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You can post your game related questions and bug reports for 0.0.7 alpha  bug fix 3 here and I try to answer/fix them whenever I have time.  

Bug list:  

  • Weekly summary: max love is always compared to the start value 50, but not to the value from last week.  
    --> Fixed, will be part of the next bug fix or major release
  • When a menu choice is displayed on the screen, the phone button is not always disabled (as it should be). If you click on the phone button at that time, you get a crash. 101 occurences, need to check them all, will take time...

Thank you,



I just remembered, but have never been able to level endurance up, and the endu points i've earned reset when my charm and hacking level up. so, how does it work, whats the treshold, when does lvl up trigger. such things.


Hi! I noticed that whe you open the menu for send a girl home, if you don't send any girl home had just press the back button, it wirthdraws the company favor anyways. Seems like a bug :)


Hi, I offered Amy to do a favor to her and was Jessica's image who kiss me


Also, on the first after Joy visited the island, I kept bumping into Heather on the hallway although she was already in the island since the begining


Hi, is it possible that you did not install the bug fix 3? This should no longer happen with bug fix 3.


Hi, I need a save game and the exact description of what you did. Otherwise I have no idea how to replicate or fix it.


Could you buy Amys bonus suit directly when you get the shop. Because it isn't visible for me at the moment.


You have to talk to Amy. There is a new menu option. Then she tells you she would like to have a sling bikini. Then you get a quest and you need to find out some of her measurements before you can buy it.


Some questions: 1. Is Joys appereance on the island random? Or will she arrive in certain intervals? 2. Is there a possibility to get more out of the hallway encounter with Ivy? I'm a bit intrigued by the wonderings of the protagonist. As always, thank you for your awesome work, the fabulous update and the tremendous time you are putting in this project!


1. It won't be random, but if it will be linked to anything or will be a fixed gameday I don't know yet.


not sure if this is where to post this. I invited faye to the island then the next time i went to reception i met heather in the hall but she was already on the island. now whenever i go to reception or my hotel room it triggers the meeting heather in the hall event


and the yvette pool lotion rubbing event seems to get triggered a lot


My best regard for the work that you do Darkhound... i have some problem after install bug fix 3.... after day 10 when joy arrived on island and i choose another girl to come island.... next day when i go to room or reception Heather arrive on island but she is alredy on island.... i try to skip for next 30/40 day but no other girl arrive.... any solution?


Is there a problem with increasing the endurance? I am at gameday 62 and trained endurance for at least the last 3-4 weeks and am still at 30.


First of, very nice little game you develop there Darkhound and I hope you keep it up till it's finished :) The first problem is that I deleted 0.0.6 and installed 0.0.7alpha including bug fix 3. Strangely my old saves from 0.0.6 are still shown in the load/save selection even thought I deleted the old version. Is that normal? The second is that the doc gives me 5 vials after the implantation of the sensor and I get 5 more when I ask if she need help. After I got the app for the implant and ask her for access to one of the girls implant she gives me the special three sperm quest but no blue pills to use for it. Am I missing or doing something wrong?


i added the bug fix and i dont know if it is to come latter in the game. but i only have my cell phone and i can not get any more girls to come and i cant check my stats or anything like that. is this just later in the game or am i missing something.


How the hell do i download bugfix 3 for 0.7 from this zippyshare page. Nothing i click works. Just getting sent to pages to download stuff i dont want!! What am i doing wrong guys?


It's not broken, I just checked it again. I lowered the training requirements again for version 0.0.8alpha.


Not everything is available at the beginning of the game. Play for some days, do some quests, have fun with the girls and additional options will show up.