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Patreon: Star Wars Revenge of the Sith Watch Along

Thank you for being a member of Patreon! Enjoy this watch along version of Stef Solari's Reaction. Watch along means the video is not present, you will need to watch with your own copy of the program. Follow the timer and provided subtitles to sync up with your version. Enjoy!



Yeah, this is a sad one and after watching the Clone Wars series it hits even harder because you get to know the other Jedi Masters and a lot of the clones with many of them being good and interesting characters. It also deepens the bond between Obi-Wan and Anakin which makes this movie all the more tougher. Tragic all around but that is the story of Anakin. I do recommend watching the Clone Wars, even if you do it just for yourself, it really enriches these stories. Episode 6 is my favorite because well you are going to find out but this is right after that or 5. Rogue One is good too mostly but I don't like what Disney has done with Star Wars, they seem to want to run the IP straight into the ground, shameful since this universe is very interesting and there would be much to explore if they bothered to do it properly.


Careful now, you are walking into Disney Star Wars territory after EP6 and people who's been crying since 2015 will come forward from the shadows telling you what to watch and not. Watch whatever you want and make up your own mind instead of listening to these gatekeepers. There is plenty of good stuff to come Happy 4th of July to all you muricans as well

logan wojtal

100% I wished everyone had that morality with the reactors I watch not a fan with people commenting not to watch the sequels or prequels cause it isn't as good watch what you want to watch not us Stef


So, is it ok if I ask my question now gatekeeper.. lol..


Plenty of good stuff to come? Nothing good has ever come from Disney's Star Wars. The Disney hate is justified because they literally destroyed everything George Lucas built, from retconning the Star Wars EU to destroying Luke's character. Of course fans of George Lucas's work want to warn others from continuing after Episode 6, it objectively gets worse.


Sorry for the long comment but just to clear up any confusion (without spoilers so don’t worry): "Why don't they just cut off the chancellor's hands?" You can still use the force even with missing limbs (see Anakin force choking Padme with his amputated arm) so that wouldn't have stopped the Chancellor from attacking Mace Windu. Also, just as you can use the force to “mind control” people (like how Ben Kenobi used the force on the storm trooper in A NEW HOPE “these aren’t the droid you’re looking for”) you can seduce people with the dark side. That’s why Anakin was looking like he was under a trance when he was given the name Darth Vader (the Chancellor was using the dark side to twist Anakin’s mind throughout the whole film and possibly prequals). It’s easy to hate Anakin for the things he did to the Jedi, younglings, separatists, and Padme, but as Yoda said, Anakin is no more. Anakin has been consumed by this “Darth Vader”. This wasn’t Anakin’s doing it was Darth Vader’s. Two different personas. There are moments where you can see Anakin surfacing up again, like when after Darth Vader killed the separatist’s and he was looking out to the lava there were tears coming down his face. Those weren’t Vader’s tears, they were Anakin’s. Or when he was force choking Padme and then let go of her. You can see in his face that Anakin came back for a moment. Vader would never have let his victim go no matter who it was. It was Anakin who took over in that moment.


btw, you accidentally added your outro at 2:00:12


Any reason for the dif Full Length Movie prices.....anyone know ?

Nathan Towne

There were several deleted scenes from this movie which I think that you will like, especially the ones involving Padme and the committee of Senators considering their options and bringing their concerns to Palestine’s attention. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_hcHIZup6gQ&pp=ygUicmV2ZW5nZSBvZiB0aGUgc2l0aCBkZWxldGVkIHNjZW5lcw%3D%3D

Nathan Towne

I mentioned The Revenge of the Sith in the other thread. Here is the basic problem. Here is the scene of Obi-Wan telling Luke about his father in the original Star Wars (while not revealing that his father was actually Darth Vader): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Dba-FPUz5SU That doesn’t really seem all that compatible to me with their last interaction, twenty years earlier, having resulted in a ferocious confrontation in which Anakin lost both legs and his arm and was left to burn alive. To be sure, Anakin could not have been present when his children were born, because he didn’t know that Padme had given birth to twins and it is certainly possible that he only discerned that Luke was his son when he actually met him as Vader and was able to sense it (if he didn’t know Leia, he couldn’t have known Luke, as they were twins and hence were born in close succession to one another) but Obi-Wan also stated that Anakin had left his lightsaber to him for Luke to have when he was old enough. True, he could have just been avoiding telling Luke the truth, as he was with regards to his father being Vader, but, again, does the way in which he talked about it/him seem compatible with their final interaction in Revenge of the Sith? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8kpHK4YIwY4&pp=ygUYb2JpIHdhbiBjb25mcm9udHMgdmFkZXIg Here is the second time in which it is dealt with in the original Star Wars, when Obi-Wan confronts Vader on the Death Star. I can see it as being potentially reconcilable with the dialogue here, even if not the most natural fit, but, again, it seems to be a tough fit with the earlier dialogue linked to above.