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Hello my dear patrons!

I would like to have your opinion on something that has been bugging me for a while now. It's about content quality differences between older and more recent renders.

  • all the newer content is rendered in 2560x1440 or 1920x1080
  • all the new content is in webp format instead of jpg or png
  • I have way faster hardware now, which makes doing it possible to do stuff better than 12 months ago
  • I have learned a thing or two about rendering and other stuff in the last 12 months which also leads to improved renders and scenes

If I look at some of the old scenes, they are not up to the quality standards of the current ones. Some are still okay, but some really look like they belong to a different game or render generation.

I can't replace/redo them all (and certainly not all at once). But I could start replacing the worst ones. Maybe just one scene per update. Since we are talking about 10 to 30 renders where I already have the original scenes files, it's not something that would take forever. But it would still reduce the amount of new content that would be added with every update.

If I do it, I will put up a poll with some pre selected scenes and let you decide which one gets new renders and dialogue improvements for the next update.

I think I've written enough. I would like to have your opinion on this idea.

Thank you in advance for participating. Please feel free to comment as well.



I’m fine with the old scenes. Focus your time (when you have time) on doing new scenes, especially new sex scenes with some of the girls that don’t already have a ton of sex scenes (Yvette, Amy, etc., already have a lot)


It may be great if you improve some of the older scenes with the new cumshots !


Holiday Island got really a lot of stuff packed and redo old content - seem to be like a lot of trouble. I don't know, not sure. There're some scenes that really need some work (like sex scene with Amy in her room after shower, just look at that hair, jeez) but at the same time - I don't think it's much important at this point.


Okay, thanks. It won't always be possible though, since the new cumshots are rendered and the old ones are done in post work.

Monsieur X

Not a fan of reducing the pace for new content release but some old pictures could get an update so I picked up option 3.


One thing is that most scenes are repeatable, you will see them again even as a seasoned player. And there are new players as well to be considered. I agree with you that replacing all of them would take too long. It wouldn't really be troublesome, but it's just too many renders. I'm not planning to do that, just improve some of them.


Yeah, I know. Always a trade off. Replacing older scenes one by update has two big advantages for me. 1) it's not getting too boring to just rerender old stuff 2) soemtimes I'm not creative - it's just the way it is. In these times, I've rendered basic stuff like character renders in the past. You don't need to have ideas, you just need to spend some time to render. Now these things are more or less complete and I need something I can work on when I'm not creative. Redoing old stuff would work.


If there are particularly glaring examples of lower quality content then it wouldn't be bad to update them. Especially if they are repeatable and have high exposure. That said, I would urge caution that a creator will *always* be able to find more things to improve in past work, especially as time changes their perspective. You have to figure out the right balance of return on effort for yourself, when is the improvement of the old is as worthy of time and energy as creation of the new.


Speaking for myself personally, all your renders, even the old ones you deplore, are of such high quality compared to most of what's out there, that I see no urgency to replace them. But everyone wants you to feel good about what you produce.


I trust your judgement on the matter, however, I have to say that before the story hooked me, it was the graphics that grabbed my attention. The early scenes are already head and shoulders above most of the other games out there. Keep in mind that the average PC is still using a 24 inch screen. with laptops being less. Unless you plan to take the game commercial, I would leave the early content as is.

Mr. Phoenyxx

I don't think there is an issue if you go back and improve a few select renders that are really bugging you. However, what are you going to do a year from now? Or two years from now? You are going to continue to improve, so are you going to constantly go back and update older renders? I think you have to just accept that in a project this long, there's going to be some differences in the style as you go along. Still, I don't think it's a big deal if you fix the one's really bothering you. It might be the kind of thing where you periodically do like a "remastered update" where you improve some of those older renders. But I don't think you should slow down your pace of new content for it.


Well said Vakr. We are all waiting for new stuff and focused in that with each download. If the old stuff has to be repeated for new stuff to work or if it's part if the same scene then maybe update it then (I e Amy dinner that has been a WIP for awhile).


(imho) Do what you feel like is fun, fair and furthers your artwork. On the purely technical side once things are where you say "ok this is the final foundation" (maybe were we are now with HD renders, Webp, Mp4 and the Player). Then some high value parts could make sense to update. ex. Some of the older animations or things that repeat often.


The quality difference doesn’t bother me much personally. However, I think that from a developer perspective it makes sense to balance updating the old with developing the new. 66% new 33% old from a time perspective makes sense to me. In saying that I think you have to decide whether your focus is retaining the following you have which carries less risk overall, or growing your following when it comes to dividing your time.


Another question I would think on is, would hiring someone to handle the workload that updating would inevitably bring you.


This is still a fun/hobby project and it will never be more. So it stays mainly a single person project. I have someone who helps with coding every now and then and several people who help with language corrections. But they do it just for fun and when they have time.


I get your point, but since I can only spend my time once, updating older stuff will always slow down the creation of new stuff to a certain point. I still think it's worth it to make the game more consistent overal.


On the other side of the small screen argument, those who play with desktop computers are going the other direction: larger and larger screens, and more of them. I personally have FOUR monitors, and the SMALLEST is 24"


I'm on the side of updating the old stuff, for several reasons: 1) I run multiple monitors, but my main monitor is 34", so the resolution is noticeable, ESPECIALLY when the scenes elect to "zoom in" on certain body parts. It is a little disappointing when that zoom event ends up highlighting graininess rather than detail (in other words, instead of increasing sexual tension, it erodes it). 2) Even with the new content, the most often seen scenes are the original ones. So I feel like given the frequency of seeing this content, the effort is worth it. 3) Re-rendering these scenes brings opportunity to change these in small details. In that case, it would be akin to new content. I for one, would like to see how a higher resolution, AND SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT version of Heather's suntan lotion scene would look. The greater the variation between these characters the more "real" they feel to me, and the better the the game.


