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Back in business! Maybe...




We have 2 main courts in the UK a magistrates which deal with everything from divorce (nothing more than a meeting room usually) to low level crimes or felonies as you guys call them. Such as anti social behaviour,speeding fines etc. More serious crimes go to the Crown Court where there are Barristers which are in addition to a solicitor or lawyer as you call them (one prosecuting and one defending) they wear the wigs and so do some Judges. There is quite a serious reason to them and its far from a gimmick.

Adam Hale

YO props for pronouncing "twAt" correctly!!one of the few Americans I've seen not to pronounce it "twOt"(which is a totally different,completely unoffensive word🤦‍♂️😑)😱👏👏👏😂😂😂💜