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“There once was a ship that put to sea

The name of the ship was the Billy O' Tea

The winds blew up, her bow dipped down

Oh blow, my bully boys, blow”

Arashi sang, while working alongside the boa sisters and perona to ready the ship.

“Soon may the Wellerman come

To bring us sugar and tea and rum

One day, when the tonguing is done

We'll take our leave and go”

They prepared many things so that they could be ready. A bag of fruits, ripe and unripe ones, for devil fruits to reincarnate in.

Dried jerky, which would last longer due to it being preserved. Barrells of water, some books that were in the mansion, jewels, gold, money and items that Arashi gained from his gacha.

“She'd not been two weeks from shore

When down on her a right whale bore

The captain called all hands and swore

He'd take that whale in tow.”

Every single one of them had undergone a multitude of physical changes. Their bodies were no longer as thin and weak as it used to be, due to training the six powers and using total concentration breathing they looked healthier, stronger and not to mention good looking.

Arashi gained a little bit of height, he was 5 feet 8 inches tall, his messy flop of black hair reached his eyes. His mismatched eyes, one violet and other light brown, was brimming with life and excitement. He was wearing a black coat with silver linings over a midnight blue t-shirt, and grey jeans.

Hancock too had grown, she was 5 feet 11 inches tall, long black hair that extends past her waist with locks of hair that frame her face down to her chin and shows off her high forehead, dark blue eyes. She was wearing a blue scarf; she wore a purple blouse and a black pants.

Marigold had grown to a height of 6 feet 3 inches. She was wearing an orange scarf, tied into a knot around her neck. Her orange hair was shoulder length, she was wearing a black robe that reached her ankles, wearing under the black robe was grey leggings. A red pole that was broken into three sections that were connected by a chain was hanging on her waist.

Sandersonia had grown to a height of 6 feet 1 inches. she was wearing a green scarf that was tied on her waist. She was wearing a form fitting black dress that reaches her ankles. The lower part of the dress was split into four, for ease of movement.

Perona had grown to 5 feet 3 inches tall, she wore a pink scarf on her neck, she wore a long black frilly dress alongside a pair of pink boots.

The outfits that they were wearing were gained by the gacha. Though to give the things he gained to them, he had to tell them the truth, but not the whole truth. He told them that he was from another world and that his father was the son of a real god unlike the celestial dragons, and he told them that he had a secret power that made him able to draw lotteries.

Honestly speaking, Arashi expected much more but at the same time, he appreciated the fact that the boa sisters didn’t hate him from keeping it a secret.

“Soon may the Wellerman come

To bring us sugar and tea and rum

One day, when the tonguing is done

We'll take our leave and go”

They were currently preparing an old ship which was found on the island. From what he learned, it belonged to the former Cipher Pol agent. He, the boa sisters and perona have been fixing the ship the last month. Replacing the rotten parts, tearing down the sail due to its being littered with holes. All in all, this ship would be destroyed very easily. It would not take us to the grand line or anything, it would not even be able to sail up the reverse mountain without being torn apert by the currents.

Arashi would need to get a new boat, unless of course, by some miracle he would draw a superpowered boat that could shoot lasers and destroy countries. Hint hint.

“My dear fucking idiot, how many times do I need to tell you, that I can’t influence what you get.” Qlee denied the ability to manipulate his draws.

Arashi gave one final checkup to the boat, making sure that it won’t be shattering to a thousand pieces due to a slightly strong wind.

He observed the ship from the outside, his increased cognitive ability, which he gained by lighting up the second arrow and becoming a sequence 8: robot, assisted him in determining the chances of the ship not breaking.

Though even though every rational part of his mind told him nothing would happen, he still couldn’t trust it.

He put his hand in his pocket and took the gold coin he gained in his last draw, a divination enhancing item. The gold coin had an image of a seven leafed clover on the back and an image of a snake eating its own tail on the front.

Placing the coin on top of his thumb, Arashi repeated the divination statement in his mind.

Can the ship survive until we buy a new one. Can the ship survive until we buy a new one. Can the ship survive until we buy a new one. Arashi repeated it thrice, and flipped the coin.

The gold coin spun through the air many times before coming down. Arashi caught the coin from his right hand and slapped it over the back of his left hand. Taking his hand, he saw the image of a seven-leaf clover on the coin.

Seven leaf clove means good, Arashi sighed in relief. Alright time to set sail, kick ass and engrave the fear of dear gramps (Biblical God) on their poor souls.

“Alrighty guys get on board! We are setting sail!” Arashi announced.

“I thought I would be a hundred years old before we could set sail.” Perona mocked me for Arashi for his overcautiousness

“You, young lady will be on cleaning duty for a week.” Arashi stated, his grin wide and threatening.

“How is that fair!” perona whined.

“Heh heh, sucks to be you.” Sandersonia laughed.

“Your completely right, it is unfair to give you the cleaning duty over the whole ship, so Sonia will also join you.” Arashi said and turned around, ignoring the battle he ignited between perona and Sandersonia.

“Where are you going?” marigold asked him, seeing that he was going to the completely different way.

“there’s something I need to do.” Arashi answered back. He was putting it off due to not knowing what kind of troubles it would cause, but it was time.

Kicking the ground ten times within a moment, he disappeared in a burst of speed. Arashi rushed through towards the cliff that was behind the mansion that they stayed at these last few months.

Within minutes, and using shave repeatedly, he reached the cliff. Arashi premonition, that was gained by lighting up the first arrow, gave him the ability to see things that other cannot see, this includes seeing ghosts.

Arashi didn’t really try to make contact with any ghosts due to not knowing how they would behave if they knew he could see them. but since he is leaving, he wanted to say goodbye to al least one person.

