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What are your first impressions of the new Doctor?



Oh, I’m completely on board. She was really great. I think it’s going to be very funny watching her figure out how this weird new body works, but they were really smart not putting it in the first episode, and that makes her and the new season even better.


I was shocked at how much I liked this Doctor, especially after my favourite Doctor, writer, TARDIS and sonic all ended in 1 single episode. So naturally I wasn't hyped for this season and was stunned at how quickly I was on board.


I liked the episode, but I’m still too used to Capaldi as The Doctor to see her as the same character. There’s always an adjust period after a regeneration, so I’m looking forward to Jodie cementing herself in the role over the next few episodes.


I. Love. Her. ❤️


I like her, she felt like the Doctor, especially the scene atop that crane.


I loved her energy and I really liked the episode. Unsure about the companions but I look forward to watching their journey. Also, "Tim Shaw" in the credits made me so happy :P


I love her 😂😁 she's so good already. I just hope every episode doesnt end with a cliffhanger


Not sure yet. She was likeable enough, but I'm waiting for that other layer. The less "happy-go-lucky, let's all be friends" layer. Also, I didn't think her delivery of the quicker throwaway dialogue was as tight as previous Doctors, but that's not all that important in the grand scheme of things. I'll wait and see for now. I was sold on the companions a bit more strongly, especially Graham.


I'm pretty sure the new show runner confirmed no 2-parters for this season at all, i think.


I voted "I'm not sure yet" because I haven't caught up to this season yet, so I'm not sure yet, Xp


It usually takes me a while to like the new doctor. But I was really surprised by how fast I liked her. I enjoyed her humor, ingenuity and overall badassery when confronting the "monster." I think she's going to be fantastic.


I'm not sure yet. I like the actor but I’m not sure if it’s because I liked her in Broadchurch or if I like her portrayal of The Doctor. I’ll need to see more. I do love that outfit though.


As soon as her finger went up her nose, I stopped seeing Jodie and saw only the Doctor. ^_^


To me she is The Doctor, the transition was seamless!

Jeanette C

The 10th Doctor will always be my favourite, but I like her so far. I don't think it's going to take me as long to warm up to her as it did for me to warm up to Matt and Peter


I was excepting to take a while to warm up to her. But I loved her right away. She hit the ground running. It will take me a few episodes to figure out where she sits on the Doctor scale. But she is the first since Tennant that I have liked right away.


Hated her. They should have cast Beebo as the Doctor.


She reminds me a lot of 10


I believe she's the Doctor, but I'm still waiting for her to show us HER Doctor.


Shes the second doctor I've loved just from watching her introduction episode. First one being 11 and his intro.


I loved her warmth and energy, she seems like she’ll be a very compassionate Doctor. Also, I agree with Melanie - this felt very much like a pilot for a brand new show, just like The Eleventh Hour did for Matt Smith.


It's funny you mentioned the episode with the sun possessing people on the space station while they are trying to open all the layers of doors, because that episode is written by the new showrunner, Chris Chibnall. (It was called 42)

Gavin Mcfadden

I really loved her and her energy. Excited for the only thing I know about this season is the whole dropping companions for the “ Doctor’s Friends” thing. And I love how in this episode I guess instead of one doctor friend it’s three of all different personalities. Very interesting. Can’t wait to see more and have all four of them bounce off each other.


Liking what I've seen of Jodie so far. Also liking the new companions. Really happy about there being three of them. For me this particular grouping harkens back to the beginning of the show in the 60s, when the first Doctor had Ian, Barbara and Susan as his companions for the first few seasons of the show. Good mix of character types.

Anthony Wickizer

I really thought she had some great moments. When she was deciding what to call the group of companions. Her response to being a woman. Building the sonic. Her describing what regenerating feels like especially great.


I think she is great. But the feel of the show has changed due to the new showrunner and I'm much more worried about that than new Doctor.


Her quirkiness reminded me of Matt Smith (my first Doctor) which I really enjoyed, and I like the idea of having multiple companions again. Also love it when characters have banter between each other like in Flash cause I feel like it gives them more personality. Don't really care for her gasps, like when she first pops up after falling through the train, they seem forced and not as natural, but excited to see more of her. Hope she has a good speech.


I love her. She is a really good actress. In the UK tv show broadchurch she stood out form the rest. We get this with every doctor. where we are not sure, then half way through the season we start to like them, then by the time they are done with the role we dont want them to go.

