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Uber Rider Videos:

  • LOST 5x9 "Namaste" Reaction
  • Gravity Falls 2x17 "Dipper and Mabel vs. the Future" Reaction

Fortnight Rider Videos:

  • LOST 5x10 "He's Our You" Reaction
  • Gravity Falls 2x18 "Weirdmageddon Part 1" Reaction

Raw Rider Videos:

Four-Sight Rider Videos:




Isn't that only half of the finale?

Jack Maltbie

I assumed they would split it up cause Disney+ has it like that for some reason


@TbcAlex S2 has only 20 episodes. Weirdmageddon Part 3 should be the final one.


@Jack Maltbie So this is just a Disney+ thing? Why would they cut an episode in two on a streaming service? It's not like they have limited airtime.

Brandon Hughes

It originally aired as an hour finale. Since then it’s been broken up into 2 episodes. Was news to me to.


they should’ve finished the series, it’s weird to split it up into two vids


To be fair, they're just going off how Disney+ has the episodes split up. No clue why they did split the finale into 2, but i doubt these guys knew 20 + 21 was originally a single episode


Y'all, the show's slot is for 25 minutes, Disney+ split the episodes, it makes perfect sense for the guys to stick to the existing schedule and just watch the first half, rather than allocate double the time to watch both parts at once. Issue lies with Disney+, but it's not a huge problem, and personally I'm happy to have another week of GF


I mean, it's not a huge problem, but I use my copy of the show to sync up with their full length reactions - and not only is the episode split up, the intro is also the shorter version on their end, messing up the sync for the rest of the video. Nobody online has the split-up version that D+ uses.


OK. SO. Yes, D+ splits Weirdmageddeon 3 in two parts for some freaking weird reason. Further heads up: - The intro is also the shorter version - There is a new outro that I haven't seen before, and not on my BD release. As it was never released anywhere but D+ that I can find, it won't be on any official or unofficial releases. So Full Length syncs will get cut short if you use a video editor like I do. Furthermore, "Part 4" has an opening narration recap (Which is EXTREMELY weird for a streaming-only addition). That's going to be a pain in the behind next week for syncing as, again, that's literally nowhere else.


RIP to those who have to try to sync up the final episode(s) with their own personal copy. Also, the way Disney + cut this episode up is a travesty, it genuinely ruins the pacing of the episode imo.


@Murph If they had read their patreon comments for the last several weeks they'd know, but I guess they don't.


Yeah, but like. They have the sound playing during reactions, so it's really not hard to sync up at all, even if the intro makes the timer off by a few seconds.


Is it known what the replacement to Gravity Falls is?


If anyone was wondering why the final episode is split on Disney+, it's because they started airing it as 2 episodes during reruns of the finale (it was a whole big thing when people saw part 4 show up on tv guides). Disney+ did not cut the episodes, it's just the broadcast version they have. But to be clear, it's still Disney's fault, just Disney Channel/XD, not Disney+. Disney+ also has the version of Weirdmageddon 1 with Alex Hirsch as the giant head w/ arm instead of Louis CK.

The Pebble

I mean this truly, I hope you adapted this level of daily dedication with working out, you'd be a body builder bro.


@Ailish I sync up in Adobe premiere and usually the volumes so low that, while you can hear it technically, it doesn't register enough to make a waveform in the time line. I'm sure it's easy for you to sync things up using audio only, but it's not for me. Visuals (even just a few frames like Semblance of Sanity) make it a lot easier, and, barring that, at least the same content.


@Tmatts 1) They probably don't read comments for possible spoilers. 2) It wouldn't have mattered because they record these probably way in advance of posting them


It wasn't only for streaming. It was split up for reruns and that was the version that Disney+ had access to


@A Pimp Named Doffy right? Or like any other thing in life that can be useful.


They haven’t told us what won the pole yet

Erich Bomke

Annoying the piss out of the comment section, Day 97 /s

The Pebble

calm down Erich, as sad as his comments are, you're way sadder for getting annoyed at a stranger texting on the internet lmao

Anthony Villena

There's a strong link between autism and obesity so bodybuilder would be too far of a stretch goal


im sure they will react to bleach when they finish one piece


Yeah, but spamming every post with the same comment, will not make them React to it Faster, heck they might even just not do it because of this Spamming.

Chaos T

Erich is pretty spot on. It's been more like 97 days given Anukas Apundi is SI Punk and was spamming similar stupidity under that screen name.

The Pebble

Nah Chaos, you're just as simple minded and pathetic as he is lmao, get over yourselves and find a personal endeavor to pursue rather than getting upset over strangers which gets you knowhere in terms of growth.


@A Pimp Named Doffy , I was with you... but your stock is plummeting my man.

The Pebble

Slightly clever but I don't gaf about you either lmao, random patreon people are not my life priority and you will never be.

Chaos T

^says the guy replying multiple times to Patreon members

The Pebble

Sometimes you have to use the same hypocrisy your fighting against with degenerates like you.