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Hi guys and gals, this post offers you a collection of news about the next full version of Holiday Island (0.1.9 beta) and the smaller updates towards it. 

There will be smaller, more frequent content updates, called content addons. They will include bug fixes and new content as well.
The change log below is based on the beta release.

The next release is beta which will be a full update!
It will include a lot of new features and some bug fixes.

The update from to has 687 new renders, videos and sound files right now!  

New features and content  

  • Natasha's "breast expansion" quest will continue --> will be added with  
  • All girls get double resolution overlay base images (more than 90 additional images have been replaced/upgraded) --> will be added with 
  • Amy gets a quest to increase max affection to level 5 --> will be added with  
  • Jennifer gets a second poker play scene in a new outfit (this is part of Amy's max affection level 5 quest) --> will be added with  
  • Amy gets an extended nightbar drink scene in her new dress (animated) --> will be added with  
  • Amy gets an intimate scene in the blue room after arm wrestling with the MC (animated) --> will be added with 
  • Amy gets an arm wrestling scene with the MC --> will be added with  
  • Amy gets an event talking with Jennifer at the night bar --> will be added with
  • Image quality of character overlay images especially when playing in higher resolutions has been greatly improved --> will be added with 
  • The game resolution in window mode can be selected now:. 1280x720 or 1600x900 or 1920x1080 or 2560x1440 (on 4K screens) --> will be added with 
  • Amy gets a quest to increase max love to level 4  --> will be added with  
  • Amy gets a third private massage appointment at her room (as part of her max love level 4 quest) --> will be added with 
  • Amy gets a second private massage appointment at her room (as part of her max love level 4 quest) --> will be added with 
  • Amy gets a private massage appointment at her room (as part of her max love level 4 quest) --> will be added with 
  • Amy gets a second private workout appointment at the gym (as part of her max affection level 4 quest) --> will be added with  
  • Amy gets a quest to increase max affection to level 4 --> will be added with  
  • Amy gets a posing event at the gym as part of her max love level 3 quest --> will be added with   
  • Amy gets a private workout appointment at the gym (as part of her max love level 3 quest) --> will be added with 
  • Amy gets a quest to increase max love to level 3 --> will be added with 
  • Amy gets a quest to increase max affection to level 3 --> will be added with 
  • Faye gets her hotshots scene that ends with an animation --> will be added with 
  • Yvette gets a lapdance poker reward scene --> will be added with 
  • Yvette gets high res poker images and 3 additonal images as well --> will be added with 
  • The right side UI panel will get a new look, similar to the one on the left. Also the save buttons will be added on the left lower side as well (with auto hide feature) --> will be added with
  • Player can learn how to give a proper massage, Renée is the teacher. This is a quest with two massage sessions. --> will be added with
  • Brenda gets all the reception uniform renders --> will be added with
  • Gettig the encryption key and hacking sub dermal implants for all special characters except Joy will be possible --> will be added with  
  • A third quest to get the encryption key of the sub dermal implants has been made available --> will be added with
  • Lacey gets a beach pose scene --> has been added with  
  • Desire gets new high res webp poker images and a lot of conversation during poker play  --> has been added with   

