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Thank you guys so much for an awesome first year!! It's been an awesome ride and turned out to be so much more than I expected! I can't believe all that we've been able to do this year. Thank you guys for all your support! 

So what's in store for year 2?? 

Year 2 will be heavily focused on MONSTERS! As you can see in the image, we've done a lot so far! But we've got waaaay more to do! So for year 2 we will be pushing heavily towards our goal of turning the Monster of the Month into an actual IP. I am not ready to announce specifically what that IP will be yet... but when I do, you guys will be the first to know about it, and you will be fully involved as we chart the course!

We will also be doubling down on the Plague of Dragons Book. You guys will be seeing a lot more work, including mini-landscapes, drawings, collaborations with Annie, and of course, more full-color Classic Fantasy Illustrations from the series.  The goal is to release an art book for the series at the beginning of 2020. Once this is wrapped up, I will be very excited to announce the new series that will be taking over in place of Plague of Dragons in 2020...  

As we continue evolving towards our final form I will be revamping this Patreon to include some new goals, new tiers, and some brand overhauling. You guys are a big part of this, so we'll be conducting a few more polls soon to help determine some of the focus for year 2 and 2020.  

Lastly, you guys have been amazing this year and because of your support, Annie and I are going to be able to bring on more staff here in September so that both of us will be able to dedicate more time to our Patreons and to the projects we've been working on for them. It's very exciting for us and we couldn't have done it without you.  

Thank you again and I can't wait to see where YEAR 2 takes us!! 
