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Hi Everyone, I wasn't able to do a weekly update last week since my page was still under review.  I just wanted to do an out of scheduled post to let everyone know what is going on.  So I just want to assure you that work with 0.03 is still moving forward, I'm still rendering non-stop, and progress is looking good.

As far as the review that my page underwent, there were several issues that we weren't in compliance with, and with the help of Patreon support, we are in the process of getting everything into compliance.  They've actually been very helpful, and I'm sure we'll be able to come up with good solutions to make sure we stay in compliance in the future.

The review process has slowed down the release of 0.03 by a bit, and hopefully other changes we are making won't slow us up too much.  Luckily I have some help with the technical stuff, and I can mostly keep focusing on the story moving forward.

I want to assure you that I am fighting for every inch to keep the game true to my vision, In areas where I feel there may be some unfair treatment, I've let Patreon know, and so far they've been very accommodating.  

I appreciate those of you who continue to stick with me through this process and I just want to assure you again that things are still moving.  I haven't lost any of my excitement from developing this game, and I still plan on sticking it through until the end.  I'm looking forward to releasing 0.03. Hopefully sooner than later.

I would like to award my patreons who stay with me through thick and thin.  I'd love to get some of your ideas of what would make you want to support me in the long run.  maybe we could do something where if you support me for a certain amount of time, you can move up a tier, or please pm me if you have other ideas.





Thank you for fighting the good fight. Looking forward to .3!