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Yasaka felt betrayed. Her mother had lied to her about how amazing it was to be the leader of the west youkai in Kyoto.

In simple terms being the leader of the west youkai was, exhausting, migraine-inducing and all sorts of other adjectives that doesn’t come to her mind due to how tired she currently is.

Why wouldn’t she be tired? All day, every day – bar some days – she either has to do paperwork or mediate a conflict between two youkai clans, or stop those arrogant devils from turning her people into their slaves. Seriously if it wasn’t for the existence of Sirzechs fucking Lucifer and Ajuka bloody Beelzebub – or as she like to call them, the red and green beat sticks – their factions would have been attacked a long time ago with all the bullshit they cause.

Sigh. Yasaka picked up another report, she read it and couldn’t help but wonder…

“Can I retire early?” she jokingly said to herself. The thought of retiring early and enjoying her life tempted her, it tempted her so much that she sometimes dreamt of it. scratch that, she dreamt of it many times.

Unfortunately for her, it was not easy to retire. There were a couple of steps that requirements that need to be met before she could even think of retiring, lest she faces the wrath of the sun goddess.

Being the head priestess of Amaterasu was more trouble than it was worth. Not like she would ever say that to anyone. Sure, she gets access to the ley lines across Kyoto, making her able to contend with even the dragon kings, but that’s all. All she gets is some measly power that would be useless outside of Kyoto and a mountain’s worth of responsibility. How is that fair!?

Her eyes wondered to the picture on her desk. It showed a picture of herself, her lovely daughter, Kunou and her lovely husband…

Klein Moretti, a human. A normal human without any special abilities nor any noticeable magic power. Though he knows about her true identity, she told him the day before they got married, she was so afraid that he would run away but…

Yasaka was showing her back to her husband, she couldn’t bear to see his face right now, how would he react, disgusted at the prospect of her not being human, or betrayed due to the fact that she waited the day before their wedding to tell him about her race.

Even if he were to run away, she would not blame him. he was a normal human that didn’t belong to this world, the world she lives in is far too dangerous! What was she thinking marrying a human who could not even protect himself from a random st-

His hands snaked around her waist like tentacles. She felt him hugging her from behind, his chin lying on her shoulder.

“Stop acting like a curly haired baboon” he whispered to her ear. “Even if you were the dark side of the universe, I would still marry you.”

She broke from his hold and turned around, his black hair and black eyes gazed at her with affection.

“You don’t hate me?” Yasaka questioned him. how could he trust her when she kept such an important secret from him.

“Hate you? Do I seem a like irascible storm bro who would hate you for such a small reason.” The corners of his lips curled up in amusement, “if you don’t believe, let me say it again….”

“you’re an idiot.” She whispered.

“No, I am a Fool. There is a difference.” He smiled, as if he said the greatest joke to ever exist. “Though even if I am a Fool, whose love for you is nothing but an Error, I would still wish to open the Door to the future, with you.” His hands intertwined with her own, giving her strange feeling of comfort.

Their faces shortened the distance between them, and their lips met.

“oh my~” Yasaka fanned herself using her hands, just thinking about that day made her extremely horny.

She tried her best to stop thinking about it. seriously she very much doubted him being a normal human with how much stamina he had…gulp. Bad fox. She lightly slapped herself so she could get back to focusing on her work.

“Miss Yasaka.” Her loyal guard, Kujou Sara entered her office.

She looked up from her paperwork and stared at the tengu. “What is its sara? Did those stupid principal clans attack another youkai? Or did some snobbish devil try to trick one of my people into their slave teams?”

“Neither. Princess Kunou tried to escape school.”

Yasaka felt her headache increasing.

“How?” she whined. Though inwardly she too wished she could be like her daughter and simply escape from this hell known as paperwork.

“She awakened another ability.”

“another one?” Yasaka asked, surprised, “you mean to say that she awakened another strange ability excluding her last three.”

“Yes. shapeshifting. Not the usual kind which kitsune possess, she can completely change herself to look like some one else, she transformed into one of her teachers and tried to leave the school.”

Yasaka sighed helplessly. What else could she do? that would be her fourth ability that she awakened that was outside the abilities that a kitsune would awaken. Seriously first she gained the ability to see emotions, then she gained an almost supernatural balance, then she gained the ability to transfer damage from anyplace on her body and now shapeshifting.

Seriously, what kind of situation is this? She gains new ability like she was drinking water.

“How did she get caught?”

“The vice-principle was walking through the hallway when she met the shapeshifted form of princess Kunou, due to her accomplishments in senjutsu she was easily able to identify her.”

“Ahem. I see that is bad. I’ll have to give her a talking.” Yasaka told her guard.

At least she can use this as an excuse to temporarily escape her responsibilities.

-the end.

How is it? Is it bad, good or neutral.

Anyway, this fic was inspired by “Skill: Househusband Ex” by xolef225.

Anyway guys, if you like my work consider leaving a review, follow, favorite, add me to your libraries, give me power stones.

I like reading reviews and comments so make sure you do that.

Criticism is always welcomed.

Anyway, you heard the man, advanced chapters can be found on p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / Lucinziel


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