Minor improvements and changes  

  • Almost all character images have been converted from png to webp format to save space --> will be added with  
  • Amy's fourth evening dress has been added as a new quest item --> will be added with  
  • Orange rose has been added as a new quest item --> will be added with  
  • New UI: The small quick acces buttons to the girl on the phone now remember the "page" you used last (achievements, contat, trophies)  --> will be added with  
  • All "grope" and "flash breast" images have been converted from png to webp format to save space. Also the possibility to use up to double resolution images has been added for "grope" and "flash breast" actions. The "grope" and "flash breast" actions at the doctor are now also part of the achievements. --> will be added with  
  • Loading old saves with error "could not find return label..." will no longer crash the game, but will leave the scene instead. It's not a perfect solution, but at least the save game will still be useable. Unfortunately to allow this, some Ren'Py base code had to be changed. --> will be added with 
  • Ren'Py has been updated to the latest version --> will be added with  
  • The poker game (for high res webp images) gets shortened sequences when you see her strip to a certain clothes state the second time during a game. There are also some short chat lines when she wins back some clothes. --> will be added with
  • Renée gets a new dream image from the massage training --> will be added with
  • Jessica's "follow me" renders have been upgraded to double resolution webp images --> will be added with
  • All regular girls get a "Wet T-shirt" participation appointment --> will be added with
  • All "Wet T-shirt" images have been converted from png to webp format (this saves about 50 MB of space) --> will be added with  
  • Android loading screen and icon changed --> will be added with
  • Name input fixed on Android version (did not work on some devices) --> will be added with  
  • Updated Ren'Py version to --> will be added with  
  • Two shopping items (for Amy's quests) have been added --> will be added with  
  • A new shopping item (protein shake) has been added to replenish endurance --> will be added with   
  • Background images (first indoor) will be redone in high res 2560x1440 webp format to replace the existing low res jpg images (unfortunately this was a lot more work than I had anticipated) --> will be added with
  • Sending of sexting images has been adjusted. You will now get unseen lower tier images instead of repeats --> will be added with  
  • Amy gets 2 new sexting images and updates to her old sexting images (higher res and webp format) --> will be added with
  • Mouse over (hover) text has been added for number of times already eaten today in the restaurant --> has ben added with 
  • Mouse over (hover) text has been added for the requirements icons for each scene  --> has been added with   
  • The poker game supports webp high res images and individual zoom and talk options now  --> has been added with   
  • Girl's attractiveness has been added to the new UI watch --> has been added with   

Balancing changes:

  • Necessary endurance train points when having 50 max endurance has been reduced to 3, so you can get to 60 endurance after initial half week when you use the massage once. Reason: Having only 50 endurance hurts gameplay too much --> will be added with
  • charm train points to get from 1 to 2 have been reduced from 6 to 5, to make it easier to advance after the first haldf week. All others have been slightly increased, because gaining charm was too easy --> will be added with
  • You will start a new game with 25 company favor now, which will allow to buy the smart watch much earlier --> will be added with   

Bug fixes  

  • Failed anger checks reduced the anger value instead of increasing it --> will be fixed with  
  • If you played poker against the bar keeper too recently and asked her again, she first accepted, you got send to your room and then she declined. --> will be fixed with  
  • When Eva wins the Butt or wet Tee shirt contest, she invites the MC to her room, but then at the appointed hour, she instead comes to the MC's room. --> will be fixed with  
  • When you try to give a gift to Amy in teh restaurant, you get a crash:  IOError: Couldn't find file 'characters/amy/Amy_night0_base.png --> will be fixed with 
  • Mercedes posing scene:  Crash with "IndexError: list index out of range" - only happens when you started a new game in version or later --> will be fixed with 
  • Fixed a crash when you visit Amy's room and she is in her swimwear: could not find image   (u'characters/Amy/Amy_swim3_base.png') --> will be fixed with
  • There is still a bug concerning the sequence when sexting images are shown. As a result you might not be able to see them all, or get strange sorting, etc. (there is nothing wrong with the game data, it only needs a code update) --> will be fixed with
  • The sound file "camera_click.mp3" was missing (or in the wrong place) --> has been fixed with 
  • Sexting images did not work properly, especially for "context related sextings" --> has been fixed with  (please note that you won't get the missing images in an old save, e.g. Yumiko's arrival sexting image)
  • Using the binoculars watching the girls on the beach, the MC was admiring Amy's butt, event though Amy wasn't present --> has been fixed with
  • At the end of talking to Mercedes in the nighbar, the wrong partender is displayed in certain circumstances --> has been fixed with 
  • Asking a girl to flash her breasts leads to a crash  --> has been fixed with  
  • AttributeError: 'cl_player' object has no attribute 'phone_image'  (this only happens when you permanently show the MCs stats using the new UI)  --> has been fixed with  
  • Delizia workout sex scene, crash with missing image  --> has been fixed with   
  • Ivy's new reception outfit grope/flash renders aren't in the special renders gallery --> has been fixed with  

Is the update going to break save games?: beta --> Save games from 0.0.8 and later can still be used. Earlier saves are no longer supported. beta  --> same as for

Estimated release dates: beta --> has been removed due to a bug beta --> available since september 13, get it from here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/29932753 beta --> around 24 of november, pre beta version has been send out to testers



Crossing my fingers for Yumiko's content D:


Yay, Lacey content!


