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Ash X

Great reaction! Yes, they were wearing Elizabethan clothes. Lord Blackadder in this is the great-grandson of Edmund from the first series. That series was Medieval, this one is the Early Modern age set in the 16th century. Miranda Richardson plays Queen Elizabeth I as a kind of spoiled girl, still looked after by her wet nurse who fed her as a baby! Stephen Fry is Lord Melchett, the Queen's Lord Chamberlain who manages the Royal Household. Fry appears again in Blackadder Goes Forth, the series set during the First World War, where he plays General Melchett (a descendant of Lord Melchett). Tim McInnerny plays Lord Percy, the upper-class dimwit and 'friend' of Blackadder, and a descendant of the Lord Percy who appeared in the first series.

Joe Thornhill

I must admit, while I never knew what an Adder was until about a month ago when I stumbled on a video of a guy's lucky day, finding the only venomous snake in England, I thought you'd know a Blackadder was a snake. Very hard to find as they'll slither away pretty fast, really wanting to be left alone. Only about 14 recorded deaths in 150 years or so.