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Hey folks, quite a few things to mention this month, so I'll try to keep each one brief.

First thing's first, there's a new poll up for what game I'm teaching next, so check that out if you haven't already.

I went to Comic-con! My friends and I go every year and this year was no exception, despite our AirBnB getting canceled literally 20 minutes before we got there (!), but it got sorted out well enough and we made it to most of the panels we wanted to see. While I was there a got a quick look at the Kick-Ass board game that's coming out soon.

I wrote about this game for Geek and Sundry last year when it was announced saying that we were excited about it and hoped it would be good. It looks like it might be! It's kind of a Pandemic but with crime fighting instead of diseases kind of game, but with players managing their public appearance as well as their superhero skills. I've been hoping for a good superhero board game for a long time, but have yet to find one I really like, so hopefully this will be it.

I also got to play Great Western Trail, The Networks, and The Prodigals Club for the first time (thank you Murphy Brothers). All of which I recommend, but I find interesting because of how their themes fit into the design. I liked the theme of The Networks best. Maybe this is because I have a background in film, but it was very interesting to me. Great Western Trail has a significantly less interesting theme (cattle herding/selling). With all that said, Great Western Trail is definitely the better designed game, but I can't quite say I enjoyed it more.

Of course, The Prodigals Club has great mechanics and theming, so I'd take it over both of the others.

Oh yeah, I'm also writing an article for GnS about a Samurai Jack board game, which is...fine. It's a kinda mediocre push your luck game with a semi-cooperative element. Privately, I don't recommend it, but I have to say I do love the miniatures that come with it

And rounding things off with 10x10 progress, I finally brought Above and Below to the table again, and man that is still a good game. I'm not sure why I hadn't played it in so long, because I really do enjoy it. And a couple others are getting close to 10 while Dead of Winter and Cosmic Encounter continue to mock me.

Dead of Winter - 0

Castles of Mad King Ludwig - 1

Eldritch Horror - 4

Spirit Island - 7

Race for the Galaxy - 8

Star Realms - 9

Pandemic Legacy Season 2 - 2

Above and Below - 1

Cosmic Encounter - 0

Splendor - 5


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