Really love your content if you need some idea for the next big update you can finish the breast quest for natasha


The mouseover for how many vials you have works very well! How about doing the same thing for meals? When you mouseover the food button in the restaurant, it could show how many meals you've eaten so far that day.


Yeah, thought about then when sweet Jennifer got a good sex scene. The other bartender needs to ride too.. ;)

Joblow Spaghettio

Yes, please more special time with Natasha.


Really like what you've done, did want to ask though if there would be more to the sexts in the future? They hint at the girls looking for some fun but you can't meet up or reply.


The sexts are there to tease the MC and to have the opportunity to render whatever I like :) Adding a reply system (beside what's already there for the appointments) would be a lot of work. Beeing able to visit the girls in their rooms is already implemented. It#s not connected to the sexting right now. It might be for certain special cases in the future.


When are we getting ALY action, real action!?!?


Am I missing something? Amy only has her pecs training action for the gym


Sorry, but I don't understand what you mean or what your statement or question is releated to.


Thoughts on the UI: Good overall, a WIP, so we need to withhold judgement. As is: the Player Stats cannot be permanently displayed. They flash all the time as you Mouseover the girls so that it is strobe-like. Not enough of the girls are displayed at the top. The Save & Load buttons are too small by half. Each option should be the same size as the phone. I think that the solution to everything is to move the date, time, phone, cheats, save & load, & player image & effects to the bottom left part of the screen. with an arrow to hide them (maybe 2 arrows so just some things can be hidden). The player stats then appear above these boxes and don't have to flash if permanently displayed. All of the girls icons appear at the top left with stats displayed underneath. Since technically they are all permanently displayed when you mouseover, the permanent choice for girls could be eliminated. Of course, you might want to switch it so player is on top & girls are on bottom. Another possibility is to move Date/Time, Phone, cheats, Save/Load to the lower right with a hide arrow. You'll have to try a few things to see how it looks & plays. Let me know your thoughts.


I think that the girl's losing lust at midnight is too big of a penalty. It becomes an unending treadmill, that saps your desire to play the game. However, I like that it makes sense. If a girl is lustful, why wouldn't she do a little self service. However, maybe they all shouldn't do it at exactly the same time. After all you can catch Yvette doing it anytime during the afternoon or evening. Plus, if we don't catch her or Amy doing it, they don't lose the lust (maybe they should). Maybe they all shouldn't lose half their lust. It's like a lust-pokalypse sometimes. Maybe the fix is to make each girl get a percentage chance to do it based on her character or days not doing it. Then have them lose a more random amount of lust (1-5 x 10% maybe). Perhaps a long term solution could be the booty call. She feels lustful, she calls the PC to come to her room so they can have sex. Some girls might be more interested in just fooling around. Only by getting more feedback will we know for sure.


I also noticed that the player's stats sometimes appear with no info except Location: No Data & Attractiveness 0/10. Also, can we get the player's name to appear with the stats or is that too hard?


OLD Logic: If girl's lust is >= 80 and there was no lust reduction for 4 days, she helps herself girl's lust is reduced by 40 NEW Logic: If girl's lust is >= 80 and there was no lust reduction for 2 to 5 days (depends on relationship type), she helps herself with 50% chance girl's lust is reduced by 40 with 20% chance girl's lust is reduced by 30 with 60% chance girl's lust is reduced by 20 with 20% chance Checking stuff like that every half hour is too complicated, will makes things slow and will not really improve the game.

Monsieur X

"All regular girls get a "Wet T-shirt" participation appointment --> will be added with " What does it mean ? Edit : an appointment when the girl wins, like Alice or Yvette sex scene ?


It means that the girls get an achievement type "appointment" for the Wet T-contest. There a no new scenes or renders.


This might be impossible to fix, but Yvette came to my room to ask about Aly, but Aly wasn't ever on the island with Yvette. Aly had been sent away to get Yvette on the island.


Also, since Yvette is such good friends with Ivy, will we ever see these two do it?


