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Did you feel the absence of Wynn in this episode?



I'll miss him, but I have faith Braine can fit into his role smoothly.


I love a No Wynn situation. Much prefer Brainiac 5.

Darth Skhorrn

I like Wynn, and I miss him, but I don't feel like there's a void or that he's irreplaceable.

Andrew Courtney

I do miss Jeremy Jordan but I think the actor for Brainy will grow on me. But if there is another musical episode Wynn better be there.


I did, just like I feel the absence of Cat Grant in every episode since Calista Flockhart left. They are both core cast members and the show isn't the same without them. I also feel Beebo's absence.


I do miss him but it will depend on what they do with Brainie i hope they give him character moments/episode like Wynn has had in the past


I miss him, but I feel like they hadn't done much with him as a character. He was a core team member in the early episodes, but after that they started relegating him to the back as the Deus ex machina maker and it felt like he was an afterthought to most episodes.




I definitely felt his absence, but hopefully brainie can fill that spot perfectly


No, but I'm not into Brainiac ether. I have in the back of my mind he could go Evil again, felt the same in the Smallville version.


I didn’t even realise he was gone until Brainiac brought it up.


I’d rather Winn wasn’t gone, but Brainey fills the role without the misguided romantic tension established in S1.


I really do miss him, he has been a big part off the serie since episode 1 and a big part in Kara finding Supergirl. Supergirl (as a series) doesn't have a lot a history and backstory yet, there haven't been enough seasons of the show to give it enough of a live of its own. So when a bit chunk of the story leave, there is less to fall back on compare to more established show. I hope he comes back now and then!!

Dylan Carpenter

I do miss Wynn, but I felt like Brainy did a good job of filling his role.


Not only do I feel the absence of Winn, I'm not sure how I feel about the show effectively removing all active male heroes from the main roles. I get that its Supergirls show and that's why I watch, but still