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Hey folks, Captain Sonar went up! It may not be the shortest rules video for that game, but I had a lot of fun making it and I finally got to collaborate with my friends The Brothers Murph! I know Mike Murphy from a college improv team we were both on but had lost touch after we graduated. Then last year we ran into each other at Strategicon, find out that not only are we both in the board game biz, but that we're practically neighbors. I've been able to hop onto their gaming Twitch channel a few times and we always have a blast, so I'm glad I was able to bring them onto my show for our silly intro. They're both great guys and have a very fun channel, so please check them out.

The two games of note that I got to play were Roll Player, which is a lot like a fantasy RPG themed Sagrada. I think it might be a little too busy for my taste, but I had a lot of fun with it. Nick beat me by 1 point! And look how beautiful my board was! With all those numbers...

I also got to play Firefly: The Game for the first time. I'm a big fan of the show and I've wanted to play the game for a long time, but haven't been able to find enough like minded gamers. But then I found them, and the game was played, and it's...fine. It's a decent pick up and deliver game but there isn't anything pushing the endgame forward so it's easy to just get caught up in the world and never try to win. Not me though. As the casual tryhard that I am, I managed to eke out a victory just before the game shop we were in closed. I forgot to take a picture of that though, so here's a picture of a friend I made on the 4th of July instead.

My 10x10 continues at a much slower pace than I'd like, but that's ok. I like trying out new games as much as playing old ones, so I think my goal is going to be getting full 10s on as many as I can, not all of them. Anyway, here's that.

Dead of Winter - 0

Castles of Mad King Ludwig - 1

Eldritch Horror - 4

Spirit Island - 6

Race for the Galaxy - 6

Star Realms - 7

Pandemic Legacy Season 2 - 2

Above and Below - 0

Cosmic Encounter - 0

Splendor - 4


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