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Would the fact that Earl was drunk while trying to Kill Maggie affect your judgement of him when deciding punishment?



I can understand why Maggie would change her mind here given that Hershel was a drinker too. He was given a second chance when Rick rescued him from the bar back in season 2 and I'm sure she remembers that


Getting drunk and attempting murder, we've all been there.


I'm under the opinion you should be held accountable for you actions, even while drunk. You know what alcohol does to you, therefore you are willingly putting yourself into a state where you can't fully control your actions. So anything you do while in that state, is still your fault. Now, depending on the circumstances, and how well I know the person, I may be willing to forgive them, but they should still be fully held responsible for their actions, and appropriate measures taken.

Boomchicawawa Bay

We are worried about zombies, starvation, and all kinds of other shit, get your drunk murderess ass in the jail cell. Ain't nobody got time for that.


Just drunk? No. But couple that with the fact that his only child died the same day and he's apparently the only one who can blacksmith and it all gets a little bit more complicated.

Darth Skhorrn

Being drunk strips away inhibitions and reveals who you really are, so I'd get drunk and see who I really am when it comes to punishment. Spoiler alert, he'd die.

Doby Greg

I would be less harsh. He would still be punished just less harshly than if he did it while in full control. He wasn't drinking to kill he was drinking to grief a son and someone took advantage. Being drunk makes you more stupid and succeptible.

The Doctor

In the UK being drunk is viewed as an aggravating factor in a court case, meaning it's likely to increase your sentence. Not sure about the law across the pond. The beautiful booze juice just unlocks your inner feelings and makes you more likely to act on them.


If it was just being drunk then sure it would have no effect, but a drink for the first time in 20 years on the day your son died and being manipulated by Gregory? I think there is a little bit of wiggle room there.


His drunkenness wasn’t the only factor though. It was him being manipulated by a man who knows how to manipulate. Gregory took advantage of his fragile emotional state so he got him drunk and used his words to get Earl to do what he did. Earl should definitely be held accountable but I wouldn’t be as harsh on him considering the other factors that were involved. He’s also their only blacksmith so they really need him, until they find more people with experience.


Yes i would be less harsh it would not be because he was just drunk but also because he was an alcoholic in the past my dad was an alcoholic and the difference between when he was few months sober and when he was drunk specially on the first time he would get drunk after being sober was drastic not to mention this Guy just lost his son and was sober for 20 years


Yes, I would be less harsh on him because of this. Not by much though. I also think we need to take into consideration why he was drunk. Gregory was the one who manipulated him into drinking after the death of his son and ultimately lead to this happen. Maggie’s decision is exactly what I would do in this situation


I couldn’t let him off easy based on impairment. Reason being that reckless drivers can be labeled as such regardless of alcohol consumption. If anything, it would make it worse.


Yes, it would be harsher. Alcohol was choice he made in drinking which heightened the choice to kill Maggie. PS. Eric, yes Jadis was responsible for the paintings in Maggie's office. They were signed "Anne", her real name.


It doesn’t matter if your drunk or not, if you tried to kill someone in modern society you will go to prison. This is not modern society and In this time a blacksmith out ways his death. I still can’t believe that the heard they where trying to pull away, they just didn’t kill in the first place, since they killed it with half of there troops.


The fact Earl was drunk doesn't excuse what he did, however, the fact that Gregory manipulated Earl's alcoholism to turn him into his puppet does soften the blame a little in my eyes.


I read that even if your drunk and you do something bad you still had it in you, so earl wanted to kill meagen anyway sober or not


I wholeheartedly agree with Calvin where if you’re drunk all it does is removes the barriers on your brain


If I was Maggie, for all I know he planned to kill her and then got drunk to make it easier/give him a bit of leeway if he fails. If he was a teenager who can't really be expected to completely know their limits then I'd be more understanding but Earl is a grown ass man