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If Coulson was going to be saved, what do you think would be the cause of it?



Not related, but I just rewatched Age of Ultron and now I'm pissed that the Agents weren't in it and I needed someone to share in my frustration 😂.


Probably magic based but then again they could say magic is science we don't understand or something like that lol


I’m calling it. Doctor strange will save him in Infinity War


Unless Ghost Rider comes through a portal, I don't see where they're going to find the magic they need to save Coulson.

Doug C

Isn't Magic just Science you don't understand yet?


I can only see magic fixing the potential future for humanity and saving Coulson this season. I refuse to see this beautiful man die again!


I’d have to go with Science. Magic killed him the first time (Loki’s tricks), science brought his back the first time, and now Magic is taking that life back from him, seems only right that science brings him back from the brink again.

Fantasiy Alcala

If it's dead tissue, then it has to be magic. I don't believe any science can help with that.


He was already saved by science and I don't think Coulson wants what that did and magic might be able to save him without the mental and physical trauma the 1st resurrection caused him. Also great reaction guys I really enjoyed it.

Doby Greg

Science because Fitz and Simmons have to be involve in it.


Magic's just science that we don't understand yet. =P


Neither, i can see them failing to save him. Then Coulson being so goddam beautiful, just somehow manages trip an accidentally find a cure/power that saves him after everyone comes to terms with his inevitable death. if its a result of the shows story or an Infinity war/Stone is up to debate.


I think Coulson has to die so they can bring him back into the movies sometime in Avengers 3/4 with the Gauntlet.


I think a better question would be how do you think he'll die? Will his heart give out naturally? will it be a noble but bad ass sacrifice? will Deke accidentally knock him into oncoming traffic as he sees a store that sells Zima?


Torn on this one. If he doesn't want to be saved they should respect that. But I also don't want to lose Coulson!


Any chance you guys can have slightly less spoilerish wording on your polls, not asking for a huge difference, just not as clear cut spoilers as the last few have been?


I'm not actively looking for the poll, it just pops up on top of feed and hard to remember not to read them everytime


It's a kind of magic


He has been saved by science before so they might go with magic also i think it might happen against coulson's whishes


Clarke's third law right? Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.


Why hasnt Yo-Yo told the team what her future self warned about saving Coulson? If she had they would consider it and use it in arguments right?


I can honestly imagine Coulson not living through the end of this season... His arc has gone about as far as I think it can go, and I also think Daisy is ready to lead S.H.I.E.L.D.... However if he is saved I'd imagine it would have something to do with Ghost Rider, considering he's the reason this is happening to Coulson in the first place.

Andrew Courtney

If this is the last season I could see him dying to pass on the mantle to Daisy, or him and May riding off into the sunset. I’d prefer the later. And who knows maybe he will be new Ghost Rider...


IF agents of shield does get extended to a 6th season, i do believe that there would be a way for the writers to keep Coulson around. However, if it does not get renewed, i do believe that he will not be saved, and then the show will end with Daisy as head of Shield, while May either retires, or dies. I believe the ending (if the show doesnt get a 6th season) will end with everyone there standing in the "team pose, with a camera pan out" position with May and Coulson no longer a part of the team.


Science because as Rick sanchez has Taught us , science is better than magic.


Magic, because Ghost Rider needs to come back.


He already said he didn't want to be healed supernaturally. I think he'd be against it unless he was forced to. But hell, maybe Robbie will get sick of being Ghost Rider a Coulson can take up the mantel permanently!


Both! Cause magic is science you don't understand and thor said magic and science is the same thing where he is from.


I think we will see some type of help from if not Strange but his side kick where Caulson is saved because he is needed still for the War to come with Thanos. Also Phil could end up in Wakanda and we see Shuri's face and series ends on a cliff hanger.


It's hard to say. Future Yoyo said that they had to let Coulson die, which means whatever they try to do to save him will be connected with the destruction of Earth, but will the earth be destroyed by science or magic?


I think they will use the power of one of the infinity stones and the soul stone is somewhere in the lighthouse. That is what I want to happen.


Coulson is the Soul Stone!

Dylan Carpenter

Either way the answer has to be science. “Magic is just science that we’ve yet to explain.”


Avengers 4: The Couslon Project


I say both, wherever there's magic there's a scientific component .. Like magic killed Coulson in 2012 but science brought him back with the T.A.H.I.T.I project.. As Hive would say, " It's all connected! "