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The progress is still moving along.  In the 0.03 release, We have added an option to rename the MC from Ryan to whatever you want.  You will just have to be Friend $5+ patreon, or higher.  

I'm trying extra hard this update to limit the bugs in the build.  We added so much to the interface and gameplay options in 0.02, that I think we were a little overwhelmed when it didn't all function together perfectly.  I'm almost positive we got all the kinks out of that build, so hopefully things will be smoother going forward.

My computer is constantly rendering, even when I'm at work, I've always got an image cooking.

Our BFF's took a pole for a new character that I'm excited to introduce in this build.  This person will take an important role in the story moving forward.  I'll be sending out some renders of this character soon to our $10 Best Friend Patreons and above.

I still love developing this game, and am still very motivated to keep it going.  I really appreciate your support and making it easier for me to justify spending my free time on it.  As always, I love to hear from my supporters, so feel free to contact me about anything.



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