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Hello everyone,

I have finally started working on changes I wanted to do for quite some time now.
I wil try to explain the whats and whys in this post.

1) Better game balancing / improvement of "grind feeling"

  • Early game play is a bit boring and repetitive
  • There are too many talk about options with generic content where most of you probably just mindlessly click through without reading them
  • The game kind of drives some players into the direction of "stats farming", before they really start playing, which although not strictly necessary.
  • Steps taken so far:
    -- player starts with 25 company favor to get the smart watch a lot earlier
    -- requirements for endurance, charm increase has been adjusted
    -- no more endless hugging/kissing, see below
    -- stats farming will be limited, because of the max stats blocking further advancement

2) Making better use of the max stats (max affection, max love) in the game

  • The max stats were never meant to be used the way they are now. Meaning you have another parallel stat that you need to increase point by point doing endless kissing and hugging.
  • With the next release, this will start to change. Beginning with Amy, who is as so often in the past the guinea pig for this change.
  • What will change exactly: The max stats will no longer be increased point by point, but in huge meaningfull steps. Meaning you will have something like a max stats "level", that is related to the requirements of the scenes. The checks will still be done on the "normal" affection / love stats. But you won't be able to rise them bejond the max stats.
  • Level 2 is the startig point: max stats are 35 for love and affection (they have been 50 so far), level 3: 50, level 4: 75 and level 5 will be 100.
  • There will be quests to raise the max stats for each character and level. These quests will be a mix of already exisiting stuff and some new things. (e.g. for Amy to reach max affection level 3, you have to do all the 4 workouts with her.)
  • What does it mean for gameplay:
    -- no more endless hugging and kissing, I will adjust the rewards to not render the actions completely useless
    -- you won't be able to do certain scenes, events, appointments, until you have done the quest to raise the max level accordingly
    -- this gives the opportunity to have more personal and character specific quests and also chats with the girls right from the beginning
    -- since we have so many scenes/events/etc. for the girls now, it can be a bit confusing what to do when. The additional quests will help to give some direction. the game will still be non linear, no worries, but with some more guidance in form of quests.
  • The downsides:
    Completing this change will take a lot of time. 6 quests have to be added for each main girl + the special girls (except maybe Joy). Some will be reused, but I try to have some indivual stuff for each girl too. And the quests need either be able to use existing scenes (not easy for girls with low content) or have to use new content.
    So the only way to do it, is to have the new and old system in parallel. Meaning one girl after the other will be switched over to the new system, when all necessary quests are done.
    In addition, I have to make sure, that you can do each quest with the restriction of the max stats in place. So having a check with love 75 in a quest to get max love to level 4 (which is 75) will break the game as in you won't be able to finish the quest without cheating. This might sound simple, but there are several hundred checks for love/affection in the game already.

Some final words:
With a high probability this will mean that there won't be a version, because adding all the necessary quests and making sure you can still use and play with Amy will take a lot of time.

Thanks for reading. And now you can start complaining or screaming :)




Ghost Proxy

Art cannot be rushed, take your time Darkhound.


Damn, I was really looking forward to 1.8.3 especially a conclusion to Natasha's BE quest line. I guess that's getting postponed then?

Monsieur X

Does the current cheats to raise love/affection etc will still be working with the new system ?


If you change the max values, you will miss quests/content. Changing love/affection (not the max values) will still work.


Hmm I'm okay with current system (never get tired to kiss and hug such beautiful girls, you know :D), but looks interesting!


I like the idea, but what will happen to current save games?


Nothing will happen, they can still be used. But if you want to see the new quests, you will have to either start a new game or cheat the max stats (affection/love) back down.

Mr. Phoenyxx

This sounds pretty exciting to me Darkhound. I feel like this is a good direction in which to head. Is there any way I could chip and help by the way?


