM? Different vibe, but feels more compact for sure. Feels more like a story and less like the epic that EM has grown into. Something for another rant when I can put them side by side and sit back and take them both in.

 So let's hope I can manage a photo finish for RW's epilogue later this week and let us ALL hope that EM's beakers and burners and boil and bubble into big bad business. I will save the teasing and prospecting for all that stuff for a later rant as well.

 Hope you are enjoying your springtime!



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