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How do you feel about Superman & Lois being disconnected from the Arrow-verse?

Raw Rider Patrons can watch the Full Length Reaction HERE: https://blindwavellc.com/superman-lois-2x15-full/



I like it, it doesnt need to rely on already established arcs/stories etc, can do anything it wants really

Ryan Witalison

It makes sense that it's not part of Arrowverse as the Arrowverse is basically dead now with only the Flash left,. I will say I don't know that interview you looked at but the interview I read with the Showrunner made it clear in season 1 the intention had been to be part of the Arrowverse but that didn't work out.


Don't mind it too much. Obviously there's been so much interconnectedness in the Arrowverse, which is usually done pretty well. However, with how good this show is, I don't feel it has to rely on crossovers and familiar mentions. That being said, I'm waiting for the season 3 crossover where Beebo takes over the universe and everyone needs to band up to beat him. Sure, that already happened, but who cares? It's Beebo!


The more I think about it the more it makes sense as the ppl wouldn’t find aliens such a strange concept when they live on a planet full of them in the public eye also the eradication plot wouldn’t have worked as it only turned humans into kryptonians there was no mention of other aliens plus we can have actors who have previously been in the arrowverse as brand new characters an example sam witwer could be general zod or brainiac


I don’t mind it, but are we sure they are disconnected from the Arrowverse just because they are not on Earth-Prime? Supergirl wasn’t in Earth-Prime before Crisis and still part of the Arrowverse?


One thing I don't like is that they literally mention crisis in season 1. Thats my only gripe about it. If they were planning on not including the arrowverse before season 1 they wouldn't have mentioned crisis. Pretty sure they mentioned crisis anyway. That's how I remember it anyway could be wrong.


I am on board if it means that this show gets to have the creative freedom they want to tell the stories they want. Do I wish everything was all connected, yes. But I also want this show to be the best it possibly can be. My pipe dream is that this is the start of just taking the show off the CW and moving it to HBO Max for a 10-12 episode season with even more money behind it. I doubt it happens, but here is me hoping!

Chris Skalicky

I like that it's separated. They can do their own thing without being held to past things in other shows and you don't have to deal with the "Where's Barry? Or Kara?". It's also been confirmed that this is not the same as Arrowverse earth...that's not the John Diggle from Arrow. It's this Earth's John Diggle.

Jeanette C

I like it because it does solve problems when you can't get crossovers, but the way it was done was confusing

Matthew Cronin

I said it was disconnected from the very first episode and no one believed me, they thought I was mad, but lo and behold. Maybe this show will move to hbo max and the dc tv universe can start fresh