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What are you guys thinking about series 11? Tell us why in the comments.



I love Jodie. Everything from the cinematography to the music to the set and costume design is as good as ever, if not better than before. I love all the companions and their chemistry and humour. However, I feel like the only thing letting this season down is the writing. The stakes have been low, the villains unthreatening and not very memorable, and even the way some of the episodes have wrapped up has felt lazy. I hope the writing gets better; Demons in the Punjab was my favourite episode so far and the first episode not written by Chibnall.


Definitely enjoying it more than not! Some episodes are quite shaky, but the majority, for me, have been great!


I have not been enjoying it, the episodes feel bland and having no season long arc is hurting the series I think.


It’s not the best season by far but there have been some great moments. The episodes over all are a bit disconnected and it feels like to me that there isn’t a bigger story arc like previous seasons hopefully the coming eps feel more interconnected


I’m loving it! Feels fresh, but still feels like Who.


I've been enjoying it. It's not the most GRANDEST cinematic piece of history to ever grace our screens, BUT, it's a good time, with pretty good episodes, and a fresh take on this show that we've been needing for a few years. There hasn't really been any episodes where I slam my fists down and say "this sucks!", it's all been relatively strong for me, so far :)


It’s not my most favourite season of new Who, but I am enjoying it thus far.


First season with a new Doc is always abit ropey. Except Matt Smith's and he's no where near my favourite doctor

Tasker Thorn

I'm liking the Doctor, liking the companions (Graham is the man), loving the cinematography, but the writing has been lackluster. The dialogue in particular lacks the wit of previous seasons. I live in hope that it will improve and Chibnall and the writers find their groove. (Rhyming unintended :D)


I feel ok so far, Jodie has been solid enough but I haven't felt any standout moments from her yet. She has had good lines at times but so far that has been it. The companions have honestly been better than I thought. I've really enjoyed Graham the most of the three, Yaz I feel hadn't got as much going on but with the most recent episode that changed which helped me connect more with her. Ryan is doing well enough for me too. I really wasn't sure 3 companions would work well like it did with any rory and river but it has been overall solid enough for me. Hopefully it gets better!


I think the historicals have been very effective and hard-hitting. They are the most successful part of the showrunner’s new vision for the show. Some of the other stories have suffered in comparison. Jodie is a decent Doctor, though I rate the other NuWho Doctors higher, and while Graham is a great companion, the other two don’t hold a candle to their predecessors just yet. The show just isn’t going to be as high concept as the previous six seasons and that’s something I’ve just got about used to. But I love the visuals and the music.


It’s alright but it feels like a different show to be honest, it hasn’t blown me away yet in terms of story. All it needs is a good arc or mystery that challenges the characters development


I've been liking it but not loving it (with the exception of this last one, which I did love). I'm still waiting for a certain *something* that I don't quite know how to put into words, but I have no doubt it's coming - if not in this series, then in the next. I think part of it is also me not being used to the style of writing, since we had Moffat for years, and his style is very distinct.


Every Season has its ups and downs, this one is no exception it's just a bit more noticeable then usual. I do think the fact that their hasn't really been a proper, threatening villain is what's sticking out in my opinion. No season arc is refreshing to see, taking it back to the old school days of old who where everything didn't need to be connected at the end of a season. Other then that I love Jodie, Bradley, Tolsin and Mandip their chemistry and personalities are great (Bradley aka Graham is my favorite).


Im likeing the season overall but that doesnt mean i dont have problems with it. overall i like nearly every episode of the season apart from tsunga conundrum (meh episode and i didnt like the pting as a main villian) but apart from that the other episodes are decent enough but what is missing is some pure sci fi as it is only the historical episodes that have been excellent. hopefully the next episode is have some good proper sci fi in it. other than that the doctor is good, graham is great and yaz, ryan and the villians are ok. the series is different but its a new era with a new showrunner and is the first time Moffat hasn't written an episode within the series, i think that is what to be expected. change can be difficult but it is needed and necessary for more greatness in the future.


Liking it, but not loving it. Just doesn't feel like doctor who to me - not enough focus on the doctor, and too many companions.

