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Uber Rider Videos:

Berserk #21 "Confession" Reaction

Django Unchained - Movie Reaction

Fortnight Rider Videos:

Berserk #22 "Infiltration" Reaction

2 Fast 2 Furious - Movie Reaction

Raw Rider Videos:

Berserk #21 "Confession" Full Length
Berserk #22 "Infiltration" Full Length

Django Unchained - Movie Full Length
2 Fast 2 Furious - Movie  Full Length

Four-Sight Rider Videos:

Berserk #23 "Eve of the Feast" Reaction | Full Length
Berserk #24 "The Great Eclipse" Reaction | Full Length

The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift - Movie Reaction | Full Length
The Mask of Zorro - Movie Reaction | Full Length 



Edge of Tomorrow? ☹️


i gotta be honest it makes me a little bit sick to my stomach that we get Tokyo Drift over Edge Of Tomorrow haha

Jens B

Was expecting Edge of tomorrow :(((((

Cory Ng

For those who wanted Edge of Tomorrow, they explained in the podcast that Calvin wasn't available to film the reaction, and they really him to be there to react to his favorite actor, Tom Cruise 🤣


all you need is kill.....not yet I hope Calvin can look past his Tom Cruise bias and see the awesomeness of this movie we're about to get

Matthew Knell

Man the mask of zoro is such an awesome movie.


Atleast we're getting Edge of Tomorrow next week, since it won the poll.. What makes me sick is getting Tokyo Drift, before Blade Runner 2049 and The Raid 2 🤨 That being said.. I am excited for them to react to the franchise tho! They definitely get more enjoyable, as the craziness keeps getting upped


Well, he might enjoy seeing Tom Cruise getting killed over and over again :D


one more week, one more week.


See last Friday's post for a more detailed explanation. It's next week.


I miss the swashbuckly adventure films of the 90's


The Great Eclipse

Erich Bomke

Edge of Tomorrow won, they just had to wait for Calvin to come back from his time off.

The Pebble

Generalizing Berserk like that...Please nooo, it's in a class of it's own good sir ;_;


Idk about everyone else but I like it better in the sub. Instead of saying "I submit" he says "I offer them all"

Daniel Gonzalez

See for me thats probably the worst thing about dubs theyre constantly changing the translation


Seriously? The mask of Zorro? Really? Who thought this would make for a good movie to react to? lol


One of the few movies they've ever reacted to that I actually have *negative* interest in seeing.


Liesmith u crazy Zoro is a amazing movie its the first one not the trash sequel lol