Paul McElvaney

She’s ‘new’ and I think that’s exactly what the show needs right now. Every Doctor has a personality trait that’s the opposite of the Doctor before them in some way. For example, Tom Baker was insane but then Peter Davison after him was soft spoken and low key. David Tennant was a romantic hero, but then Matt Smith had no idea how to talk to girls. This time, while Capaldi was often blind to human emotions, Jodie seems much more in tune with what her companions are feeling. When they see the body, she doesn’t just say ‘I’m so sorry’ like Tennant was, she says things like ‘i’m sorry you had to see that’. And most interestingly, at the end she sticks around unprompted for the funeral. She doesn’t even think about the TARDIS, clothes, etc until she is reminded of them. Good start.


I like her but I dislike the feel of the episode and the story wasnt up to much.


I like how Aaron thought we got another Scottish doctor :)


I have seen every Doctor Who made even have the audio CD's for Macra Terror, Faceless ones, Evil of the Daleks, Fury From the Deep, The Space Pirates,The Highlanders, The Smugglers and box set's of The lost Episodes one and Two Giving me all William Hartnell and Patrich Troughton Stories. Plus All New Who on DVD. even read a few books. So I can safely say without a doubt This is Doctor Who Female or not. And I like her!

Stephen Ray

I like her so far. She's definitely the Doctor. Having a bigger TARDIS crew is a great idea. Amy, River, and Rory had such great chemistry as a team. It also worked with older Doctors. When Five flew around with Tegan, Nyssa, and Adric, you could hate one or two of them (Adric!) and still like the others.


I really like her. So far she seems to be a mix of Nines directness and Tens aloof personality.


Jodie's Doctor is the first one that I've liked right of the bat since Christopher Eccleston in series one. As far Peter's Doctor goes he does remind me of other Doctors mostly 3 and 4 with a dash of 1. As far as who is going to be "the " companion I wouldn't assume anything. The first Doctor had 3 companions and there has been many multiple companions since then. For example think Amy and Rory. Enjoyed the reaction, and for most of the times when you both didn't agree on something I think Melanie was right. :-)


She's The Doctor.


QUESTION FOR AARON: Little irrelevant, so apologise, but as a guess, who do you think will be Calvin’s, Eric’s and Shane’s favourite doctor once they catch up to where we are currently? Do you think they will all prefer Tennant or do you think one or two of them will have changed to Smith or Capaldi?


I like her a lot. I'm not loving her yet, but I have good feeling that I will soon. I always find first episodes a bit dodgy, and difficult to judge the Doctor on. She seems fun and energetic and a bit of a scatter-brain, and I think that could be great. Only thing I'm "missing", I suppose, is that I don't feel like I have something yet that makes me think of this Doctor specifically, but I think specific mannerisms and such will come along with time. I'm excited! Have to say, favourite scene in the episode was the Doctor building her own screwdriver. Loved that scene, and the music in it especially.

Monty Magpie

it always takes a few episodes for me to adjust to a new Doctor but I liked what I seen of her. I'm interested to see the new TARDIS interior and opening credits now.

Dan Banks

I don’t think I’m gonna be able to know if I like the new doctor until I get a actual decent episode with them, this episode was just a little disappointing


I was ready to stop watching after Capaldi as he was my fav but after watching this episode, im all in. You can tell every one of the cast wants to be there and give it their all. Im not 100% on board with Jodie yet, almost never am in the first episode. If you compare every (new who specifically) doctors 1st episode to their last, they all grew wonderfully into the role and i have faith that Jodie will do. Who is BACK!


Not sure yet. She was able to make me think of multiple prior Doctors, which she needed to do to make us think "forsooth, this be the same creature of yore" ... but at some point she has to make the character her own with only the occasional call back to the past. When that happens I'll pass judgment.


It felt more like class the doctor who spin off which is usually darker than doctor who and Jodie was just being the comic relief but I hope we get to see more of her personality in future episodes


She was fine and Bradley Walsh decent everything else was shite


Is there a Doctor Who reaction going up today?


Getting used to a new Doctor always takes a bit of time, plus we have the added fact that's the first female Doctor.

Mark McKeown

Jesus your comments are always such a downer. Literally just read through the last dozen of your comments and every one of them is complaining about something. Cheers up mate, it ain't all bad.


I thought Jodie was brilliant. She's got great energy and charisma. There was nothing that immediately put me off about her performance, so I'm sure she'll work her way into my heart in no time. Not as sold on the companions yet. Nor am I sold on the new composer. I didn't like the new version of the theme, and the soundtrack to the episode was rather "meh."


The biggest issue I had with the episode is the lack of Murray Gold's amazing music.

Bryan Matola

I’m way more worried about Chibnall than Whittaker.

Dave Ford

Loving the Doctor - it's the head-writer I'm worried about....


