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Hello everyone, especially all of the new Rules Lawyers, thank you so much for joining in!

As I mentioned in the last newsletter, There's going to be a bit of a restructuring of this Patreon. I'm switching from a per-video set up to month-to-month and reducing the cost for each pledge level by one step. There was no way to do this directly in Patreon, so instead I've renamed each pledge level, so if you want to drop from 5 to 3, or 3 to 1, etc. you'll still keep all of the benefits. Speaking of benefits, with this change also comes the unlocking of game suggestions. I'll make another post for that describing how that'll all work, but I'm very excited to have gotten to this stage and I'm hoping you all are as well.

In the meantime I'm hard at work on both the Terraforming Mars and Middara videos that will be coming up in 1-2 months. I was hoping to get one of them out early, but my day job has conspired against my free time. They should be out on time though, barring any unforeseen complications, so no worries there. Unfortunately it means I haven't had much time for any actual gaming lately, so I don't have much else to share.

As always, thank you for your support. Knowing that you fine folks are out there quite literally keeps me going day after day. You're like having a super serum injected directly into my veins. Gonna go outside and lift a bus now. Bye!



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