Also, DH, I think you mentioned an excellent idea: let us vote on the scenes you change! That creates excitement for those of us who know the game very well and are looking for a "new" version of a scene.


The old stuff getting update is nice but the new content I feel is the exciting part to see. One thing that I would enjoy more is if there is a way to make the girls feel more invested into your relationship over time. Maybe declare one a best friend and then they will do things with you or automatically do things like pop into your room or get a hold of oh out of now where. Maybe offer advice and clues to scenes still locked. Maybe they could go jack the randomness of a scene generating and expedite it?


Better more new content, if you feel like redoing - np, but that's not of any priority atm imo.


I like what you've done in the past when pairing older content updates with adding something new like extending the scene or adding a new branching path.


Better keeping your focus on the new content. It`s more important for me, that the whole game does work properly.


Pushing new content is really the top priority for me. That being said I am not against you revisiting some old scenes. As some poster mentioned maybe it would be a good opportunity to slightly alter the old scenes when you come back to them if it is not too much work.


I think updating older stuff is a good idea, but I feel like the newer content is more important. So I’m on the side of updating older content sometimes but not on every single update.


If I had to select one thing to update in older scenes it would be the “2 frame” animation type stuff, the really jerky footage with no intermediate frames. I think everything else stands up fine - better than fine!


There aren't any 2 frame animations in the game. Also creating animations is one of the most expensive things to do (considering necessary time).


I understand! It might be called the CG artist's dilemma. Unlike illustrators and photographers, once our equipment or technique improves, it's really a valid option to go back and improve the original work. Since it's not a crazy idea, like it would be sketch it and color it over or to set up a photoshoot again, we gotta grapple with the realistic option. The best choice probably comes down to your plans for the final product. Will this be a game you intend to sell once finished, or is it an ongoing project that is already fulfilling it's purpose? In he first case you might want to have a plan to bring all the quality up to a certain high level prior to the release. In the second case producing new content is more important than quality control over past content. So I voted "whatever the developer decides!' The quality fulfills the gaming purpose throughout as is, imho.

Mitch Hansen

My only hope is that you don't loose the "Vargas" style pinup quality. It's erotic, old school and pleasing to play. If I had one wish it would be for less repetition in some scenes.. but I understand why you've progressed that way.


I always want more content, but I noticed that the Doctor outfit poses, in webp high res. look so much better than the poses in png format. So, I think that you should start redoing the older stuff. If you compare Ivy's pull up scene with BJ to her newest scene of weightlifting, the difference is apparent. I have seen all of the old content, so for me it could be put on the back burner, but for new players, revamping the old scenes would make them like the game more, maybe to the point of donating $1 a month (hint, hint). Think how much better Ivy's old scene could be if redone in higher res, while also adding the work you did on her face to make her prettier, etc. This would also go along with your plan to make all of the images webp format which is easier to download. Just 1 scene per month wouldn't halt production either. Plus, you could skip a month here and there if necessary.


Also, there was some talk of having all of the girls be able to play strip poker in the new room. A suggestion was made that they also be able to pose in all of their outfits and make these different achievements. Unfortunately, different outfits doesn't mean more achievements for whatever reason, but since we're playing more poker now, this is an area where higher res would be better, and could be used in both the old room and the new with multiple outfits being much appreciated. Naturally, this would be over the course of many updates.


Thanks for your opinion. It's more or less in line with my own thoghts on the matter. If the teachnical base is established, I might even change the game to 1920x1080 one day. The new UI supports it without the need to change anything UI wise.


I think the old content is also a part of the whole game. So that should work properly too, shouldn't it?


When I redo a scene, I will not only replace the renders 1:1. I will also improve the writing and maybe add a new option or branch.


I chose option 3 in the poll, though I'm also fine with option 4 (do what YOU like). Your content is top-notch; don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. Content updates could be tricky. It might take you a significant amount of time to update the older content. In that time, you might discover that the "newer" content is now out-of-date or not up to the standards you want, so now you're looking at another content update. My advice would be to do the content update when you feel like you've hit a lull in creating new content. Once everything's on the same level, leave it until you've completed the game. You can always go back and update the content later I suppose. I'm hoping to get my feet wet by developing some 3D rendering content of my own in Daz3d. I plan on using your imagery to set the bar on the quality of my own work. You're doing a great job; keep it up!


No worries, I'm not chaning the style. You will get what you see in the newer renders also for the old ones. Same basic settings, but better lighting, resolution and poses.


Thanks buddy. Yes, there's always room to improve older renders. I won't "sell" the game any other way than what I'm doing right now. But still having a more consistent game play feeling would be nice imo.


Thanks for your opinion. I'm not afraid it will turn into a never ending update cycle. There are several reasons for that. The two most important are learning curves are far from linear. What you haven't learned in two years, I probably won't learn in five. And the seond one is technology development isn't as important for me any more now that it has reached a certain level. Being able to render twice as fast would only have a very small impact on how I do things. Scene set up times and (manual) post work take far longer already.


Thanks for the comment. What you write is more or less in line with my own thoughts.


To be able to do that, I need to update the poker "engine" to support that. Right now it only supports one set of images per girl. Same for the texts displayed etc. This is something that will take longer to implement. But I will have to do it one day to be able to add additional poker outfits.