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Patreon Star Wars Attack of the Clones Watch Along

Thank you for being a member of Patreon! Enjoy this watch along version of Stef Solari's Reaction. Watch along means the video is not present, you will need to watch with your own copy of the program. Follow the timer and provided subtitles to sync up with your version. Enjoy!



Oh, Revenge of the Sith soon!

logan wojtal

Just a fyi Stef and havits not sure if episode 6 is posted


I think she is doing the flashback order? So 4-5-1-2-3-6? Then I guess its Rogue One, Solo, sequels and series (in some order) if she going full SW


From Havits: Yeah it was originally Machete but i found out Machete cuts out episode 1, so this is techincally flashback order. I think you guys will see in this one that this order is starting to pay off ;) no spoilers obviously. :D


Also, As of right now, we'll be going Revenge of the Sith, Obi-wan, Rogue One, Episode 6. Just so that the arc makes sense. We can double back into potential clone wars, solo, etc later.


and like many others probably gonna say, The Mandalorian is where the real fun begins when you have the SW foundation.


I really don’t think the Obi-wan series should be included. It seriously damages his character and introduces a ton of plot holes with Leia and others. Outside of Rogue One, Disney Star Wars is absolutely terrible. Stef shouldn’t waste her time on it. To answer her question about Jedi using the dark side; it’s all about the emotions and motivations involved…like Yoda says to Luke, the dark side isn’t more powerful, it’s just easier. It’s easy to let emotions like fear and anger control us, but they lead to decisions where the end justifies the means, which is never good in the long run, and makes us lose the light.

Hans Engelen

I do think maybe the mandalorian would be a good addition (including the book of boba fett). If only to have Luke have his moment.


I fully agree. The show was good and I too think she'd like it.


It's only natual she watch the worst Star Wars series after watching Star Wars in the worst viewing order 🤷‍♂️


The “member berries” phenomenon from South Park is no joke. At best, the people who eat up Disney content today (Star Wars or any other) are simple consumers…they don’t care about the story being told, they are just happy watching anything that calls back to something they remember while distracting them from reality. At worst, they are politically motivated and love anything that attacks the values our society was built on. If you think it makes sense for a pre-teen girl to seem more competent than than Obi-wan in his own show, I don’t know what to say.


Wow you so special David... Main character syndrome much? I bet your reddit history is filled with cry comments about the sequals til this day.


No, no, I spend my time sending Kathleen Kennedy fan mail while I sit here in my t-shirt that says “The force is female” =P


I’m not the one profile diving. Look in the mirror, little guy.


Disney makes content for children and infantilized adults. Two groups incapable of critical thought. They exist to extend childhood for as long as the disposable income lasts. If you watch their content and spot the plot holes and disingenuous bait and switch agenda, then it wasn't made for you. I avoid anything Disney has to offer, now, as it isn't aimed at me.


Rogue one is one of the worst movies to ever be made. It did not even have a story that needed to be told. All of Disney's movies have been horrible. Obi Wan was way better than any movie Disney has made. But it matters not, Star Wars was better when the EU was canon

Nathan Towne

Some removed scenes from Attack of the Clones. You will probably enjoy the scenes on Naboo with Anakin and Padme going to visit her family. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5vPvyV7xznc

Nathan Towne

That is a very interesting order to watch the films in. Makes sense, as you really need to start with the original Star Wars, or things are going to be very difficult to follow.