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Hi guys and gals, this post offers you a collection of news about the next version of Holiday Island (0.0.8 alpha). 

 New features and content 

  • Alice gets a shower event with Amy including extras (finished) 
  • Alice can pole dance for you (finished) with two extra scenes  (finished)
  • Alice gets a new random event at the beach (finished) with extras (finished)
  • Alice gets a reward event where she is dressed as a schoolgirl (finished)
  • Ivy gets an extended arrival scene (finished)  
  • Alice gets a quest to help her train weight lifting (finished) 
  • Alice gets the pool pose scenes with 2 bikinis (finished) with extras (finished)
  • Alice gets the pool sunlotion scenes (finished)
  • Alice gets all the basic workout renders + a special scene (finished)
  • Alice gets a jogging event at the beach (finished) 
  • Brenda gets her pecs training workout (finished)
  • Alice gets the walk on the beach scene (finished)
  • Alice gets a posing scene at the beach (finished)
  • Alice gets the solo shower event (finished)
  • "green pill" can be used to spike the girl's drink in the night bar --> lust is increased by 50 (finished)
  • "pink pill"  can be used to spike the girl's drink in the night bar --> lowers the girl's inhibitions by 2 or 4 (double dose). Her personality type becomes more slutty, meaning you get more affection/lust/love points for some actions. (finished)
  • "hair styling" effect can be bought now to temporarily increase you looks. (finished)
  • "beauty cream" can be bought to permanently increase you looks. It has to be applied multiple times to take effect. (finished)
  • Alice gets the pool play action (finished)
  • Alice can help to cure your "sperm congestion" when she is the doctor. With extra scenes (finished)
  • Faye can help to cure your "sperm congestion" when she is the doctor. With extra scenes (finished) 

 Minor improvements and changes 

  • Player starts with 50 max endurance now. The original 30 were too low which let to a lot of unwanted too early ejaculations.
  • For giving presents, kissing and hugging you can directly see on the icon if the cooldown timer is still active, so you do no longer have to click the button first just to get a message telling you you cannot do that right now.
  • The shoppig app will now be available from day 5 on. There is an extra event with a short letter for that. This is one of the measures to give you more options and make game play more interesting in the beginning.
  • Fixed some more grammar and spelling mistakes. Thanks to everyone who noted me about them.
  • Further lowered the requirements for endurance training
  • Changed the button sequence for appointments/events/scenes
  • Added the display of a  total for all interactions (appointments + events + scenes)
  • Text size for display of date and time has been reduced a bit, since it was too big for long months combined with long day names.

 Bug fixes 

  • Poker evaluation for flush has been corrected in case both player and girl have one, you no longer get a draw, even though one should be the winner.
  • You still lost 50 company favor when you wanted to remove a girl from the island at the reception, even though you canceled the action. This has been fixed.

Is the update going to break save games?:  

Estimated release date:  
17/02/2018 (in about 2 hours - 7pm CET)



Soo, 20-ish of February release? Cool! Fingers crossed for the 18th, a little earlier so we'll have some more time for Alice during the weekend : )


Agree with the spiking being grey area. But if the girls on the other hand themselves asked to have the drink spiced up and did so knowningly (based on the fact that they double as doctors and hands the pills out and now wanting to try the effect out ex. due to high affection, lust etc) would a different thing and in tune with the game so far, would be consent and spicing things up. win - win :)

Bill Sherman

That would totally work - present it as a 'fun' drug the player has acquired that can be offered to the girls to spice up their evening. An Affection test to see if they want it and then an Affection increase for having it provided to them? "A little something to spice up my evening? I'd love one!"


It's nothing that bad. It will increase the lust, nothing you cannot do with patience as well. It won't turn them into sex dolls or anything. The other "drug" will increase the positive effect of affection (e.g. it will ad 7 affection instead of only 4). So it's nothing game changing.


I try my best. It was a best guess date based on what I know today. It might change in one or the other direction.


Will the possibility of tips/hints on events in the phone of the main character be added?


Any possibility of some sort of little scene with Jennifer? One of the unexpected bonuses in 007 was that, along with the Amy drinks scene we got some new renders of Jennifer. And she looks very sexy. It would sure be great to see a little more of her. Maybe just a chat if you happen to be alone at the bar with her?


