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Sorry for the long lapse in posts.  Like so many, my everyday life and schedule have taken a turn for the vastly different, and I'm still trying to make adjustments to the new normal.  I've lost my private office for the time being, and so I've also lost my ability to throw together a render whenever I have a few minutes.  Now I'm at home, and so are my kids.  And while my wife doesn't mind me working on the game when she's around, for some reason she doesn't approve of me working on it in front of the kids. ; ) So now I'm working into the night even more than I did before.  As a result, I'm often very tired.  a few weeks ago, I woke up early and was carrying my laptop from my bedroom to my dinning room, and in an exhausted haze, I dropped my laptop and broke the screen, so I've been rendering on my ancient 2013 iMac, which is so much slower than my laptop.  I finally got my new screen today, so I'm once again rendering at full speed.  Hooray!  

Anyways, I hope I don't sound like I'm complaining.... I realize that my slight discomfort from having my way of life adjusted, is nothing compared to what so many people around the world are going through.  If any of you have lost loved ones to the virus, or are finding the economic impact of the virus to be crippling, you have my deepest condolences, which I realize doesn't amount to much.  All I can do is offer a few words in support, but if it helps, reach out to me, and others here and on our Discord, and maybe we can be a support to one another until we all get through this crazy time.

Progress on the game is still going forward, and I will do the best I can to make up for any lost time and still get the next release out in a couple more months.  We're about one month from the last release, and we're typically about 3 months between updates.  So I'm feeling pretty confident that we can keep that trend going forward.

A couple announcements, 

  • As of today, the public version of the game is live to everyone.  You can find the download on the "about willtylor" section.
  • I am releasing a Spanish version of the game very soon, thanks to my new friend Darax for the translation!  I will release the Spanish version in a separate post.

As always, a special thanks to my supporters!  This is a hard time to be spending money, so while I hope you'll continue to support me, I hope you'll only do so if it's not a burden.

Stay safe! Stay healthy! 

quarantine's not so bad with a friend.



Good luck and stay safe. Looking forward to the next update


Good luck, stay safe