You should add more sex scenes in the future that are consistent and easily accessible like kissing/hugging already is. Most are random chance and thats a bit of a pain in the ass even when youve got the required stats for the scene to happen. Maybe adding an option for sex with the girls when you visit their room at night and you have to pass a really hard lust/affection/love check. Something like that, gonna be one of the best sexual games when more stuff is added, good job.


I have my own vision of the game. I know pretty well what I "should" do and "shouldn't" do :) it won't become a collection of sex scenes. Watch a video if you want that.


I really don't see why I should repeat myself. I guess you've read it yourself :)


This all sounds great! Also seems like a good way to flesh out the content for the "lower-tier" girls if they all need quests!

Jess Man

I'm super glad you are doing this because I get so tired of constantly having to do the hugging and kissing over and over and the stats stuff does feel like a constant grind at least to me early game. Love the game btw <3


I can't disagree with you. I've played more and more starting fresh on my mobile now, since the android version is running. It doesn't take that long to get the stats of one girl up (except when she's one of those shy types like Yvette), but it's still kinda boring and a waste of time. Changing it for all girls is going to take a while and will require a lot of ideas for quests, that also fit the character type.


Thanks. It's a long term plan. Until all girls have the new logic, it won't just take "some time", but probably a lot of time. I will start with Amy in the initial release to give you all the possibility to get a feel for the new system and to report back how you like it or what could be improved. Based on the feedback, I will make changes and add the next girls. Eva, Yvette, Jessica are good candidates to be added after Amy. Maybe Reneé too, since she is a bit like Amy.


Thanks. What I will mainly need are good ideas for quests that are love and/or affection related. The ideas/quests ideally should fit these critera: - they fit/work with the character in question (startig with Amy) - they don't require a lot of work and/or new renders (this will not always be feasible) - they take some time to complete and the difficulty matches the reward (e.g. getting love max to 100 should be harder than getting affection max to 50) - they should not be boring and repetitive (reusing some stuff for different girls is okay, or it will be too much)


Haha, to each their own I guess :) I don't mind some good kissing and groping either, but it can get too much sometimes.


The original has gone crazy! Next he will claim Delizia has boobs and Yvette is tall. Everybody! to Joy's lab! Clone more Darkhounds and pray one of them works! Nah Its fine. :) Although. hm. We might try that cloning thing anyway :D

Joblow Spaghettio

Darkhound, kind of a dick move to promise Natasha and then take her away. Hope the delay isn't long.


quests .. still have not managed to see Alice jogging or tanning topless - have not figured out the timing for it


That all sounds wonderful! I can't wait to see it in action. Makes a lot of great sense.

Bknight 08

I really was looking towards finishing then Natasha quest about breast expansion also I was so curious about the Maria breast expansion as well alright Darkhound I will trust you but please don't have us wait to long for the Natasha breast expansion quest or Maria expansion quest Black girls need love to as well as the thick curvy girls


Who is Maria? There is no girl with that name on the island. I also don't remember any other unfinished breast expansion scenes.


I didn't promise anything and I didn't take Natasha away. She's still on the island. It will take as long as it takes :)

Bknight 08

Apologizes Miriam the life guard the scene where she shows her different lovely curves and if you pick to view breast they expand and its actually a quest


Ah Miriam! And you were talking about her quest that starts when she squeezes her breasts at the life guard tower. Sorry for the confusion.


Hey Darkhound, can you give me a hint how to get to a second dinner date with Yvette? I am stuck and have no idea how to unlock that achievement. The one where she is supposed to tell me about her first crush.


hello darkhound, when does version 1.9 for android come out?

Monsieur X

Make her win a butt or wet tshirt contest, there is a chance for a dinner invite.


A little later than the PC version. Even for the PC version I hav no idea yet. In several weeks.


thanks for this! totally awesome that your making changes based on how the game is actually being played.

Joseph Lynch

I hope it all works out. Great so far!


Thanks for the game, but I would like more scenes for Hether and Faye