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Hey Rules Lawyers, what games do you think should be on the next poll? Let me know in a comment! Maximum five games per person and no expansions please (though games with expansions out are fine). The two games that are suggested the most will be added to the next poll alongside Brass: Birmingham (2nd place from the last poll) and my Editor's Choice. That one is also taken from your suggestions, so even if no one else is posting your favorite game, feel free to throw it in the mix. It might catch my eye.

The poll will go up in one week, so make sure to get your suggestions in before then.



Dune: Imperium, Pax Pamir 2nd Edition, High Frontier 4 All


Gaia Project and Sidereal Confluence are the only games that comes to mind for me. Eclipse and Nemesis were done recently, Oath won the other poll, and Brass Birmingham is on the next poll already so... that's that haha. Keep up the great work Shea :)


I support Ankh, great idea!


In order of preference: 1. Stress botics 2. Vast 3. Arkham Horror 4. Western Empires 5. On Mars I know I've chosen some really complex games, but I guess that's why I'd very much love a teach on them 😅😄


In order of preference: Sherlock Holmes: Consulting detective Lords of waterdeep Everdell Arkham Horror lcg Too Many Bones


Sidereal Confluence Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Santorini Merchants & Marauders Sidereal Confluence


1. On Mars 2. Cloudspire 3. Feudum 4. After the Empire 5. Game of Thrones 2nd Edition


Dune: Imperium, Sidereal Confluence


1. Axis and Allies Europe and Pacific combined WW2


Thanks for the suggestion, though I've actually got my next game lined up. I'll put up another post like this in a few weeks for the next one, so keep an eye out for it.