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Wes Anderson!


I was literally just thinking earlier how great it'd be to see y'all react to Grand Budapest hotel and then this happens! Wow! Maybe I forgot it was in a poll haha

Matthew Cronin

Goddamn it will you watch a movie I’ve seen already


FINALLY!!! So happy for Grand Budapest


Creative lol


One of Wes Andersons best!


I'm not the biggest fan of Wes Anderson's other work (though I do appreciate the craftsmanship), but man do I love Grand Budapest. Fiennes is just spot on with his comedic timing.

Nick Heiney

Why did they wince at faggot?


Because that's the normal response to have towards homophobic slurs?

Nick Heiney

Sir Deb- Is it a slur tho? Don't they themselves use it? and even laugh about it themselves, the ones that have a sense of humor at least and can make fun of themselves and doesn't let words hurt?


It is a slur that's been used for decades to insult and discriminate against gay people, often accompanied by violence. We wince when we hear it because it reminds us of the pain and hatred we've witnessed or worse, experienced ourselves. If you think homophobic (or any) slurs are okay, this isn't the channel for you - the boys are on record as hating discrimination and usage of slurs.

Chaos T

"Is it a slur tho?" Wow...... an adult is asking this question.

Ryan Roach

@ChaosThierry, he knows it’s a slur. He’s just lonely gutter trash, and mistakes negative attention from strangers for affection.

cody skater

not really i can see where he is coming from. i have a gay friend and we will joke around with the word faggot ourselves. and it's not like he had an easy childhood or teen years either. so based on your experience it might seem fine. but in a public setting you do have to understand not everyone is going to get the sentiment. i do think most people are over eager to jump down peoples throats about it despite never having it used on them in a negative circumstance in their life. especial with our current culture you would basically be burned at the stake.


The full version of The Grand Budapest Hotel stops at 1h 23m for me. Is anyone else having this issue?

Nick Heiney

Cody skater- exactly. Fuck these pc people. Learn how to take jokes and not have words hurt them. If words hurt them, they are weak. We live in such a pussified society nowadays.


Sometimes black people use the N word amongst themselves too but it doesn't make it okay for the rest of us to say it.


Cody - I also have a gay friend that says it constantly... he's probably the least PC person I know, and that's all good. But he's my buddy and I know him, we have an understanding. But that doesn't mean every person of a community is going to feel the same way... and there's literally no reason we should be throwing that shit around when we KNOW there's a large group of people that are insulted by it due to historical issues. Nick - this isn't PC culture. People have been told not to say specific words for decades. You scrotums just got the balls to say it out loud since 2016.


@NickHeiney By your logic you must have no problem using the N word every day and saying it to black folks too. 🙄 Just admit you're a homophobe and trying to be an edgelord and call it a day.

Shawn Brink

It is absolutely PC culture. That doesn't mean that you should say the word though. You call people scrotums and believe that is ok. Maybe you just shouldn't insult people at all. People used the f word a lot in the 90s and early 00s. People called everything that they disliked gay. This is gay that is gay. They said even worse things before that. People didn't just start saying it out loud in 2016, that is just not true. You can try to educate someone w/o being pretentious and calling them names. Calling someone a racist or homophobe shuts down the conversation before it can even start. Being nice to people that don't believe the same things is called tolerance. Seems like we need that from all sides more than ever.


@ShawnBrink Yeah, no thanks. If I get a whiff of a potential bigot, I'm gonna call them out on their bullshit. That's how I roll. I mean worst case scenario I'll get ignored or yelled at by the offending party (or earn a lecture from a well meaning person), in which case who cares, but best case scenario the other person wasn't self aware at all and my words might lead them to self reflect on the image of themselves they're projecting to others and hopefully improve as a human being so it's a win win situation either way. 😁

Ryan Roach

An edgelord’s idea of a hilarious“joke”, is calling gay people a slur. You know. Like some boomer would.


Shawn, the fact that you have more of an issue with people telling someone NOT to use slurs than you do with the people that actually use them, may show your priorities are amiss. Attempts have been made in the thread to educate, it has fallen on deaf ears. Eventually, you realize someone has no real urge to learn... and they get called a scrotum. Scrotum has no historical offensive significance.

Ryan Roach

@Shawn no one is interested in having a “conversation” with some shitty edgelord troll about whether or not gay slurs exist. No one is interested in educating or being educated. And being nice to people who call me faggot is not being tolerant, it’s being a simp. And your “both sides” bullshit is just as tired.

Chaos T

It's not PC culture. If you were alive when Matthew Shepard died the term hits different. What has been said by other posters here is accurate; in the 90's it was an extremely derogatory term that had hate behind it. I'm glad to see in the 2000's people "own" the term but it will still be extremely derogatory if you were alive to see it used followed by someone being beaten down. It was also a common thing bullies would use against any group of people that was looked on as different and it gave legitimacy to harassing/beating down said groups. Sir Deb is right. A lot of the edgelord stuff people say now have always been inappropriate in some capacity but now people have the ability to have internet balls and say shit that would have gotten their face turned to mush via fist in an era that didn't have the internet to hide behind.


The idea that you could once say and do whatever you wanted is a fantasy. Sure, you could pretty much say whatever you wanted in private, but there have always been guidelines of what is and isn't okay in public spaces. Some things you would say in private you likely wouldn't say out loud in public, or you probably wouldn't say them to a stranger in real life. Because in real life if you say the wrong thing to the wrong person, you might have to actually answer for your words. Of course, now most of that interaction happens online behind the comfort and safety of your computer screen. People want the internet to be this unregulated magical land, despite the fact that it's pretty much never been that way in real life. I can also never take anyone seriously that gets this upset about a particular word being "frowned upon" while peoples' actual human rights are getting taken away. Sure, it's about "freedom" mhm. Sure.


Buddy, you're a far bigger wimp than anyone who doesn't like to hear the word "faggot" if you get this bent out of shape over people not liking you to use that word. You are likely young and do not consider the fact that being gay was grounds for getting murdered and no one really giving a shit within living memory. It is not weakness to treat other people decently, it's being a good person.


How about you take your piece of shit, bigoted comments elsewhere. Twat.