Man here we are, the Eclipse! Those 2 final reactions are going to be so interesting to watch. Eerything that happens with the God Hand is so insane, especially considering that fantasy elements are pretty lowkey during the entire show. You get one wake up call with Zodd and then this! The theme of fate that is explored with the God Hands is so interesting and I like how it is handled here. It's difficult for me to interpret the "flashback" scene from Griffith with certainty but one thing I get from it is that even though there are certainly predetermined aspects of his journey, not EVERYTHING is. He is still excercising free will. The God Hand say it themselves, it's Griffith's will that will turn the Band of the Hawk into sacrifices. I believe it's a combination of pretederminded aspects and free will that culminates into this moment and I believe that the God Hand do their part in influencing Griffith's minds/emotions to ensure that he makes that choice, they clearly have a hand in influencing his emotional and mental state, and that hand looks more evil than godlike to me. The "flashback" plays on many things but mainly it focuses on this: death, guilt, sacrifice, that everlasting hope symbolized by the castle and what needs to be done to reach that goal. The scenery and atmosphere is horrifying, the old lady is very harsh with young Griffith which I think symbolizes how vulnerable and weak he is at that moment. He's literally getting scolded by an evil mean old lady that keeps pushing him back to his guilt and suffering until she can sway him by claiming that the only way to be absolved of that guilt and give them justice is to go through with it. The worst part about it is that in reality, at least from what we've seen, Griffith hasn't sacrificied anyone at that point. Those people weren't forced, they weren't lied to or manipulated. They chose to fight for him from their own will and he cares about them. It's only in this very moment that Griffith is sacrificing people, chosing to give them as offering to demons against their will. Of course, non of that would have ever happened if Griffith wasn't in the state that he is at this point. It's like everything turned into a nightmare because he couldn't stand Guts leaving the Band, or I should stay, not OWNING Guts anymore, his shiniest and favourite POSSESSION... He's completely devasted after that. Part of me always wanted to see Griffith as utlimately a force of rightouesness but looking back at it, he did display one specific and very disturbing character trait. I'm talking about how he sees things and people has his possessions. We see that when we get some insight into what he's thinking when he tries to "stop" Guts from leaving the Band. I was honestly shocked to hear him tell Guts that he "belonged" to him. Belonged, like a goddamn object. I mean, sure we do hear him say the same thing after he wins his first duel against Guts, but I initially saw that as some grandiloquent and dramatic statement to make Guts part of the Band. Din't really pay any mind to it as animes and fiction in general can get a bit over dramatic at times. I never thought that after they become such close friends, after everything Guts's done, risked for him and allowed him to achieve, that Griffith would deny him his desire to go his own way. Turns out that Griffith always genuinely saw Guts as "his". He considers that he is the one to decide when and how he's going to die and that he can refuse him to go his own way...Okay that's a BIG NO for me. Even if we forget about what Guts has done for the Band and where it would be without him, still a big no. He goes as far as saying that if he can't have him, then he'd rather kill him. "if he will not be mine, his life is forfeit", what is he, a slave owner? That's soooo twisted. This is basically the moment when I went "nah... frack Griffith man". For real, I'm kind of surprised that no one from the Band adresses Griffith's actions at that moment. Everyone has a pretty natural reaction to Guts leaving, hell even Corkus's is more "normal". If I'd been there, I would have been like "what the hell Griffith! You can't own people! Now let him go at once, in fact wait Guts I'm coming with you this guy is a lunatic! You know what? Let's kill him real quick I've got this bad feeling it might bite us in the *ss later if we don't." Anyway, I think it's also the first time ever in his life that he got defeated at antything really, which probably gives a lot more weight to that blow. He truly looks completely devastated at that moment. It's not jst that he loses Guts, for the first time in his life he actually loses to someone. Then to try and fill in that void, to appease the suffering, he just jumps into Charlotte's bed, as if he now compulsively want to reach his goal even more. We're not talking about a man that has a deep calling, a genuine dream he wants to achieve , it's more of twisted obsession, an uncontrolable addiction that makes him do wrong things, the need to "own", the embodiment of greed maybe? Then he gets captured and this is when things take the darkest turn. He gets tortured for ages, so severily than when Caska and Guts comes to the rescue, Griffith has basically been robbed of everything that made him so exceptional, it has certainly robbed him of his dream. I think Griffith spent all his life being better than anyone else, he stanted out so much because of it. He was more clever, more cunning, more elegant, more handsome and even more skilled in fighting than any other character we saw up until Zodd and up until Guts beats him in single combat. Now, him that was always admired, worshipped by his comrades and even by those who would meet him, now he's lost everything. He even lost Caska to Guts and if it Caska wasn't part of Griffith's marital prospects, I mean you can see the look on his face when watches them from the carriage, dayum... There's a small moment when he contemplates what his life could be, a quiet life, with Caska, a family... and just as he is about to accept that, the Behelit shows up again, almost like it came in clutch to ensure the evil path. Then all those things unfold, the man obsessed with owning everything, broken physically, robbed of his dream, of everything he "owned", assaulted by guilt, feelings of resentment against Guts, suffering and in his weakest state, manipulated by false logic to free him of his guilt, maybe get payback on Guts and most importantly, achieve his dream by becoming the King of them all. I guess Griffith never was a righteous man, just a deeply twisted indivual with extraordinary skills in pretty much everything and genuine qualities.


So maybe now start the "Blind Wave Book Club" and start reading berserk together and discussing it? Just a thought.


Berserk post-anime manga read-a-long for Patrons! I love '97, but it pales in comparison. You don't have to put any images on screen, just put volume/chapter/page number on screen as you turn!


Also, the Remastered 40-minute blooper reel! Great fun.