Yeah well, bascially I could surely do that. But everything I add will move the release date further into the future. To do that I would have to add some option for the guy to have a drink "alone", so that he can chat with jennifer. I'm still not 100% happy with the development cycle as it is. I would like to have more frequent smaller updates like with the bug fixes. Something like a small update without breaking saves and without the need to upload the complete game. I could try it with the Jennifer chat/drink sequence after the main 0.0.8alpha.


Yes that works for the images. I've done it before.


Thank you very much for the feedback. I put two votes out so far for 0.0.9. Phone functionality upgrades was part of it. It didn't get a lot of votes so far. I have to think about something to replace the red dot that can work. Also something that avoids missing dates. This is hard to do because I don't know in advance how long an action you do will take. But I think even if it only works in 80% or 90% of the cases it's better than having nothing. Display of love and lust has been implemented since some time. All it needs is a quest to activate level 2 sub dermal monitoring for the girls. I will try to add more info on triggering some events. I already started with it in 0.0.8.


These are some welcome news! Not breaking the savegame is certainly nice and having 50 endurance for the start also :)


I hope to be able to add some more improvements to make the game more fun in the first days


Thanks for the update, a cooldown meter or icon is very welcome, so you can know which girl you can approach. It would be cool if there will be more options in the future, other than kissing and hugging. When the affinity/lust is high enough you can unlock more naughty options, like showing breasts, handjob and so one (maybe limited to one for each day). Alice would be a nice test subject for that : )


I don't suppose you have any plans to add more girls? I'd really like to have some more options for women of color... I'd really, REALLY love to see Mikaela or Natasha from your busty escorts series. I think they would be a big improvement!


i relay loved your game but i see that in 0.8 you have alot of fiatures to add


but what about the impotent things like content with the girls


I think you misunderstood the intention of this post. It will be changed and stuff will be added as the development of 0.0.8alpha progresses. I has just been two days since the release of the last version. So it is normal that there is not much for 0.0.8alpha right now. The post shows the current progress and not the content at the release date which will be some weeks in the future.


I think it is more important to have more content for the existing girls. Right now only 5 of the 14 have an amount of content worth talking about.


I'm not sure I understand what you mean. What is listed in the post is already finished or in development right now. A lot more will be added until 0.0.8alpha is ready for a release.


Wow - it looks like you already have a great start on the next release. Thank you for your amazing work. This is by far my favorite game in development!


Love the functionality updates. A few things I would love to see in future updates: Ability to invite a girl to a location at a certain time. It would make triggering certain events that heavily rely on luck more convenient. For example the Amy pool play event when she has to be alone. Alarm notification on your phone. The little red dot on your phone when you have messages is hard to see and I've often missed it. I've also missed scheduled events because I didn't check the time every second. Pop up notifications for those things would be appreciated. Show love and lust of the girls in the smart watch. I don't know if I missed something but there seems to be space for exactly 2 more bars below Affection that could be used for that. It would also be nice to have more specific information on how to trigger certain events. For example there is no information on how to trigger the boob compare event. The condition is so arbitrary and random that I would never be able to get it if I hadn't looked it up in a forum. Other than that you're doing a terrific job with the game. Can't wait for what the future holds because the base functionality of the game holds so much potential.


Hi, thanks for the post. Basically I agree with you. It would be nice. The problem with that is the number of necessary renders and the complexity of the renders. Let's take e.g. showing breasts. It probably will not work for all outfits or I need specific morphs, deformers and poses for each girl and outfit. Even if it takes only between half an hour and one hour per render, it will total to about let's say 50 hours for 14*6=84 renders. Let's assume I can spend on avg. 2 to3 hours per day on the game, which is insane already, since I have a wife and a full time job, it would mean about 20 days just for that.


I've got a bug that when ever a new girl arrives, I can't go to my room or reception without that event being triggered EVERYTIME


Hi, did you install bug fix3? That should fix it. In case you did or think you did, can provide a save game for me to have a look.


darkhound please answer.... how can i increase looks? and my endurance stuck in 50 eventhough im training endurance everyday... im already in day 29 still my stats are 3 charm 3hacking 50endurance 2strength 1looks...


You cannot increase looks right now. It's alos not really needed in the current version. it only has minor impacts. Concerning endurance, read the development news.

Bill Sherman

I don't like the idea of spiking the girls' drinks in the bar. Everything else is about enticing them to climb into bed with you or do other things of their own free will and consent. But, those actions have you actively drugging them and that's rape territory. Your thoughts on this Darkhound?


Wow... no save game break... that is great... and: no "who the fuck is alice?"... "who f... alice? me!"