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You've been Krytered!!!




I know some fans don't like the later series like this one, but I gotta the say the jokes and one liners are way better for me at least in this season than earlier ones. Just my take.


I actually love this episode, what I don't like is the blatant continuity error. So the appeal was about guitar strings all this time, but he literally gets the letter of appeal delivered at the start about 20 seconds after he finds out he has no guitar strings, so how did he make the appeal in that time? Also that music you thought you recognised, it's really random, but it is used in a fight scene of the Power Rangers Movie from 1995. XD


I noticed that continuity snarl too, but my assumption was that they knew delivering a guitar without strings was pretty dumb, so they included the appeal process letter as a matter of course, correctly assuming he would want to.