Tina L

I am really enjoying it. I like the serial nature to it. And the restructuring of it reminds me a lot of the Ninth Doctor. Instead of the Doctor or a compaion being the most important being in the universe that must do a thing before the universe blinks out of existence, the characters are allowed to experience things which allows them to have their perspectives changed or explored. Events influence them instead the them influencing the events. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy those Bad Wolf-The-Doctor-Donna-The-Girl-who-Waited moments, but I also enjoy those moments of Team Tardis having to stay on the bus, of The Doctor realizing she's stopping a medical professional from doing his job, of Yaz understanding why family lies. Having a fun time with a hopeful, meaningful message has been, not only refreshing, but a blast to watch.


Definitely been enjoying it so far. Can feel the effects of a new showrunner but overall I've been having a very fun time with this series.


Thoroughly enjoying it thus far. It’s very classic Who influenced- no big bad, no big series arc, a slower pace etc- just a group of people going on random adventures together, and slowly getting to know one another better, with a focus on scientific and historical education.


Really liking it, actually. It may be different from what we saw with Moffat, but as I can't stand Moffat, that's a good thing in my eyes.


Doctor Who has been my favourite show since 2005. Ever since I caught up, I have always been watching it immediately when it becomes available. Even though I have enjoyed watching this season, I says a lot that I even forgot that a new episode of Doctor Who was out for few days and I didnt really care.


I'm really enjoying it! It might be different but I love it, I'm pretty much showrunner agnostic. I loved things from RTD era, Moffat era, and now the Chibnall era!

William Tanner

I like it because it feels more like the first and second doctor stories. Almost every poll has been general things about the quality of the show.

Ryan Witalison

I've really enjoyed this series because I loved the Classic Who and this series very much feels like a throwback to the classic 1st and 2nd Doctor stories.

John M

I’m definitely enjoying the show, just for different reasons. I think it’s become more science fiction rather than fantasy. Less escapist overall but the episodes’ concepts may sit with you longer. It’s less about the epic mythos of the Doctor and more about the wonder of science, history, and the natural world. The Doctor is less god-like and more of a hands-on scientist. I think it’s cool, especially as a model for kids, it’s just different.

Jeanette C

This season has been different than other recent ones, it's not as fast paced, but I'm liking it in general. The first doctor used to do stories that were meant to be educational like this so they might just be going back to their roots. I'm interested to see where they go from here.


Feels a little preachy. But aside from that it's fine-ish. It's no series 6 or 7.


For me personally I have not hated it, just kinda disappointed. I feel like the doctor works better when they arn't tied down to earth or one place to much. Doctor who's greatest strength is the ability to go anywhere and anytime, there is a lot of freedom and creativity in that but I have not felt it. I also feel like there hasn't been much interesting ideas or concepts shown as in previous seasons. The villains have been a somewhat lacklustre/not thrilling for me. So overall kinda felt bored with this new season but that just my opinion.


I have enjoyed the episodes, but not nearly as much as other seasons. None of them have been standout episodes. Looking back at the rest of New Who, I can't find a single season with a string of six mediocre episodes in a row. Heck, the most I can find is 3. I keep waiting for the doctor to have a big moment, but it never happens. I keep waiting for them to bring back a classic villain, but it never happens. I keep waiting for a two-parter, but apparently this season won't have those. Many of the episodes have felt anti-climatic. They often end without a major fuss and sometimes don't even have proper wrap-up. The arachnids episode was the biggest offender, but they have all felt like that to some extent. The most recent episode felt like the main cast didn't even do anything. They learned some stuff, but they had no impact on the events, there was no villain, they just watched it play out. At least in Rosa they actually accomplished something by stopping the other time traveler, this one the only achievement was Yas learning about her grandmother. Ryan felt completely irrelevant, as he normally does (the only time I felt he accomplished something was convincing the pregnant guy to keep his baby). The whole season feels like a mess. They changed too much of the staff at once. New cast, new directors, new writers, new composer. It feels like all that's left is the IP, and they aren't even using much of what that has available to them (Daleks when?).


I'm definitely loving this season/series. I haven't been this excited for Doctor Who episodes in a long time. I can't wait to see more! :3


I still enjoy it on the whole, and this episode was definitely the best, but there's also some definite shortcomings. The most obvious thing to me is that all of the best episodes so far have been written by guest writers, while the ones written by Chris Chibnall - the new showrunner - have been pretty hit-or-miss, and even a little boring. I'm slightly worried how the show will take shape in the future if he continues to have creative control, but hopefully he learns from his mistakes, continues hiring capable new guest writers, and just sticks to managing the overall flow of the show, rather than writing too many of the episodes directly.

