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Hello everyone!

I will be away on holidays for two weeks and there won't be new updates during that time.

Yvette and Amy extend her best summer wishes.

I was hoping to finish 0.1.8 before my holidays, but like most of the time, I packed too many things into it. Long story short, the next release is not yet ready. I will continue working on it after my holiday break.

Happy holidays to each and every one of you!




Weren't you just on holidays?.. Oh well, have a good rest!


If you mean about 6 weeks ago. Yes. The other holidays were something special. A one in 20 years thing. What's coming now, are just the 2 weeks lazy summer holidays in spain at a pool and beach :)


Wish you a great time. Im also on holiday so your timing is perfect for me ;) nice render by the way.


Have a great holiday! (And what an amazing pic!)


Thanks and have fun buddy. I hope you get some time to relax too :) I'm planning on getting a lot of "relax time".


Thank you for both! Played some other game and saw a simliar angle/pov. So I had to do one like that myself :)


This is how Yvette's world look before she can get into her high heels. She navigates mountains (boobs), avoid icebergs (butts) and cannot see Ivy's face on cloudy day. No wonder she has a sore neck. She feels safe with Amy though. Amy is a safety class V airbag system for persons with Yvettes height :)


Enjoy your Holiday and have a great time. Say hi to Joy for us!


Noooooo! We can't wait. LOL! Have a great time and maybe get some good ideas for the game while on the beach.


Did you hear my prayers and created a pool scene for Amy and Yvette together? ;)


Have a great time, don't rush with the development, think it through


From my point of view i must disagree with the others who posted their best wishes for your holiday. You were on safari not long ago and the progress of the game is disappointing right now. Let's hope, that the next update is more satisfying in the next month! It will depend on the result of your efforts you will show up with!


What program do you use to create games? I want to try it.


He had 2 weeks and now has 2 weeks more. It is completely normal. 1.8 is huge. Link : https://www.patreon.com/posts/version-0-1-8-15-28175693 So we are not waiting because we get little or there are problems, we are waiting because Darkhound give us a lot. It simply happens to be summer and he is having a normal amount of vacation.


have a good time friend


Hey, can i get a link for discord?