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I've got a new computer!

It's all set up, I've recovered all my data and assets, and I'm finally starting to pull my own weight again. Strenif was carrying the entire load for almost an entire month. Thanks to him, we've got some great scenes rendered, and the update release will come out much sooner. 

I included a preview image with this post to help you guys understand why I'm so excited for my new rig. The image above is full of objects both in and out of the scene and has a complicated lighting setup. On my old rig, which had an RTX 2080, if I had hit the render button the way it is, it would have crashed Daz and probably my computer as well. To make this image I would have had to render the scene in parts combining them later in photoshop from two, or maybe three renders. Each render would have taken about 10 minutes, making the time to create this one image 30-40 minutes. including the post work. With the new rig, after creating the scene, I just hit render, and the entire scene rendered in less than five minutes, and there is none, to very little post work that I'll have to do in photoshop. I can't even wait to run an animation on this thing! Sorry if that was long and boring to all you, I'm just a little bit excited! 

Anyways, I'm sure you're all dying to know when the new update is going to come out. I'm not quite ready to put a date on the schedule. I need to regroup with Strenif, look at what we've got done, and what still needs doing, and then I'll try to update you all with a new schedule as soon as I figure it out. 

I apologize again for the delay with this update. In the long run though, this will be a great thing. No longer being throttled by my old hardware will make some great possibilities for AFV in the future. 

I really appreciate your continued support! I'll try to get you some more information as soon as I can. Have a great week! 



