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Well, now that the official version of AFV has been in our supporters hands for a while, we are really happy to report that there has been only one "real" bug found. (There was also an image discovered where Lauren's arm is clipping through her leg).  The bug happens after taking a picture of Jacky in the laundry room, and you try to view that picture on the computer later.  It's a pretty simple fix, there was just a png file missing.  It is however easier to create another build of AFV than to try and explain to everybody how to add the missing pic to their game files, so here is the bugfixed version of AFV that will take care of that bug.

A few other fixes include small changes to the script that seemed to indicate that some of the characters were related, and of course, we would never do that on purpose.

This, most likely, will be the final release of the 0.05 versions, which I would like to point out is fairly significant considering version 0.04 made it all the way to a 0.04f build.  It think it's safe to say that we're getting better, both in terms of programming and quality of images and animations.

Also, thanks to my new friend Darax, there will also be a Spanish version of AFV that will be released very soon.  

Thanks you all for your continued support, and stay safe and healthy!



Supporter Mod 



my saves don't load into the correct part of the game and set me back multiple scenes and days. i lost entire story progressions


Huh.... I'm not sure what could be causing this.... I haven't had anyone else report anything like that. Are you loading from a previous version? If so, which version?