I'm still unsure I think I liked her on an acting level, but I feel this ep was a rather middling ep, I think we need to give her more room, and her companions, to breathe. The ep was way too much for what it needed to do and instead left me worried and not as excited as with other new docs. Again give her a few more episodes to make it her own


She reminded me of Ten, who was my favorite Doctor, so I freaking loved her!


His first Doctor Who script. Followed by The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood (as also mentioned). Then Dinosaurs on a Spaceship and Power of Three (plus Pond Life and P.S.). He also wrote the bulk of Torchwood S1 and S2 episodes. This probably is the first time (apart, perhaps from Torchwood S2) where he isn't being compromised by budget restraints, an actor ruining the final scene, cuts for time or just being asked to write a load of stuff at really short notice (Torchwood S1 was especially bad for this but I think he also wrote one of his two Doctor Who S7 scripts in secret when he was supposed to be on holiday). That, combined will this all being his vision, could well make things pretty different to his previous outings.


On first viewing, everything seemed a little bit clunky, but I think I was a little anxious and exaggerating certain stylistic choices and I really enjoyed it on a rewatch. I now think it's all pretty great as an establishing story goes - but the proper effect is always cumulative over many stories, so we'll have to wait and see.


I went in with no expectations and ended up loving her. I really liked the change in music too. I do wish there'd been a little more showing and a little less *telling* throughout the episode, but then I've never been a huge fan of Chibnall's writing for DW. I guess there's plenty of time for things to be ironed out and for the show to find its new footing though. For a series opener it was okay and for a new Doctor's first outing it was pretty solid. I thought I was getting bored of the show after watching it consistently since 2005 but I'm actually really excited to see next week's!

Nick Earl

Come on Ive had 10 hours at work and want to be in bed at a respectable hour :( Whys the reaction taking so long?


Please tell me I'm not the only one sat here refreshing the page for the Doctor Who reaction? I wanna know I'm not the only massive loser here.


I liked her, and the episode overall, but am still reserving judgment on the writing of the series as a whole. Was never a huge fan of Chibnall's DW work and wasnt thrilled at him being named the new showrunner, but am willing to give it a shot. Liking the new doctor is a big help and it seems like they got that part right at least.


Doing exact same thing, same as last week that one was late too


I thought the music seemed off... it's a new composer? That's extremely disappointing.

Joe Entwistle

Classic Blindwave not uploading reaction till like 2am without giving any updates

Nick Earl

I never knew the Blind Wave referred to how much they leave their viewers in the dark :p


I’ve not watched Doctor Who for a couple of years now but thought it might be a good time to jump back on with this new Doctor. I’ve very intrigued but I’m not 100% on board at the minute


Loved Jodie! This is the most excited I have been for Doctor Who in ages. The only other criticism I have for now is that the companions seem a little bland. The companions shape a season as much as the Doctor does. I hope they flesh them out in the coming episodes. Jodie is really charismatic. She has this powerful presence on screen that commands attention.


.I like her she has allot of dorky greatness you got from the two Drs before Carapaldi. makes you feel like she is the Dr. A bit more then actor who played the Dr Before her. Im sorry I am terrible with Actors names who have played on Dr Who.


She was awful. It may not be all her fault but her performance didn't fit the new tone. I've said to others it would be like if Robin Williams had gone into One Hour Photo or Insomnia and had done his usual thing, it would have been so out of place and hence a poor acting performance. Here what we had was Jodi doing a RTD era performance with Chibnall using a style more akin to Torchwood so Jodi's performance is out of place and hence its poor due to her choices

lewis is your patron

I mean she’s good. It just kinda feels to me that some lines were a bit forced, mainly the more goofy or quirky ones, whereas with Peter, David and Matt especially they came more naturally. I hope she gets more into the role, because it felt like she was trying a bit hard to be the Doctor.

Rhianna BRROWN

Where’s doctor who season 6 episode 2 ??????

Rhianna BRROWN

Where’s doctor who season 6 episode 2 ??????

Rhianna BRROWN

Where’s doctor who season 6 episode 2 ??????

lewis is your patron

“The Dr before the one before her in her.” What the hell does that mean. No offence but I’m guessing English ain’t your first language.

Nick Earl

I really wish Blind Wave would develop a release schedule with specific times. Even if it meant waiting until Thursday morning to watch content. Too many of their shows have totally variable release times and I think its unfair that people paying $5-10 get messed around by it.

lewis is your patron

I think everyone feels the same, but they upload everyday whether or not you watch them so maybe cut them a little slack. I know it’s annoying for us in the U.K. but different time zones mean compromises, and if that means watching something on a Thursday instead of a Wednesday the I’m okay with that.