Azmat Mahmood

Yeah, series 1 with Eccelston had a couple of clunkers, but that was the show starting over again, so it's actually impressive how much they got right. A very good series. Series 2 with Tennant had 3 or 4 really bad clunkers, but the rest were all strong, so I'd still say it was a decent debut series for Tennant overall. Series 8 was a weird one. There were three weak episodes, but the overall tone and arc of the series was a bit inconsistent. Still an ok series. Series 11 is so far, definitely the weakest debut series for a Doctor and series 5 is of course, the best.


I've been loving it, mostly because of Jodie as the Doctor. I can't say how I feel about the other aspects of the show, because the comment would be really long and Aaron can't read. But the short version is that it doesn't have Beebo so it's a shitty show nobody should waste time watching.

Red Claw

I won't vote on either option. It's not bad, but I won't necessarily say I'm enjoying it. It's Doctor Who and I'm along for the ride as long as it don't get bad.


I liked episodes 2, 5 and 6, but that's only half of them. The Ghost Monument was the first actually good episode Chibnall has written for the show. I really wish someone else was the main writer after Moffat (brilliant guy) moved on.


So i haven't really watched this series cause i am catching up with you guy's group reaction and full length but i heard what this ep was about and i just wanted to say that i hope u guys enjoyed a little bit of my countries history. I can't wait to see this ep when u guys catch up. And the Melron reactions as well i love watching u guys do supernatural so I'm sure I'll love these reactions too.


This entire show is about regeneration and change, so I don’t really consider any particular series more or less "Who-ish” than another; I'm just trying to enjoy it for what it is. Besides, if you were to watch a Classic episode and then A Good Man Goes to War, you’d think you’re watching two different shows as well. In the end, it’s the Doctor that ties it all together, and since Jodie still feels like the Doctor to me, it still feels like the show that I love. :)


I would like to be on the fence, but since that’s not an option I’ll stick with it. Even though they have too many close ups and I know it’s more focused on education now but I would like the dialogue to be more organic and less like exposition.


As long as the Doctor is the Doctor, I'm fine. Let me go into detail on that in the "Demons of the Punjab," the Doctor says "I'm to nice, I don't know why, I'm just to nice." Just like the Doctor in "Fathers Day" when rose used the Doctor to save her Father. Now to get the campy out of Who is not a bad Idea. What is campy? "Love & Monsters", "The Doctor's wife," ect... And yes, Classic was also campy but back then the BBC looked on Doctor Who as a children;s show.


Don't like it because like you said it doesn't feel like doctor who


If I had to give this series a grade so far I would probably give it a B-. I think Jodie has done a great job as the Doctor so far, along with everyone else on the show. In fact, I've enjoyed everything but some of the writing.


I haven’t been enjoying it as this season there has never really been any real threat to the doctor and speaking of the doctor she seems more like a side character who’s main purpose is to whip the sonic out and give a speech about hope however graham is an amazing companion and Bradley Walsh’s acting has been the best of the season

Ism Zam

The whole series feels like it's stuck in 1st gear. Moffat could twist your mind. Chibnall seems to be playing everything too linear, too safe. The actions of the characters in his stories seem unrealistic. WHO WOULD KICK THE PTING AND THEN JUST LEAVE IT THERE?


I've been...enjoying it for the most part. I just feel like we're missing a few things. For one, I feel like the Doctor and her companions have yet to have a proper moment you know. They haven't been given the time to just sit and talk and grow their relationship like past companions. I mean, the second episode of Matt Smith's era, Amy was talking to him about the Star Whale and I haven't seen a scene like that (except for the first episode when they were talking about family, other than that we haven't gotten anything.) I want more scenes where the Doctor is connecting with her companions so I can truly feel like their friends and not just exposition and comic relief like Missy would say.


