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Who do you think WILL come back?  Not want...



I both want and think Ward will come back. In fact, I think they might bring Tripp back as well.

Andrew Courtney

I think no one will come back, frankly because ABC is about to make a huge mistake and won't renew the series. If that happens please pick it up CW and make a fan base happy.

Etty Gafa

I know it's ward, becos come on.. ITS WARD 🤙🏽

Fajen Thygia

Ward has given every indication that he'd rather stay in the framework with his Skye. Hope is most likely.


Ward wants his Daisy back, (plus the team doesn't really want him back). Mack is too religious to try to resurrect his daughter, Trip or Radcliff are equally likely, I don't know how much Trip would be up for leaving his entire reality, or Radcliff to return to earth without Agnes driving him.

Jude Miller

I personally think Ward and Trip will do the selfless thing and allow Hope to cross over. Radcliffe will probably die in the Framework.


Why not ALL of them? If the looking glass is a 3D printer for human bodies with minds from the Framework, why not bring them all? If the overthrow of Hydra in the Framework fails, there may not be anything left for any of them and they can cross over.


As you stated in your podcast I think bringing evil Fitz into our world would be a good story. I do wonder if our Fitz would be ok or not though. It would be interesting to have 2 Fitzes around. I don't think any of the others come through.


I really like Brett Dalton as an actor, but I hope they don't bring back Ward. A big part of the emotional payoff from the season 3 finale was saying goodbye to Brett. It would feel cheap to bring him back now.


I WANT Ward to come back (because I love me some Brett Dalton), but I'm afraid it won't be any of them. Tripp was just in there as an excuse to see him again, and I don't think he'd want to leave his "reality", especially when he finds out he died in our world.


I think it will either be Trip or Hope, but I want it to be Radcliffe. He's the only one whose actual consciousness is in the framework, so it really would be him coming back. With the others, it'd be a weird recreation of them. It'd be especially weird with Hope. Mac's daughter is dead. It'd be uncomfortable to replace her with what is essentially a fake. Also, despite the love I have for Brett Dalton. Ward was never that entertaining as a good guy. The only way I want him back is if he's the same smug, murderous asshole I know and love from season 2 and 3.

Darth Skhorrn

Ward would sacrifice himself to let Hope go through. Because there's no way Mac is leaving her if he has a chance to bring her into the real world. And since Mace sacrificed his life for someone living in the Framework, I think Ward will see there is value in his reality, even if it's not "real".


i say trip. but i say hope too. ward? naahh.. he will sacrifice himself and go out in a big emotional epic way. and radcliff has no reason to go back. nothing holds him either in the real world nor in the framework. he will die, sacrifice himself with ward or just.. stay there^^


Stand with ward the rating then will go up


As I said put ward in to an lmd u know it has to be done


I think they'll end up in a situation where they have to go through the looking glass (to get new bodies because the original ones were murdered by the Superior or something), but one of them has to stay back and destroy the device. And I'd guess Ward will be volunteering for this sacrifice.


Besides really wanting Ward to come back with how these episodes are using the good Ward character I think there is a good case for him coming back. Although really why not all of them I know it's unrealistic but please Marvel all of them.


it's a different story if you asked want, but for will, my answer is none because most of these characters for me are for "closure" for our main cast, ward for daisy, trip for the whole crew, hope for mack and even the father for fitz


I Put None for would Like To See Ghost Rider return. Because him and Mack story was not settled too me.


so will they just instantly get their memories back when they leave the frame work? Because it seems like it's being in the framework that's messing with their memories and if they weren't in the framework then they would just go back to being themselves.


None, unfortunately. Don't think they will cross that line


I believe they will bring Hope back and Mack will retire from Shield


I can see evil Fitz coming through the looking glass, which kills the real Fitz, and after seeing hydras Inhuman origins and aidas lies (also seeing real fitzs dead body) he betrays aida.


I kinda want Trip to come back because his character is fun and didn't get a lot of chance to shine in season 2.