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Is the ending of this episode a vision, time-travel, or something else?

Raw Rider Patrons can watch the Full Length Reaction HERE:  https://blindwavellc.com/ms-marvel-1x04-full/



Maybe she is the one that led Nani back to her father with the stars because she time traveled to that time. (or however she got there)


Closed time loop. She already has what she needs, "What you seek is seeking you."


its a trip to experience


Nothing to do with the poll, but throughout the whole chase sequence I kept thinking MY CABBAGES!!!


it's clearly a vision, no one noticed kamala nor did they bump into her


Definitely time travel. And I think the stars that led back to the father are Kamala's. Also could this mean that the two bangles are actually trying to find each other.


I'm going with time travel or time projection. I wonder if it's happening within a second for them in 2022 while for Kamala she 's experiencing the past in real time. 🤣🤣Not sure l explained it well

Jeanette C

It seems like time travel. Everyone and everything seems really solid so I'd rule out a vision or hallucination


I selected Time Travel but I think its more like a displaced echo or shard of it - so she's physically there but its not really like she's able to affect things.


I think the correct answer is somewhat in between. I think Kamala will be the light guiding nana back to the train. I think maybe the vision is so powerful and since we don’t really know how Kamala’s noor energy works it could transcend space and time in the vision.