I think standalone this would be decently enjoyable but when in context of doctor who and the previous seasons it's so much less enjoyable that it becomes unenjoyable. Probably because chabnall's approach is so different from Moffat's who's era is easily my favourite, this a lot less grand scale, less snappy and witty and with way too many forced messages on social issues like race or pollution or donald trump or whatever, i'm happy with it tackling issues like that but when it's so forced that you just hear the writers and not the characters it pulls you out of the show and spoils the experience.


The acting is bland and feels worse than just being read from a script, Jodie says all her lines in a comedic kids show fashion, there's never a scene where she's authoritative or angry, which every doctor has been in their very first episodes. There was a scene in the first episode where she tries saying the 'I'm the Doctor and be scared of me' line where it makes me cringe, she's smiling when she says it ffs. The writing makes me miss Moffat and that's not a good thing. The episodes are boring and forgettable. And when someone like Murray Gold puts such a high standard to music for Doctor Who, where most episodes are boosted by the music, the new composer is such a let down.

Doug C

It definitely feels different, but not in a bad way. The fact the plot gets split into A, B, and C stories every time to accommodate the larger cast is different, but not bad. The filming style fells different. And different than what I like should be off putting. But, I love this cast. The Doctor has had lines I could imagine any of the last three saying, but she brings her own twist to them. And while it's a larger Tardis Team, I like all of them, particularly Graham. So I'll keep enjoying it and hope they get to a season long arc again (the one thing I miss from Moffat's era.)

Michael Harrop

The scripts are boring and badly written, unnecessary lines of exposition thrown in endlessly. The thirteenth Doctor is generic and safe, a watered down mix of what made other Doctors popular, thrown together with stupid gurning to show her 'alienness'. The honest answer is I've given up, I don't care about the show any more, I hope it's successful still because I love doctor who and always have. But this writing team, this tardis team isn't for me, for the first time ever, il just not watch any more till change comes again.

Adam Parker

I'm enjoying it. Moffatt was criticised for making the show too complex. People said they couldn't follow it and viewing figures dropped. Now, the show has straightforward standalone stories that make sense even if you haven't seen the other episodes and viewing figures in the UK have rebounded (8m now vs 5m in 2017). The Chibnell reboot is bigger than the Moffatt reboot in 2010. I do find this version of the Doctor a bit vanilla though.


Jodie is amazing as the Doctor. The writing is less amazing. I think it really hurts the show that there won't be a single Moffat-penned episode this season. I need a really noodle-twisting, big ideas, out-there episode soon, because the stories are on the whole very bland. I'm really trying to care for Ryan and Yaz, but they are still so very bland. Graham at least manages to make an impact. With that said, Rosa was an instant classic and the show overall looks better than ever. I can't say i haven't been enjoying it, because i have. I just enjoyed the first half of the season much less than i hoped i would.


Ive been enjoying it but also miss an overarching story throughout the season. I havent really seen any hints towards anything like that and its unfortunate. however I really enjoy the style of going to historical events. Some people really disliked Moffats episodes and called them overly complicated but I disagree, i very much enjoyed seasons 5 thru 10 and Matt Smith will always be my favorite doctor.


I'm not really disliking any part of the show, but at the same time I haven't really been amazed by anything. I feel like I don't really need to go back and watch these episodes again, like I have for previous seasons. I think what I really want to see is Jodie when she's angry and see how she plays with that sort of quiet rage that the doctor has.


There have been two real hits so far this series, and the others have mainly been pretty good. I really love the current group!


I disagree with you on Moffat, but I'm glad it's working for you again.

The Doctor

The slightly annoying thing for me is that I've found the episodes I've liked the most have been the ones not written by the new show runner, Chris Chibnall. His episodes are really not hitting the mark for me. I definetely approve of all the location filming they've been doing abroad though, really builds a good world.


While I am enjoying the series there is little emotional connection with the doctor. If she were to Regenerate at the end of the season I would not cry like I did with previous doctors. She is the doctor but she isn't The Doctor... If that makes sense.


I'm really loving the new season. It is hitting all of these key fears we see in life today. Rumor has it the new showrunner and the doctor are leaving after next season because BBC is trying to force a new full length season every year and that's not possible. It's a shame, I hope it's not true. Graham is amazing as well.


Id hate that to be the case... if the CW shows can put out 23 episodes in under a year, BBC should be able to manage 13 in a year surely?