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Who is Thawne acting as?

Raw Rider Patrons can watch the Full Length Reaction HERE: https://blindwavellc.com/the-flash-8x03-full/


John M

I feel like he rewrote his history so people know he’s Thawne but they view him as a hero. The party attendees clearly recognized Barry and not in a good way.


He rewrote history and took Barry’s life


You know who Thawne is acting as, a child! Straight up sore loser, haven't seen this much pettiness from any fictional character since Joeffrey.


I believe he rewrote history and took Barry's life over while making him seem like the hero in the timeline, while Barry is the "enemy". Kinda like Lex in Crisis. It's truly fitting that Thawne would match the actions of Lex Luthor, while still somehow making his plan more evil than Lex's. Damn Thawne.


I think it's Barry


This is really hard to say but why would he be barry if we see him as harrison wells then


Thawne banged Iris! Flash shippers must not have seen that one coming…


Thawne is acting like himself he went through the timeline and make flash into the villain so he could have barry’s life and be the hero. There is one thing thawne always wanted and that was to be barry/the flash


He can’t switch back it’s permanent


He's obviously Grodd

Kevin Bartelen

I think everyone is seeing Thawne and Barry in reverse.

Reece Hart

I think it's going the comic book route where Eobard went back in time and stole Barry's face and life and has been doing everything he can to sabotage his image then as himself has been saving the day changing history to make it look like Barry is the bad guy. Similar to what Zoom was doing back in season 2 where he was causing havok as himself and then posing as Jay to save the day. That look from him at the end was basically Tell me "It was me Barry" without telling me "It was me Barry"

Reece Hart

I mean you're not wrong but it's also pretty fitting for Thawne. This is the same character in the comics who "erased" his younger brother because he thought his parents thought of him as the favourite and perfect son.


Its an android created by evil Gideon


It’s wells the gray

The Amazing Webhead

I think he’s Barry! I guess Thawne got so pissed for losing that he did the most pettiness thing he could do, doing it with Flash’s wife! Ps Thawne being Barry is also a nice nod to a storyline where Thawne uses Barry’s face to trick Wally West when he was The Flash. Considering that was after comic Crisis and Barry disappeared at that point.


I think Aaron's Joe idea has some merit.

Devin Eleven

The answer couldn't be clearer. The Time traveling, Either genius or trickster personality, Great hair, Beloved by all, Thawne is: +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Mephisto +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+


In the comics thawne looks jus like barry idk maybe somehow they all see him as barry


As much as Barry vows not to kill people. Some guy pretending to be you and fuckin your girl, that's grounds for super death in my book.