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Who had the worse fate in this future?


Sir Dewey Knight Of Bebahan

Hard choice between joe ,Cisco and Wally Joe lost his daughter his son is a injured mute and lost his adoptive son Wally is injured and a mute And Cisco lost his powers and his friends


Joe for sure. He outlived Iris and no parent should have to outlive their child. Plus his son is comatose and his other son just abandoned him and he has to be alive through it all. He had the "Fate Worse Than Death"

Jonathan Tavira-Alcaraz

Between Cisco losing his hands and Wally not being able to walk and speak it's hard to say.


Wally definitely had the worst fate in the future being his fate worse than death. Although Joe and Cisco are a close 2nd. Also great reaction.


Definitely Wally, he had his spine shattered, and can no longer walk plus he is in a catatonic state due to what ever it was he witnessed during his fight with savitar.


Obviously HR. "One shall betray you." was clearly referring to Barry cock-blocking him.


I have to vote Wally. He is smart and driven. All he ever wanted. Even before he knew about speedsters. Was to go fast. From racing to what he was studying. Then he actively went after and embraced being a speedster. Future Wally is the opposite of himself. Broken in every way. He can't heal. He can't come back from that. He can't be apart of the ol' gang again and find comfort in family and friends. Everything has been stripped away from him. It's devastating.


I mean H.R. missed a chance at a threesome. I think that trumps a shattered spine, loss of hands, super powers and daughters, and having your true love dead or turned into a psychopath. 😁


My Votes Wally But The Better Question Is Who Is Savitar. I think Its Either Iris, Barry or Wally because whom ever it is made Furture Wally So Shocked he wont speak.

KXA Prime

I say Wally for sure... But god damnit someone better get H.R. that damn threesome!


I think it's Wally. Personally I think Savitar is a time remnant of season 1 Thawn that still looks like Wells. Wally would have been shocked by the first person who believed in him be the one who broke him. Season 1 Thawn/Wells knows team flash and knows how to break them. Killer Frost would trust him because he was a mentor to her for all those years.


Definitely Wally. Being paralyzed is not cool, but Wells didn't get that threesome. That must have been pretty traumatic on him!


A lot of the characters listed have suffered fates worse than death, in the end it comes down to who you thought had it the worst. Personally I can't choose who had it the worst because they all had it pretty bad.


Wrong question.. Easy answer. Question should have been "Who do you think Savitar is now?" I think it could be a number of people. But it's probably either Jay, or if Robbie Amell could get the time, Ronnie.


I would say Joe, because he lost all 3 of his children and he doesn't deserve it because he is an awesome parent. wally may have the worse physical damage but that is the result of his recklessness in attacking savitar on his own


Joe definitely did. He lost 3 kids.


i say joe too, but he kept it together pretty good - it was a few years later tho


Joe he lost everything


H.R definitely he is always getting cockblocked by his "friends"

Andrew Courtney

I am going Barry but strictly from my own experience. My fiancé was killed by a drunk driver back in 2009. When you lose the love of your life, broken is a poor yet accurate metaphor for what it does to you. In my 37 years it is truly the worst point of my life, and there is really no getting over it.

Ryan Gordy

Side note: Killer Frost (future) tells past Barry that he will be surprised when he finds out who he is and you said that was a dumb thing because future Barry never found out. The difference is that future Barry never knew that Killer Frost teamed up with Savitar after she left Star Labs so he didn't know that she knew who he was.

James Fiarito

I don't think what Killer Frost said was dumb, I think she was just taunting him, saying that because she knows he never finds out


Plot twist iris is savitar


I'm gonna go with secret option H for Iris since she's dead because what's worse than being dead and having no one follow up on the promises you made them keep?


I gotta go with Joe. Not only does he lose his daughter, he has to see what's become of Wally everyday, AND be pushed away by his only other son - Barry. Plus Cicilia wasn't there, so he isn't even....you know. *slowly pounds table*


Definitely Joe. He lost everyone he cares about and to make things worse Barry wasn't there for him when he needed him the most.


