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Do you think Vincent Sobel "Vigilante" is really dead and done?


Dylan Carpenter

I feel like with all the build up of his character this season and last, this was an abrupt end of his story. He’s survived death before, so I expect he will be back at some point.


I think he’s alive I mean why build him up so much just to kill him ? & he & Diana need to fuck he didn’t get any pussy the whole time he was with her last episode he need that girl lol


Dood his face turned grey


Is anybody else really mad at both teams and wants this split team shit to end?


I feel it looked like he started healing when “laurel” walked away


Im more annoyed with NTAs attitude every time they work with Ollie and company.


I feel like, from a writing perspective, if he stays dead, it gives a much better character arc


I hope he isn't, but I think he is.


His brain has to be mush and the brain gone would leave anyone a vegetable. Not joking here its a fate worse then death to be brain dead

Seany McBuckets


Seany McBuckets

Side note: I was getting a serious Dark Knight Rises vibe with the whole city under hostage situation. And how the Argus agents were killed like the FBI agents in DKR

I Am Groot

Hopefully Black Siren and Vigilante have formed their own plan so Vigilante can come back when everyone least expects it. So yes, alive.


No exploded or decapitated head = no death for the guy with healing powers.


Voted yes, that scream had to have destroyed his brain from such a close and precise distance.


I as well voted yes, I don't think he would put his love through that kind of torment like that if he could help it. he would say something.

Ryan Gordy

The fact that they didn't find the bomb is entirely Dinah's fault. Curtis and Renee did nothing by going with her except to be there to lift the beam off of her neck. Also they torture Lance every season with dead daughter shit, give the guy a fuckin break


his death looked very convincing but i say no. just because the whole story about his character and how he got introduced last season as a mystery. the end of his story just seems to fast. also there are 11 episode left to go sooo... enough time


voted for yes! :)

Ism Zam

No. Because ...healing and...stuff

Tucker Lobner

I don't see any reason to bring him back, so I feel like they just killed him off


Last season was so good but this season is kinda crap. Its had a few good moments but I feel like Arrow being the first of this DC tv verse it is held back by its first 2 seasons and I hope they end it next season or the one after. Id still like to see most of the characters in other shows but Arrow is just a flawed show.


Let's recap, shall we? Rene betrays Oliver and is going to testify against him in court. Oliver kicks him out of the team. Newbies actually side with Rene? And blame Oliver for what exactly? Tracking their GPS? Which is something that even parents do. Heck if I got paranoid about having my GPS tracked I'd have sued Google a long time ago. Now, Rene, the actual traitor is lecturing Oliver about TRUST!? This plot doesn't make any sense. That said, I do think he is dead, or his sacrifice and how it "boosted" the plot forward would have been for nothing.

Kevin Echeverria

Yes he is dead. I could eventually see Dinah stepping down and becoming the new vigilante and laurel becoming the new bc ( although I do prefer laurel being a villain )


I don’t think so, mainly because we finally got some background and development for him. Killing him this early feels like a false flag so Dinah can go all revenge style and redemption arc. We don’t know the extent of his healing either.

Shane Dunlop

The fact that they showed backstory like that was actually a classic sign that he was likely to be killed in the episode. I was expecting it since the first scene of them meeting in central city.


I feel like he's not dead. I think it's possible Laurel stopped before he died, and he's just temporarily out of the picture, to build up even more annoying twists. Dinah will probably go after Laurel, who is in the process of turning on Cayden, and will start to kill her, Oliver will step in and try to stop her from killing, but Dinah won't listen and then Vince will stumble in and Dinah will question her motivations enough to stop. Then Dinah will question who she became and whether being a vigilante was a good idea, and her and Vince will leave town together and Laurel will be the Canary for the next season.


GODDAMNIT GUYS, you guys spoiled the vigilante death for me. well, atleast I think he is dead. I say he is still alive and this was all a ruse to get Dinah to go off the rails.


He dead, its not like this is a show where dead people can be brought back to live, right? RIGHT?


It's honestly too hard to tell, I was never really sure which side he was really on. It kinda feels hollow as character deaths go, but he's not a main character or villain. If Cayden had recruited Deathstroke, for example, and they played out a similar scenario I think that kind of death would be more impactful.


him switching sides was to quick and dying and remember he said their is no button dinah has that he doesnt know how to push


I think he’s not dead and when Dinah is in her bad place, killing people, he will return to show her the way. I hope the drama with the team split ends, because I love the rest!


I really really hope so, this season could do with a (sort of) surprising twist. Plus I really started to like the character so I would enjoy seeing more of him.


Here's what's gonna happen. Dinah's gonna be all about killing Laurel. Then when she's close to doing it. She's gonna find out that he's alive, and then kill him and forgive/stop trying to kill Laurel. But for real, f*** this team split plotline. They are all being dumb in one way or another. You'd think people in a more realistic situation would be like, "Hey. We failed to get the bomb, and you guys failed to save Vince. Maybe if we were all on the same page. We would have been successful in at least one of those things." God. I hope it doesn't drag on for too long.


Where the hell is the FBI? How come it's taking Oliver so long to get a court trial when Barry's was in the following episode?


Other people said it, but if they were gonna seed the character last season, "do nothing with it" then just kill him early this season. Why get an actor, leave the mask on, save the money for James Bamford!


I think he was introduced to make it harder for people to guess that Adrian Chase was Prometheus, so everyone would think Chase was Vigilante instead.


He probably would have lived if nta at least went in with a plan. But no he dead.