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Vote in our poll about the effect HR Wells has on the team HERE




Do you think Adrian will find out about Barry being the Flash?


I think he will balance the team, plus it will be different to have a wells that is not a scientist. Do you guys think Julian will eventually fill the role of scientist for Team Flash instead.


My honest opinion right now is that I don't like him. I think he (like every Harrison wells) has a secret. I prefer Earth 2 Harry and so far do not like this one. I can't see how he may help the team much not being a scientist and just repeating everything ha

Greg Alan

Just bring back earth 2 Wells. he was by far the best


Please!!! ^^^^^^^ The new Harrison is annoying me a lot!


Even though he annoys me a bit, I'll give him a chance and say he provides a good balance to a team fully comprised of scientists.

Blake Northcott

Right now he's being introduced in a pretty annoying way! But I'm going to give him a chance - all the "Harrison's" have complex back stories and some secrets!


it's another perspective of wells that we all will most likely love by the end of the season


In the last episode of season 2 zoom said something about that their earth is the center of all the multiverse so maybe that’s way they are saying that their earth is earth one.

Skeezy Mike

i can't wait for kevin smith's episode


Maybe this gives Barry more of a chance to do the science stuff along with Cisco.


I think HR Wells balances the team out perfectly. With Cisco, Caitlyn and Barry all be some kind of scientists, it's good to see someone who can at least think a little bit out of the box.


I think it nerd the team in a good way. Now there's not so many more people who are super smart


His personality so far is absolutely annoying. I honestly hope he dies morbidly.


Sorry but I'd send his arse home. I'm not a fan of HW I'll let him have a trail run for a few episodes but so far I'm not liking him. We've been spoiled by the other Well's


Hopefully now that he doesn't need to hide any more, he can stop trying so hard, stop being annoying and actually be a help and bring some levity to the team (might be needed with the frost situation) and give a bit more room for Barry to be sciency, hopefully.