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Happy Saturday to all my supporters old and new!  I just wanted to give you all another quick update of what's going on with the 0.07 update.  My completion graphic doesn't look like a lot has been done since the last update, but I want to assure you that the graphic doesn't represent the amount of work that's been done since my last progress post.

I've been working on the image and animation renders of the final scene of this update for a long time now.  The scene is a performance by the cheerleading squad, and it involves lights that change colors.  I've discovered a cool way to make this effect, but it is a little bit time consuming.  Basically the images are all still images, but at the same time they're animations. This means for each image, I've got to run renders for 60 frames (60 separate renders) to get an effect of a two second light changing image that loops.  Doing this for each image just takes a lot of time.  I think it will add a lot to the scene, but when you all play it, you'll have to let me know if it was worth the time I spent on it. I'll also post a preview for one of the images for my "Best Friend + tiers".

I think I'll finish up these images/animations on Monday or Tuesday, and after that I can really focus on the script.  When I'm completely focused on script and rendering is out of the way, I can usually get this done pretty fast.

I also want to give you all a heads up on another bottleneck that has potential to slow the update's release down a little bit.  In the past, there has been a certain patch that made the game a little less vanilla, but it has caused a lot of bugs to develop in the script, and due to the nature of persistent save data, the bugs seem to keep compounding.  In response, we are going to get rid of the patch completely, and create two completely different scripts/versions of the game.   We'll have to go through all the scripts of the game as it stands now, and get rid of all the patch triggers in the script.  I'm not quite sure how difficult this is going to be at this point, but it could possibly be fairly time consuming. 

The result of getting rid of the patch will be two separate versions of the game. You will be able to get the more vanilla version here on Patreon, and the less vanilla version will be offered on another platform.  You will also be able to get a script replacer off of the Discord server that will update the Patreon version to the less vanilla version.  I know this sounds like a patch, but the script replacer will be much more simple than the current patch. This will take some extra time now for this update, but it should pay dividends by making the coding and scripting more simple, and speed up time between releases for all future versions.

I apologize for the extremely wordy update, I'm just trying to give you all an accounting of my time.  I'm extremely excited to get this update into all of your hands.  I'm really proud of the renders and the story.  This update will expand the world of AFV and make the open world seem a little bit bigger.

Thank you all for your patience and for your continued support!  I always appreciate your kind words and encouragement.  I have found the AFV community to be one of the most positive communities in the entire adult gaming industry.




hello, can you say a date when the next update is online. i can not wait i like it