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If you could know your future, would you want to?

Watch the Full Length Reaction HERE: https://blindwavellc.com/the-flash-9x01-full/



Considering all the mistakes I’ve made in my life. A guide would make things easier and probably relieve a lot a stress.


I feel like if I had knowledge of my future, I'd obsess over a specific thing like how Barry focused on every little thing in The Flash s3


It depends: if I can change it, I would like to know. But if I can't change it, I wouldn't

Alex the Patron

For the fact that I've waited 4 years for red death this reveal was sadly mediocre, still hyped though


I think im too impatient and forgetful to keep a book like that. I would be too anxious for my next event and then forget the minor events and at that point it becomes usless

Chaos T


rickie woodson

Release my inner Destiny. Context for non-comic readers: Destiny is Mystique's wife with the mutant gift of premonition. So powerful, she saw like 50 years of history when her powers first activated. Its how they found Rogue so yeah, future sight? Gimme gimme gimme


"One often meets their destiny on the path they take to avoid it" - Master Oogway, Kung Fu Panda fun fact oogway means turtle in mandarin, other fun fact shifu (pronounced shr fu) means master, so master shifu is literally master master thats some The Los Angeles Angels shit (the the angels angels)


Yes because if it's a future I'm not happy with then I can change it.


I feel like I would want to know, but I wouldn't let the knowledge cloud any of my choices. I don't think I would want to drastically change anything. At least not cause another Flashpoint. Or maybe.. Reverse-Flashpoint?


I've already answered the poll, but this is just a separate message I wanted to put here. I have been watching Blind Wave since they brought me into the Arrowverse with their old reactions to The Flash, Arrow and also S.H.I.E.L.D., and I'm proud to say I've been watching near everything with them since. Though the Arrowverse has had the good and the bad, it'll always be a prominent part of Blind Wave. And it's thanks to these shows that Eric, Aaron, and the rest of us Wave Riders are part of the Arrowverse canon. Not many others can say that. Some bumps here and there with The Flash, and while the ending of this show is bittersweet, I am excited to see how they bring it all to a close. Now let's see this boy run fast, one last time. But before that, I have just two things to say before this show ends: 1. All hail our Blue God, Beebo, and 2. They better fix that DAMN HOLE!


I would want know but feel like it would effect my choices too much and would not allow me to live freely. Although I didn't agree with Iris for this episode for the most part I'm just agreeing because I don't live in the DC universe and have crazy comic book stuff going on all day.