Reaching the edge of the cliff, he saw a see-through body standing near the edge, his hands behind his back, overlooking the island.

“And here I thought you would keep acting like you couldn’t see me.” the ghost scoffed, though there wasn’t any blame or anger in his words.

“You knew!? Since when? And how?” Arashi asked, slightly surprised he thought that his acting was perfect. He thought that no one could even find him. but somehow this ghost had realized he could see him.

“I used to be a master of observation haki, though I hadn’t mastered it enough to grant me future vision, but I still was good enough with it.” the ghost explained.

Arashi nodded in understanding, it was foolish of him from trying to hide his actions from someone who had a high-level of observation haki.

“I see. You wouldn’t have any method of increasing the effectivity of training haki, do you?” Arashi asked, he was not expecting for the ghost to give him anything, afterall he doesn’t owe them anything. He simply asked due to the slight chance of him answering.

“For observation haki, take a poison that would dull your senses, then try to dodge while having those senses dulled. For armament haki, fight while on the edge of death. these two would give you the best ways to gain access to haki.”

Arashi was filled with joy, though he knew he wouldn’t be able to use the method anytime soon, but just the fact that he had it gave him a sense of security.  Arashi looked at the ghost, his eyes were filled with slight admiration.

Spec D. Gardner, the former Cipher Pol agent; a member of the illustrious D clan, a clan that was said to be the enemy of the gods and the man who killed a celestial dragon, crucified him on the middle of saboady and somehow escaped capture.

Arashi was many things, but ungrateful was not one of them. though he may have not directlty helped him, the fact was that he still indirectly assisted them.

“Thank you. For this and thank you for the devil frui-“

“No need.” Ghost Gardner interrupted, “it was simply fate that you were able to arrive here.”

Fate? Heh, if Arashi was a protagonist this could be considered foreshadowing afterall, the end of the path he walks will make him rule over fate.

“Do be careful, and do not underestimate the celestial dragons, they didn’t survive this long without having contingencies for people who wish to annihilate them. they may be stupid, lazy, and complete wastes of space, so the fact that they didn’t go extinct means that they have the means to survive,” ghost Gardner advised.

Arashi scoffed, “there is only 6 people I need to worry about, the five elders and the one who occupies the empty throne.” Arashi wasn’t worried about the admirals nor the vice admirals nor were he worried about the fleet admiral, the only real problem for him would be the five elders and imu, due to him not knowing how strong they are. He was not disregarding the strength of the admirals, rather he was simply much more cautious of those six due their strength being unknown.

The six powers, were a martial art that was taught to the world government agents and marines; thus, it only makes sense that the six elders have something which is better than the six powers or even secret martial art or secret devil fruit that only they have access to.

“don’t worry, once you light up more arrows and advance your sequence, you will not have to worry about them.” Qlee assured me, “for you see, my dear idiot, fate is on your side.” Qlee told him, the “for now” went unsaid.

Thanks, Qleebob.

“How many times have I told you not call me that. I swear I will turn you into a baboon.” Qlee threatened him, but Arashi simply ignored her threats.

“Do you have anything you want me to do? the devil fruit you stole, the six powers you written down and even the ship, you gave us a lot. I feel bad that I can’t repay the favor.” Arashi spoke honestly.

“Repay the favor?” the ghost stared looked Arashi in the eye, his presence magnified and pressed onto Arashi making him buckle. He felt as if the weight being thrown onto him, though it wasn’t anything too bad, it still felt uncomfortable.

How the hell was he influencing him? he is supposed to be dead.

“Conquerors haki. And due to unique nature of the wheel of fortune pathway, which makes it easier to be influenced by things that cannot be seen or heard.” Qlee answered.

The pressure vanished, leaving Arashi and the ghost behind, the ghostly form of Gardner hummed in surprise, “the ouroboros fruit truly deserves its infamy. I never understood why the world government would force so much sacrifices to get the fruit, but seeing you being able to not only seem me, a man who has been dead for a long time, but also being affected by my haki, it makes me wonder what other powers your fruit holds.” He turned back. “I don’t have anything left, my island and my people were killed due to my impulsiveness, I am simply a dead man who has no better things to do. but if you truly wish to repay the favor, give someone else my devil fruit, and let them carry on my legacy…also kill a few celestial dragons.”

Arashi remained thoughtful before giving the ghost a grin. “Sure. thanks again for everything.” Arashi bowed his head in respect and turned around and started walking back to the cliff with a song in his lips.

“I wanna be the very best

Like no one ever was

To torture them is my real test

To kill them is my cause

I will travel across the seas

Searching far and wide

Teach celestials to understand

The terror that's inside”

Spec D. Gardner, was overlooking the shore from the cliff, he saw Arashi boarding the ship he used to escape the wrath of the world government. The moment the ship started sailing, he showed a small smile.

“Good luck.”



Alternative Chapter ending. (non-canon)

Spec D. Gardner, was overlooking the shore from the cliff, he saw Arashi boarding the ship he used to escape the wrath of the world government. The moment the ship started sailing, the corners of his lips curled up.

He placed his hand inside his pant pockets and took out a small object. He blew at the small object, clearing out the non-existent dust.

He placed it in his right eye.

It was an ominously glinting monocle.



The crew have left the island.

Anyway guys, if you like my work consider leaving a review, follow or favourite, add me to your libraries, give me power stones.

I like reading reviews and comments so make sure you do that.

Criticism is always welcomed.

Read advanced chapters on p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m/ Lucinziel



Can someone explain to me why for what ever reason i dont get just my luck posts to show up in my news feed at all but the new story does?!? I know anything electronic hates me but come on