I love the mouseover info of # of vials & # of meals . Maybe we could get times per day masturbated info with a mouseover of the masturbation button as well as vials. Something like: "You've masturbated 3 times and have 6 vials." It could be shortened if necessary, of course: "Masturbated 3/6; Vials =6"


Also, I haven't gotten the "Out of Memory" Error in a long time. I think that whatever you did, it's fixed. (I hope it doesn't come back with the new version of Renpy next update.)


I know it has been mentioned before, but I am going to request that Yvette (as much as we love her) be replaced with another girl as the icon for the game. Lots to choose from among girls that haven't been the icon yet.

Bknight 08

I want to say keep up the good work looking towards the update also thank you for finally giving us the opportunity to se ivy's glorious globes in the wet t-shirt competition I'm loving it thanks for hearing us out on giving us the complete Natasha breast expansion with next update by the way I'm having the hardest time trying to increase my players looks normally since I cant use the cheat add on phone app anymore since the new update what am I doing wrong ornwhy is it taking so long can you help me out


The count for Lacey's Flash/Grope images is off. It doesn't seem to count the new reception Flash/Grope correctly. I think it's the same problem as Ivy had.


Why do you say you can't use the cheat add on any more? It's still working.


I've already added a "refresh" for all girls to the update process for the next version. ... .update_special_action_images()


Even though this update is clearly big enough to call it 1.9, maybe it should still be called 1.8.3. This will give you some room to make developments before getting to 2.0. I know you want to have a lot in place before you number the version 2.0.


Why should that be a problem? After 0.1.9 the next version will be 0.1.10 :) It will probably require some effort to do it like that, but shouldn't take too much time. Reason is that "" is smaller than "" in alpha sorting.


Hurray! Faye Hotshots!


I know you are changing how favor works in the future, but how about this: whenever we buy clothing for a girl, her favor increases. This would be for Amy and Aly right now, but maybe each girl could start with her comfy lingerie, but ask you for something sexier. If you have her measurements, you would first buy her sheer lingerie, then when you visit again, she asks for the sexy lingerie which you would also buy for her and unlock the special poses for Heather, etc. Each time you would gain 25 favor from the girl. Eventually all the girls could have lingerie scenes. Even without the favor bonus to offset how much you have to play poker, consider having the PC buy her the lingerie since I like buying things for the girls. Maybe she could ask for stuff you never see again, like Aly's black rose. You could also buy her things to get a sext with her wearing it. You could buy Yvette some cute shoes which she wears in a pic that she sends you. You'd get a quest and maybe an achievement for the price of 1 render.


This isn't a bug, just something I noticed. Don't let this hold up the release of 1.9, but when Yumiko (and I assume Jennifer although unconfirmed) refuses to play poker with you, she sends you to your room first, and then her voice from nowhere says to ask her to play later. I think that she should refuse at the bar without making you leave to give you a chance to do something else instead. If this is by design, then could she send a text instead of having her talk without being in the room.


Don't let it hold up 1.9, since it may be hard to track down, but the doctor sends me a no sex message at 24 hours, then 48 hours, then 24 hours, then 72 hours. This doesn't seem to happen when the message comes at night, but only in the day.


Maybe it could even be added for your strength & endurance training. Mouse over the Flexing arm and you get the number of times you have worked out for the week, etc.


Doesn't happen on my system. She tells me her contract doesn't allow it and that's it. The same image is displayed the whole time (in the night bar).

Monsieur X

Aren't we supposed to receive the dev post update by mail ? I don't remember if it was the case or not.


It depends - If I tick the box during an update you should get an email. I don't always do it to avoid email spam. Only in case there are some substantial changes.


Here's a weird one for you. On day 20, I met with Joy untill 11:00. The restaurant was open, and I went to breakfast. The clock now said 7:00 and when I ate it moved ahead normally. Not a big deal, but I thought you might want to know.


I've been getting crashes when I do the Yoga scene. It may be just on my system, or you may have dealt with it already. I don't know why it happens. I can't ignore out of it. The way I get out of it is to rollback, quit the scene, then rollback into the scene. Usually this will let me get through the whole scene. If you can't duplicate, let me know, and I'll get you a report on the problem.


