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Do you think Team Flash will still use some form of the Cerebral Inhibitor to combat DaVoe in the future?



I think that was just like a version 1.0 of it, Savitar said that is where they came up with it, which they did, but I reckon wells will make a version 2.0 in a future episode to fight DeVoe with.


I said yes because even though he used killgores powers to break the other one. They have time to make better and make is so that Killgores powers dont affect it.


Yeah. Hopefully they use it to somehow save the country girl. I want my g Ralph to be happy.

Tucker Lobner

I feel like this has to be the way they defeat him/her/it. Maybe the wife will be the one that fixes it in the end


The weird thing is Harry designed it with Kilgore’s powers in mind. He said hacking it should have been impossible. Cisco even said that it might still have worked in some way. I’m sure it’ll come back.

Dylan Carpenter

Even though it’s true that Savitar never said it would work, I don’t think he would have mentioned it if it was just going to fail on the first try.

I Am Groot

DaVoe...eskwees me? But yeah I think so. I think they will put it on the metahumans that DeVoe wants and then DeVoe can't take their body. That way Ralph can live.

Andrew Courtney

I am also hoping Zachary Quinto would somehow be his last body even though it won’t happen. Just trying to understand how Kilgore’s powers affected it without internet connection. Can it just affect any technology?

Andrew Courtney

My other thought would be maybe his downfall will be clearly losing his wife’s affection as well as relying on other meta powers instead of his meta super thinking.


What's interesting is that the trailer for this episode (ik you guys don't watch them) included scenes that weren't in it. I think it was meant to mislead us so that's interesting


I voted yes because Savitar wouldn't have mentioned it if it didn't have some significance. On other note Barry and Ralph working together should be interesting even though when he first appeared I liked Ralph I thought he was gonna be a comedic relief character it's good to see the writers adding depth to his character each episode


Why don't they just bring go to the future and see how he beat davoe


AS AAron would say yes you big doedoe

Kevin Bartelen

They wouldn't introduce it now just to discard it. Also Barry didn't forget about the Cerebral Inhibitor, he just had no idea what it was to even try to create it until Harry said it's name.

Darth Skhorrn

I say no. I'm betting that Cecille's telepathy is the unknown variable he never accounted for, and will be the key to stopping him along with his wife.

Callie Stephen

I think it’s just an early version. I think they will use that design with a small change to change things. I also think there is an unknown factor we haven’t considered, be it Cecile or someone else, that will alter the outcome.

Ryan Witalison

I'm thinking because Barry and Iris knew nothing about this device outside of what it was called they rushed in a bit too quick since they knew they used it and had they worked on it a little more it might have worked or at least they would have accounted for Killgore's power.

Christophe Kanaa

Barry isn't a genius. Barry is smart but nowhere near a genius. Cisco, Caitlin and Wells are geniuses. The mind of The thinker is as fast as barry is so him using mind based powers as fast as barry run to be able to work against him shouldn't surprise anyone. Also i thing the block devoe did wasn't that large and Barry came to protect Ralph since trying to force the block can burn you like it did when Barry tried to breakthrough that, plus i think it's more of a cage than simple walls. Finally for the Devoe being too op, i think the drawback of that was said in the episode, his body deteriorates faster and he is losing his mind too, so he has weaknesses that where exposed to us already.


I think savitar was messing with them.. at that point he was pretending to care about them trying to help them. Or in his timeline devoe never got kilgores power and it actually worked


that would be awesome ! i think kilgores powers are just technology based. He turned off all the cameras at the prison which operate without internet


In the future timeline Barry never got trapped in the speed force so couldn't be released from it and empower the bus passengers. So Devoe's plan must have been different.

Anthia Grant

I think Team Flash will still use some form of the cerebral inhibitor against DeVoe. But I'm still guessing DeVoe's wife will turn on him and Cecile will contribute somehow since she can read minds.




I think they will have to find another way, Savitar's phrasing was "use against Devoe" not beat "beat Devoe" the writers are so literal.


Yes, for an item that was spoken about by savatar and now Harry has created it, must be used more in the future. Even tho It didn’t work, they will modify it to help


savitar's comment about it could have been a red herring of course, but i can't imagine they'd have him comment on that specifically, of all things, in the previous season, just for it to immediately be eliminated once we have it. i also absolutely believe marlize will turn on clifford in the end. i'm curious if she'll have any involvement in fixing the inhibitor


Wells didn't seemed convinced that it was 100% KillGore's powers that broke the first inhibitor. Something fishy went on there........


i think it will comeback to be used to combat him because Devoe keeps taunting Harry about not being smart enough. So maybe Harry will develop a stronger inhibitor


It cannot be a one and done thing and I believe Harry wants to be outsmarted by the dude in a woman's body


Yes...also lol at Aaron's and Eric's face when I made the joke of Aaron being right for once


It seems too important because of the way they introduced, I think Harry will make a stronger one!


I think the reason it worked on savitar's devoe was because he was from a timeline where killgore didn't exist. That future barry was in the time vault grieving for iris and didn't go into the speed force for 6 months so the bus metas were never created



M. Casarico

I think that they need to make it where the tech is not noticeable by DeVoe.


your previous reaction has been claimed by WB might need to reupload


If they do, they have to get around the Kilgore powers. Which seems too much like BS to happen.