Josh Thompson

I'm sure they invested resources into getting out a reaction to Jodie's first episode, as they assumed we would all be clambering for it. They don't have infinite resources. They'll have it out soon, I'm sure.


Shall we give up now and accept Who will be coming tomorrow?

Rhianna BRROWN

Ye cause she’s women is what your trying to say. She’s a great actor and she reminded me of tennant and Matt and Tom she did great and most ppl loved her


wonder what the new tardis looks like


I’ve given up and gone to bed. I appreciate these things take time, but an announcement saying it would be delayed wouldn’t have hurt... I’ve been waiting up especially to watch full length after a particularly rubbish day at work. ☹️ Hopefully when I wake up 🤞🏻

Joe Entwistle

$40k a month from fans and they don't even bother to give updates when things are delayed. They really need to step up the communication

Doby Greg

I enjoyed her more and more as the episode went along. I am still not sold on her delivery of the line "I'm the doctor" but most doctors have to grow into the role.

Tomi A

Come on guys, at least give us an update

Joshua delrey

Wheres doctor who s6 ep 2 reaction?


It's midnight and I'm still waiting. What's taking so long?

Nick Earl

Fuck it I am off to bed. Night all.

Ism Zam

This ridiculous

Rime Pendragon

Wow, bunch of whiners in the comments. Real mature...


I get you can’t always upload on time, but just put a post/tweet/comment saying so. Even if you say it’s delayed 48hours, then at least we still know!! Also, If having season 11 reactions means a delay in the season 6 reactions, is rather have the season 6 reactions have more priority and have the season 11 reactions come out on like Friday or saturday

Joe Entwistle

Yeah, what a bunch of whiners. It's not like we're actually paying to keep their lights on. Not like we're paying to see these videos. Oh wait

SouffleGirl Oswald

I thoroughly enjoyed this first episode. I was a bit nervous coming in, but I think the writing as well as Jodie's portrayal of the Doctor was extremely well executed. It felt different but at the same time respectful of its past. And the amount of diversity in race/nationality, age and of course gender, was refreshing and well done. It felt natural, not forced. I'm really excited to see what the rest of the season brings!


Geez some of you are ridiculous. Yes it sucks you live in a different time zone, but they can only operate within the one they live. Yes they could and should give an ETA when things are “delayed,” but that’s no excuse for some of the whining and entitlement here.

Nick Earl

Entitlement from people paying money to support a fan channel? What a load of drivel. It’s a transaction, not a charity event.


You might wanna edit that last sentence. I assume you meant to put season 6 at the end having more priority, rather than season 11 twice?


I really enjoyed Jodie as the Doctor. However, I feel like the storytelling fell abit flat. The introduction of this many characters felt abit disruptive. Overall it was neither hit nor miss for me.

Dave van der Kuyp

Good episode. Different, but still familiar. People grow in to the doctor role. They all made good first impressions and then they built from there becoming great. I instantly liked her, and that hasn’t happened since capaldi, for me. I do hope she retained some ‘not taking shit from anybody, pudding brains’. I loved that the most about capaldi.

Tasker Thorn

I'm on the fence. The change in tone is so radical it doesn't feel like Doctor Who yet. Some of the cinematography was movie level stuff, but the writing didn't seem to have much going for it yet. But its early still in this new run, so I'm keeping an open mind.

Joshua gomer

I can tell you this after that teaser trailer about her and the glass ceiling.... I was worried this was just going to politicize the show like how the last season was heading that direction.... BUT it gladly shifted my expectations but I still need to see more from the actor before I begin to compare her to the other doctor's. But glad to see they didn't pull a legends of tommorow with Sarah and politize her. #Happy


I loved her! I was quite surprised and relieved how much I liked her, because I was one who wasn't initially all that enthused about the idea of a female Doctor. But any lingering doubts I had quickly vanished within the first couple minutes of her being on screen. She completely convinced me she was the Doctor. I thought Jodie was fantastic throughout, and I thoroughly enjoyed the episode. I'm also really happy it's going to be 3 companions. Looking forward to the different dynamics that will bring. For me, it was a solid start, and I can't wait for more!


I love her. For me there is no such a thing as a "Bad Doctor", every single one of them is interesting and fun. My fave is 11 and 10, but i like them all.


I love Jodie so far! Ever since she got on screen I was hooked with every scene she’s in! At first I had some 10th and 11th doctor vibes in the way she was acting for the first half of the story but I feel at the end she came into her own and more so I’m episode 2 her doctor already seems a lot more established and the character development this series already has been all round good, with the acception to Yaz, but I have no doubt we’d be getting a story focused on her character very soon! Keep up the great work to all of u at blind wave, you all do a terrific job and I love all your videos 🙂