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Do you think Cicada's abilities are due to his own super powers or his equipment?



He’s his own Cicada man. He don’t need no gear


I'll say it has something to do with his lightning bolt dagger

Doby Greg

I imagine him being linked to his equipement. Like even if he was naked he would be able to call his dagger.

Andrew Courtney

I think his dagger is imbued with some kind of dark matter negating energy. Just unsure if he has his own strengths aside from that. He seemed strong or at least a skilled fighter.


I think he channels his abilities through the dagger like Rupture.


Neither, they come from his faith in Beebo


I think he is a great fighter who uses tech


It doesn't look like he was wearing much gear...so I think he's a meta...

Jon Dub

Maybe its a combination of both, maybe the dagger is what holds the power, but maybe he is linked to it somehow, like why he is the only one who can pick it up, and he can call it etc.

I Am Groot

I think it's a magic knife or something. Like Mjolnir but the anti-metahuman version


Maybe I'm just over analyzing but he seems like he hate meta humans from him killing gridlock and leaving the guards alive. It would hypocrite if he was meta and was killing metas for that reason


So far it looks to be centered around his dagger, I'm thinking magic may be a possibility. Also it looks like the Flash lighting bolt symbol which could be a coincidence, or not.


It seems to be his dagger, looks like it temp takes meta powers like a dark matter conductor. Plus he is prob a good fighter so a non powered meta will just lose to him.


Does the red lightning on the bolt imply the weapon having a connection to the (negative) speed force at all? Or just a cool effect?


I think its his own abilities but did anyone noticed he stopped when she said the word Dad. Is this kid her twin and he went bad because without Flash evil metas took over.

Sheriff Uchiha

I think he has only the power to block meta ability. Meta's killed eitther his children or parents so he decided to use his powers to kill all metas. Even the good ones cos good metas can still produce bad ones.


Anyone else think that Oliver and Supergirl could just easily beat Cicada if Flash got them to help out? Since they’re not Metas at all


It's got to be more than his equipment. He's connected to the lightning bolt somehow, because he controls it and it didn't work for Cisco.


Could the dagger be part of the star labs satellite that Barry and nora punched?


I think mostly his blade but like cisco said with thors hammer, he got to have something else within him

Justin H'oman

its possible but the character in the comics is like 500 years old. maybe a piece of shrapnel blew up through time and ended up linked to him.

Sir Dewey Knight Of Bebahan

Heard a few people say that maybe the negative tachyons the Nora brought with her might have a role to play in stoping him


Season 1 episode 1 flash helmet was extremely small and was actually very uncomfortable for grant since it squeezed his head


I really hope it's equipment - I feel like a non-powered villain would be very compelling in Central City. The fact that he wouldn't have powers alone makes him pretty intimidating

Doby Greg

Barry should break Oliver out for an hour to take care of him. Or really borrow any member of team arrow. They don't need power to kick ass.


From what I gather he hates metas, so I would think he isn't one.


From what I’ve seen so far there’s nothing to show him being a meta. And the fact that he wants to kill them suggests that he isn’t. I’m interested to see where his equipment is from. Is it future tech and why is it in the shape of a lighting bolt.


I think it might be like a hand held particle accelerator, but like in reverse. Since the PA gave powers and the dagger takes powers away. Ohhhhh, So it’s a particle deaccelerator, or not........ ITS A FLASH THING STOP JUDGING ME MOM


I think it’s just the equipment. He wants to kill metas so presumably he hates them