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Hello everyone,

we had two polls the last weeks, where I didn't post anything about the results and what it will mean.

So here you go. Let's start with the first one:
The question was concerning the rework of older scenes, which ones would you like to see improved?

  • Boob compare event (Aly and Faye) --> 21%
  • Butt contest (all girls) --> 9%
  • Yvette room service (maid scene) --> 10%
  • Give the poker interface an overhaul and add the possibility to use new room (with a new outfit for each girl) --> 60%

This one was pretty clear. Most of you choose the option that creates the most work for me (just kidding). As you may have seen in 0.1.8, the first girl (Desire) already got a very much improved poker scene. Better image quality and some individual chat during the play. I will continue along that line in future updates.
If there is time, I will try to work on the Aly/Faye boob compare scene (dialogue, render quality and some new additional renders).
Butt contest and Yvette room service scene will not be worked on in the near future.

Then we had a second poll as well:
About the use of PC, MAC and Android versions 

The results are free for all to see, so I will just post the link:

A huge majority of my patrons is using the PC version of the game and for almost all of you the incremental updates are working fine on the PC.
--> conclusion: This is good information for me, meaning I will continue using incremental updates and I will try to do more of them (like in the past, lol). Well I mean I will really try.

About 10% are using MAC files and also about 10% are using Android files. I'm pretty sure, that the use of the Android version will increase, when I provide regular Android versions. I'm happy to see that the first Android version I distributed works for you.
From the looks of it, there are more problems with the incremental updates on the MAC. Maybe due to file acces restrictions or due to the fact that its more complicated  to apply the patch on a MAC.
--> conclusion: Unfortunately I cannot do much to improve the situation for the MAC users. I will add Android full versions 1 version later than the MAC and the PC versions. Normaly the first bug fix comes out 2 or 3 days after the main version. Like that you will get a stable and fully working Android version. Unfortunately incremental updates are not practical for the Android version.

Take care and thanks for reading,



I run mine on a Mac and it works just fine. Every single update I just download it and it’s able to read my past save files without any issue and the game runs without any glitches.