Wally is catatonic. Cisco is clearly broken, both physically and in spirit. Joe still seemed functional, albeit completely heart broken. While I agree they all had fates worse than death, I have to agree that Wally's is the worst.

Eduardo Zatarain

Joe for sure, Iris dies, Barry was destroyed by that and basically left the family and Wally is broken, literally, his 3 kids were pretty much dead and he was left with nobody, i can't imagine what he went through to deal with it, to even be able to visit Iris grave regularly.


Wally definitely. Sure, it would be terrible to have your hands crushed and lose your powers, or have to keep your murdering ex-girlfriend imprisoned after losing her, or see your girlfriend or daughter be murdered. But Wally was so enraged after Iris' death he went after Savitar alone, got his spine crushed paralyzing him, and saw something so devastating he went catatonic.


It seems obvious to me that it's Wally. He lost Iris, just like Barry and Joe, then on top of that he got his body and mind fucking wrecked by Savitar. It ain't even close.


I'd have to say Joe because he lost all three of his kids, the emotional trauma of caring for Wally in that state, Grieving over Iris and being emotionally separated from Barry is too much for one man.


H.R. of course ! Because NO. FUCKING. THREESOME. XD

Anthia Grant

Wally by far had the worst fate in the future. Not only did he become paralyzed after facing off against Savitar, but he's also reliving his hell mentally. To the point of being catatonic.

Ryan Witalison

Wally for sure, not only was he paralyzed he was in some kind of catatonic state to the point he didn't even react to Barry showing up


I say Joe. His daughter's dead, he has to see his son who was so full of life AND a superhero broken forever and his adopted son who he obviously still cares about left him because of the pain he's dealing with. He sees all his children die literally or figuratively.


I would say Wally, it was horrible to see him like that. I think I've worked out who saboteur is... it's the really Adrian Chase.


Killer Frost, because if you think about it you know why

Jen A. Blue

Wally can't move and he's trapped in his own head, reliving the horror of what happened to him on endless loop. It's exactly what Jay Garrick sacrificed himself to save Wally from in the Speed Force, and it's happening anyway.


Poor H.R. so many women to choose from


What if savitar isn't the god of speed...but the GRODD of speed.


I say Barry just because he's someone who's shown time and time again that he depends on the people who care about him to keep him going. The last time he pushed people away like this was after the finale of season 1 and he felt like everything was his fault, breaking up Team Flash. If Barry's done pretty much nothing but stay at Star Labs and wallow in self-pity, neglecting his Flash duties, even his own hero complex has taken a hit. I feel like all of them suffered almost to the worst for any of them but emo Barry just stood out to me.


I was going to say Joe since he pretty much lose all his kids at once and that has to kill him inside. But I picked Catlin because she pretty much died and has betrayed her best friends which is what she would have rather died before doing.


wow HR is beating Barry and almost beating Cisco.... yeah threesomes, book deals, n owning a coffee shop is the worst possible future


I pick Joe as the worst fate because he loses his daughter and also in a way loses both his sons. Him being such a family man, that would kill him.


Has to be Wally, but closely followed by Joe

Boomchicawawa Bay

It has to be the worst thing ever to be Wally in this future. Especially if he can hear and not respond,he probably knows who Savitar really is.


Joe lost all 3 of his children nuff said


Clearly H.R. I mean imagine getting cock blocked that hard! Way worse than losing the love of your life, becoming a vegetable, losing all 3 of your kids, losing your hand and powers, turning evil, or caring for the woman you love even though she's evil


Think about it, everyone in team flash suffered physical injuries, except for HR, Joe, Barry. But Wally got Jacked up BOTH mentally amd physically. More Mental though


Wally straight up can't can't walk or talk. But at least he went after Savitar, instead of shutting himself away like Barry.


torn between barry and wally. wally is just broken physically and mentally. but barry has to live with the fact he failed iris and in his pursuit to correct that he failed everyone else and is large to blame for all of the sufferings of everyone else.