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Hey all, sorry for the long length of time between posts. I'm not a great multitasker, so with all of my focus on creating renders and animations, I've failed massively to keep up on the socials and let you all know about the latest goings on of AFV's progress. 

So, here are the details; I'm working on the renders for the last two scenes of the update. I hope to finish those up next week, after which I'll be diving into the scripting and coding. I've already got a few events scripted, and Strenif has been doing some scripting for the scenes he's rendered. I think we'll be able to put that together pretty quickly. Even though Strenif and I have talked about a soft goal for the update's completion, I'm hesitant to actually post it, since there are quite a few things that could go wrong and leave you all disappointed. After this update, we'll try to get back to the two month schedule, and be a little more predictable. Sorry again for all the uncertainty with this update. 

I'm going to make a few small changes with the tier rewards starting today. From now on different types of game previews will be released depending on your supporter tier level. Everyone above the "Friend" tier will receive one or more "safe for work" preview images on our preview release days. Everyone above the "Best Friend" tier level will receive one or more NSFW preview images on our preview release days. and all tiers above the "BFF" tier level will receive one or more animation previews on our preview release days. I'll be posting some previews later tonight before I go to bed. 

Most of you are probably unaware of the fact that AFV has a twitter account. I don't use it very often, but I was thinking about using it as a way for our supporters to check on daily progress, and a way for me to be accountable to you for my daily work. For example, I might post at the end of the day that "Today I finished 14 renders, or Today I wrote 84 lines of script, etc... Reply to this post and let me know if that would be of any interest to you. AFV's twitter is WillTylor (@WillTylor3) / Twitter 

Oh, and you were probably unaware that every once in a while Lauren posts things on her Instagram. Lauren from AFV (@lauren_afv) • Instagram photos and videos

I commit to you all to keep using every single moment I can spare to continue to develop AFV. Thank you to all of our current and past supporters, thanks for giving me the means and motivation to keep developing! I know I keep saying this, but it's true, I haven't lost any of my love for making this game. if anything, I keep getting more excited to be getting into the really good content! I look forward to each update just as much, if not more than all of you. 

I hope you all have a great week, and I'll post again soon! 



At this point I'm starting to think you're just wasting time. If you don't consider the event of Halloween then the last update was more than 5 months ago. It can't be serious


Why wouldn't you consider the Halloween update as the last update? It represents time and work and a new element of the story, that while not canonical, does create gameplay and a story element that will be continued in future versions of the game. I'm sorry if you didn't like the content, but you can't just ignore that an update happened because you didn't like it. The reasons for the delay of this coming update has been explained, and the length of time it is taking to release the coming update will be reflected in the amount of content that will be released. The Halloween update was the example of how much content you can expect with an update on the two month timeline. This update will have more content than was originally planned. I would like to remind all our supporters that this is not my full time job. I develop AFV on my spare time between my full time job and time I have to dedicate to my family, so that I don't lose my family. That being said, I dedicate every spare moment I have to AFV and spend a lot of late nights and sacrifice a lot of sleep so that I can keep the updates going forward. I ask that all my supporters understand these constraints I have on my time and only support the game with this understanding. Support on sites like Patreon are completely voluntary and an opportunity to vote with your wallet. If you feel like you don't want to support, you don't have to. If you feel another developer is more worthy of you support, you have the freedom to put your money there instead. I'm sorry if this reply seems like I'm being a little defensive, it just gets hard to be accused of wasting time when I'm giving it everything I have left after a full days work and the emotional drain that supporting a family takes out of me.

Michael Liberto

How do I play the Halloween event? I accidently skipped it and can not figure out how to go back to it. Also, super excited for the next update. I've been checking your patreon account every day in hopes. 🤣