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I apologize for not keeping you all in the loop, as I get closer to finishing a release, I tend to become more uber focused on the work, and become worse at keeping people informed about it, and we really are getting very close.

Right now Lapdragon, our editor, is taking a look at a very large chunk of the script.  He doesn't have all of it, because I'm still trying to finish it up.  As it is though, I believe I'll be able to deliver the rest of the script before he finishes, and we'll probably be done with the script at about the same time.  He's focusing on grammar, spelling, and any plot holes I might have missed.  Since I know story is more important than anything here, and we want to make sure it's all 100% believable, right? ; )

After we're done with scripting, I do have to go through the entire script from first update until now, and take out all the instances of a certain patch that has been causing all kinds of problems with the game. I'm not sure at this point how long that will take, but hopefully it won't be too difficult.  The kind of content said patch provided will still be available, you'll just have to look elsewhere to find it.

Not to toot my own horn too much, but this update is going to awesome! There's tons of animations, my rendering keeps improving and the images are becoming better and better.  The story is fun, and there will be a lot of exciting adult content.  I honestly can't wait to get it finished and into all your hands.

Thanks so much to those who continue to support the game even though updates can take a long time.  I've been brainstorming, making contacts, and coming up with ways to try to decrease time between releases, and I think I've got a really good strategy moving forward into the next updates that I hope will significantly decrease the amount of time it takes to create the image and animation renders, which is by far my biggest bottle neck in the game development process. If all goes well, future releases will be faster and more consistent.



Any word on how much ntr content will be in this update?


nice no answer is also a answer. why i pay every month for nothing... i get no pic or wallpaper or something special for waiting too the next update... the game is perfect but waiting to long is not good


Sorry for not replying earlier, sometimes Patreon doesn't alert me when someone comments on my posts. There will be a fair amount of ntr content for those who search for it, and none at all for those who want to avoid it.


Sorry for the late reply. Patreon gave me alert for this comment, but I never got an alert for your earlier comment, so I'm just reading it now for the first time. If you've read my earlier posts, you'll notice that I've learned not to give out dates for releases, because it just ends up disappointing people when something inevitably goes wrong. I do feel like I can confidently say I will be done with the script and code in one and a half to two weeks. If there are no major conflicts in the code, it will be released to the test group immediately after that. We can usually identify most major bugs with the test group within a couple days, and if there are no issues, we'll release to all supporters immediately after that.