I can't do anything without a crash report or at least a description what kind of error you got and what exact scene it was and when in the scene it happened. There are probably like 10 yoga scenes in the game by now ;)


Maybe walking in the gym shower when the sign is on and the girl getting angry should also be an achievement. This would add another achievement to Aly, Desire and Eva for no new renders.


It would be an achievement just to have another one. It's only one render that you don't already get when the sign is not on the door. So I don't really know if it's not more annyoing than interesting.


Wow, so much cool stuff! Can´t wait! :D


Do you have any rough estimate for when will be released, like which month you hope to have it out? I'm getting some serious blue balls waiting for this next update :P


Darkhound1 isn't sure when he'll be done. Above, he says that this update will have over 500 renders. He seems to be closing in on this. Your best bet is to watch the three things that still need to be finished: Natasha's night visit, Amy talking to Jennifer, and Amy's Love level 5 quest. When these are finished, I think the update will be into beta, then released about 3 days after that. There will probably be a 1.9.1 fix soon after the public gets it. Also, if work, life or illness get in the way, things will be seriously delayed, and no one can predict those things. Just keep the faith and appreciate how huge this update will be.


Until there are more ways to raise the lust of Miriam and Mercedes, you should probably exempt them from losing their lust at the end of the day. It's very hard to raise their lust after it's lost.


Lust should only be reduced when it's very high for a longer period of time. So I don't see this as a problem.

Monsieur X

Amy gets an arm wrestling scene with the MC --> will be added with => nice !

Monsieur X

Natasha's "breast expansion" quest will be concluded --> will be added with (40% done) => I'm wondering if the size of her tits doesn't slow the progression....like gravity can slow time, maybe her boobs act like a black hole or something :)


I just hope that she doesn't have to wait again. She's been waiting for her scene almost as long as Amy for her boat ride. However, I have no doubt it will be worth it.


When you redo Lacey's Strip Poker images to make them high res, if you flip the image of her on the bed on all fours, so that she faces right instead of left, it would allow us to see her whole body. As is, her feet are blocked by the UI on the right.


Is this a bug? Amy got some topless images for the Wet T-shirt Contest, but when I picked her to win, she said that the Game Creator needed to make topless images for her.


An image was missing. There need to be topless0 and topless1. Amy only had topless0. I have added the second topless image for her.


Bug? I showered with Eva, but I lost the bet, and the shower wasn't counted.


This may not be possible, but when we mouseover the shuffle button, could it display the girls present? That way I wouldn't have to press it just to find out if a particular girl is at the location. It's really only usually necessary for the bar and restaurant, so don't spend that much time on it, but it would seem that the player should be able to see who is at the location.


The same is true of the image where Lacey is leaning on her right hand. If the image were flipped so that she leaned on her left hand, we'd see her whole body.


When a girl comes back to the island after being away for however long, if you played strip poker with her before she left, when you ask her to play again, she tells you that you played not that long ago. Maybe when a girl comes back to the island, her cool downs should be reset.


Here's a weird one: I asked Yvette to flash me when her anger was 30. She failed her anger check, but her anger went DOWN by 6, not UP. I think the game is set to subtract instead of add! But since I need Yvette's anger to go down, I'll be taking advantage of this until it's fixed!


Thanks, fixed it. Was kind of a copy and paste error. Since all the other values like love, affection, etc. have to go down.


hola soy nuevo en esto y me encanta tu juego una pregunta tienes pensado añadir mas idiomas ?


Hi, I had to run your question through google translate. You want to know if there will be more languages added. The answer is a definitive no. The game is and will only be availabel in english. The game is not designed for multi language support and as of now there are 223000 words already. A translation would be a project on it's own.


Amy's Quests are done! Hurray!


I'm sooooo looking forward to the new update ... I have started a new complete run-through with each new update and am excited about all the new "fun" with Amy and can't wait to play hotshots with Faye. Darkhound, you are one amazing guy! Thanks for hours of fun!!!


Yeah, Hotshots with Fay and then the rest sounds amazing.. Can´t wait! :D


1.9.0 doesn’t work on pc. Game turns off, when I’m trying to load a save or change the preferences. Repair that quickly please!