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Does Clint make it home for Christmas?

Raw Rider Patrons can watch the Full Length Reaction to this episode HERE: https://blindwavellc.com/hawkeye-1x03-full/



I think he will but only just

Darth Kal-El (Cory Weston)

He has promised to much he will be home for Christmas. Meaning he will either make it home. Or will die and will make it home in a box ⚰️



Jordan Malloy

Would kinda suck if he didn’t. Celebrating Christmas with his family will serve as his official retirement. He’ll give his bow to Kate and call it a career.


I don't want to be cynical, but I don't think he makes it in time. Hopefully for GOOD reasons though.


Yes, I do think Clint Barton will be back home for Christmas. It's one of those Christmas tropes where the protagonist thinks they will not be there for Christmas but will the day of. Also, I think Clint will warm up to Kate Bishop and have her there with his family for Christmas.


It'll be close, but anything is possible when you were FUCKING RONIN! But in all seriousness, I really hope he makes it home. It won't be a very merry Christmas if he doesn't. Plus, he promised the kids the gingerbread houses, the movie marathon, and the ugly sweaters. One of which he already missed. Shame.


He'll make it home even if he needs to attach a sleigh to Pizza Dog and ride his way home.


Doubt it. Then there wouldn't be any drama.


He will and will bring Kate with him to meet the family


he has to, it feels way too cruel to not to


i think he will make it back home for Christmas 100% and he will bring Kate along with him


After episode 3, I'm starting to doubt Clint will make it home at all.


yes I think he'll make it but badly damage realizing he needs to fast the mantel to kate so that he can leave happily with his family


He will make it home...and put on his ugly sweater.


If he doesn't, the writers are getting coal for Christmas


The only reason I think not is we still don’t know what’s gonna happen and so far it’s more Kate Bishops story than Clint’s. So we’ll wait and see.


Definitely will. This man needs something good to go his way and after everything he needs some kind of happy ending.


I will become the new Ronin and hunt him down if he disappoints those kids! Nathaniel needs already missed the movie marathon with his dad!!!!!


What sort of monster would make a christmas avengers story without a happy ending for the Avenger?


I think he will and Kate will go too


I think that he will be faced with a Choice. Either be home for Christmas OR save Kate.


He’s gonna bring Kate and she’ll be a part of the family. A feel good Christmas ending

Stormageddon Thomason

I think that the Pym particles this episode is a foreshadowing of how, in the finale, Clint will put on the Antman suit and become small. And Kate will shoot an arrow with him inside across the country, bringing Clint to his family and marking Kate as the greatest archer of all time.


He WON'T make it home for Christmas. Instead, his family will travel back to New York and spend it with him, Kate, and Pizza Dog!


He will because kate will use a christmas arrow and it will teleport clint back home to his family


It’s gonna be like the end of Home Alone 2 where they just end up spending the holiday in News York


I think he absolutely will! This show is serious at points but doesn't seem to be dark enough in tone to let him die or have it end sadly. I was nervous when they mentioned it in episode 1, but having this moment with his son on the phone and getting Kate involved with understanding his sacrifice i think is pulling at the heart strings enough that it would be horrible not to let him have that now! If he doesn't i will personally track down Strange..take the time stone..and fix that shit.

Chris D. Jones

It’s just sad if he doesn’t

Adam Ilioff

No he leaves his wife and kids and settles down with Kate Bishop. Cause if doesn't come over in text that was sarcasm. He'll make it you do realize this show is on Disney right.


No way does Disney give us a dead Clint Barton for Christmas. No way!

Chase Gardner

He will but Clint will bring Kate bishop and pizza dog with him. For family Christmas.


No i don't think he will but home will come to him


He has to, haven't been this invested for someon to be with their family on Christmas since Home Alone.


I'm afraid that Maya will make it to Clint's home for Christmas; maybe she'll use them as leverage to get to him.

Jerick E

I need it in my body and soul to make it back. I was getting that vibe this episode that he might not and I just want him to make it back. For me he was the most relatable Avenger from the OG 2012 movie since it seemed attainable. Not like Iron Man who is super rich and smart or Cap that was super strong and have high morals. Hawkeye was flawed, edgy, and I related to that.


He will no SEE his family... Because Maya will stab his eyes, he'll be blind and he will be trained by Daredevil ... Extremly unlikely, but my mind is weird and thats where it went... Sop judging me !


He won't be back for the actual day, but his family will postpone Christmas to make sure he does. I'm thinking Kate lets them know he's coming, so, just as he arrives home, sad and disappointed, his family surprises him. It would fit the quirky tone of the show :P


I don't think he will make it home for Christmas, but I think his family will make it to him for Christmas


I think he will make it but the tracksuit mafia will follow him there they will have the final climax and in the middle Clint and maya will make peace and the Barton family kate and the tracksuit mafia will all come together for a Christmas dinner


Then black widows sister throws a grenade in the house killing everyone season over


I mean, this is *essentially* a Christmas series. I'm all for gritty and dark (Done well! Looking at you DC movies...) but, COMEON! You don't just MURDER the heart of the Avengers on friggin CHRISTMAS!


He’ll miss it but dr strange will reverse time…?

Red Claw

He will and bring Kate with him as the last Scene in this series/season.


He better, or I’m going to be pissed!


Kate is going to end up alone and Clint will bring her with him home to the family


Clint survived Loki, he survived Chitari, he survived Ultron, he survived Thanos ... ONLY to succumb to the one true power in the universe .... The Tracksuit Bros Mafia.


My sister and I look at each other and say “he’s definitely dying” a few times each episode… everytime he promises to be home is a new nail in his coffin.


Unfortunately i have a bad feeling only one Hawkeye makes it out alive at the end of the series & I don’t think it’s clint

Chance's House Of Horror

He will and Kate will be there with him after she has no one because we all know the mom is gonna let her down.


I don’t think he will make it back to the farm in time. But the family will have come to New York and it will be a fun airport reunion kind if thing on Christmas.


I hope he will. And I believe that the leader of the Tracksuits is Kingpin. That makes the most sense to me considering Echos dad was the leader (presumably) and since he is dead, her uncle (Kingpin) will be the leader.


There was a partial shot of a big dude in a black suit!

Bunny Norris

I think he will and he’ll be dressed as Santa and when the kids come outside he’ll use a fireworks arrow(s?) to spell ‘MERRY CHRISTMAS!’