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Vote on who has been your favorite Arrow Villian 





Slade Wilson was such a cool character and I would really love to see him come back to Arrow

Greg Alan

Not even close, slade was the best by far. He killed Oliver's mom right in front of him

Unhand Me Priest

Malcolm Merlin, love the dark Archer. John Barrowman's performance is always great. Hope we see him in season 5.


I <3 John Barrowman!


I might be biased because of my love for John Barrowman and Capt. Jack Harkness.


i love John Barrowman but slade was such an amazing character, started as friend ended as a tragic villan and Manu Bennett man come on how amaing was he - bting him back PLZ

John Lewis

Definitely John Barrowman. His acting is always on point. Love that guy


I chose Slade cuz he's been the only villain in my opinion, who had an actual reason for hating Oliver. He was such a great and powerful villain. Also, Crixus! (P.S. Thanks for using my QnA as the Poll <3)


Deathstroke has been one of my favorite DC characters period and they did him Justice in the show.


Slade, because if we are getting Teen Titans characters we need the greatest Titans villain.


Also, Richard Grayson and Tim Drake is the first and third Robin. Sure you knew this but guess I should have specified in last weeks question.


Merlyn was a good villain but not a scary one as he made jokes and he seem good at times. Slade Wilson is a badass, even just his voice scared the shit out of me. He's an awesome villain and his outfit is super cool along with his sword.


I've liked Slade and Merlyn the best so far


Slade was the best villain, he had a very interesting past with Oliver that made him a personal threat, and former ally that he had to take down which can't be easy.

Jon Dub

I agree with Aaron, Deathstroke has been my favourite. Had a great origin, and came really close to destroying the City. Plus he killed Oliver's mother. Great villain

August Svarén

i think the new villian is soo cool but deathstroke was by far the best so far. Daimien dark was just stupid asf. Hate the stupid magic shit. Makes everything feel so wrong cuz u know he could kill the whole team if he wanted too but for the shows point he doesent. Its like suicide squad ending. She could have killed everybody.


Slade is easily my favourite. Just having his whole back story play out when he was on the island was great. The season he was in was easily my favourite and I really enjoyed the actors performance and take on deathstroke

Edwin B

Aaron Arrow intro <a href="https://youtu.be/hGPQaC1-Vfw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/hGPQaC1-Vfw</a> by Top Screen


Honestly so far it's Prometheus. Slade is great so far, but he played games over time. Prometheus just gets in there and does exactly what he says he's going to. He doesn't wait around, he just acts. That can make for potentially the best villain so far if he's written well, especially if he has a good and surprising alter ego.